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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 240x240, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2244096 No.2244096 [Reply] [Original]

>he hasn't bought BAT on liqui.io before it explodes
The ICO was literally hours ago. It's dirt cheap right now, and it's a new kind of crypto that provides a decentralized advertising platform. Brendan Eich, who invented JavaScript and Firefox, is the one who invented it, so it's not a shitcoin.

Just a friendly tip.

>> No.2244105


t. whale who got in at the ICO and is selling at 7x profit

>> No.2244114

if I were a whale I would be holding my coins until 1 USD+

>> No.2244171

But Javascript and Firefox ARE shit.

>> No.2244276 [DELETED] 

how do you get BTC into liqui

>> No.2244282
File: 108 KB, 1488x894, BAT Backup address.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still 1eth for 6400bat?

>> No.2244290

I can see this blowing up not because the coin is any good...because I looked into it and it looks pretty shit. But because everyone is quick to try to catch the "next big coin" so it'll be bought up anyway then dumped and remain dead like the other hundreds of coins. Their mission is far too broad to be able to actually contribute to global blockchain use

>> No.2244387
File: 30 KB, 914x1091, BYgmMHb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2244524

firefox rules

>> No.2245598

> tfw fell for the massive FUD
> planned to go all in (120 ETH) on BAT and then flip
> pussied out and half-assed the buy attempt with 250k gas
> If I sold on liquid right now would have made over 400 ETH so more than 100k
Just fucking end me. The ICO kikery is off the fucking charts, so many retards buying at more than 5x price. The only good news is that the token will need years of RnD so maybe opportunities down the road, but fuck....

>> No.2245626

>It's dirt cheap right now
yeah 7x ICO really cheap.

fuck off retard. it will dump down to 2x like everything else.

>> No.2245644

Cant compete with whales dumping 10+ eth on gas for each transaction to get on the ICO. the first 3 blocks basically got hosed.

>> No.2245687

Something like 200 transactions went through.
There's still 3k in the backlog getting denied.
The masses had no chance.

>> No.2245699
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, Monochrome (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feed the fucking whales that bought the entire supply to flip for x7 you mongs

>> No.2245772

It's bullshit long term. Shit will never catch up.

>> No.2245779

Firefox ruled in the mid 2000s but got left behind by Chrome and Chromium-based stuff.

>> No.2245800

*catch on

>> No.2245823
File: 149 KB, 750x725, nocoinerwar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT will be worse than shittcoin tier within a year

>> No.2245827

Inb4 moon

>> No.2245845

ICO price was vastly undervalued. The fact that so many more people wanted in but couldn't shows that there's a lot of demand for this coin and its price will go even higher once it's listed on the big exchanges. It won't be under 10k sats for much longer.

>> No.2245848
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, Monochrome (42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga.

>> No.2245855

People only wanted in for the ICO gains, this coin has no future, no one will use the browser

something like 5 guys hold almost all of the coins, great market guys!

>> No.2245866

>he thinks this is a pump and dump coin
Stay poor nigger.

>> No.2245874

t. shills posting negative reviews of BAT so they can buy it cheap

>> No.2245967

2 ETH in, let's do this boiz

>> No.2245992

cool story nigger. I've been following BAT and was the first person on /biz/ to talk about it. suck a dick with your vague FOMO faggotry as if anyone with experience with this shit would fall for it.

>> No.2246095

has this shit hit the exchanges yet? whats it currently valued at?

t. got fucked over on the ico today

>> No.2246170

oh i got some. i guess this is as ground floor as possible if we buy tonight. i'm just gonna close the exchange and not look at it for a few days

>> No.2246386

so should I PnD this coin or HODL?

>> No.2246394


>> No.2246401

as soon as this gets on Poloniex it's going to skyrocket

>> No.2246412

How long do you think I should hold for to get decent gains?

And is it true that it's owned by mostly whales?

>> No.2246473

Only stupid niggers dont understand how good this coin is. Easily worth billions which is 10x gains with current market value at liqui.io

This guy is well connected in the industry and is going to be basically shilling for YOUR benefit to every silicon valley asshole hes ever met, all of whom believe any piece of shit JUICE SQUEEZER or PETS DOT FUCKING COM is unicorn (billion dollar) idea. Like how difficult is it to see the massive upside here hes fucking innovating in the most lucrative space of tech ADS. Google is worth 600+ Billion

Advertising on the internet is tens of billions of dollars a year and this is the best shot at shaking it up.

>> No.2246487

Don't listen to this shill and the rest newfags. The token literally is a way to give back to the people who helped fund this project and it's useless as hell. Invest into something worth while, not this crap that sold off under 24 seconds.

>> No.2246612


Proves its high in demand

Once this shit gets off the no name shitter exchange liq.io and hits Bittrex and Poloniex, this coin will go NUCLEAR

Easy $2 end of year

>> No.2246625

biz seems split on this coin...and I don't know if the liqui exchange is trustworthy

>> No.2246667

24 seconds because everyone wanted in on the ICO hype. Plus I mean only a few hundred people bought it.

300 whales buying this shit doesn't prove a high demand, it just goes to show the market is in their control

>> No.2246668

The ERC-20 compliant coin called the Basic Attention Token (BAT) sucked in $35 million in less than a few blocks… the ICO started funding at block 3798640 and accepted its last deposit at 3798642. They raised $36 million and it was all over in under 30 seconds.

Allegedly only 184 were able to buy in with a few people dropping in significant ETH to hit the cap within seconds. With less than 200 wallets controlling the supply, including a small number whales who purchased over 5 percent of the total supply each according to reports at Reddit.

>> No.2246674


High demand as in 184 people actually able to buy and about 10 of them controlling the market now.

>> No.2246690

What price to buy?

>> No.2246701

7k sats