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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 63 KB, 619x495, tax cuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22437781 No.22437781 [Reply] [Original]

How did the American economy even function before Reagan became president? Taxing the rich doesn't work. It's socialism. Glenn Beck said so.

>> No.22438064

No one should have the right to have over 20 million dollars of liquid cash on hand. There needs to be ceiling. By having 9 figure millionaires, youre creating Feaudalistic society. There should be 5% tax for everyone who has less than 20 million

Fuck celebrities and fuck ceo's

>> No.22438125
File: 136 KB, 640x800, 1599767251109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slight of hand when the post ignores the role payroll taxes also contribute to an effective tax rate. Also ignoring people that are net positive taxes due to being in the dole.

>> No.22438353

>How did the American economy even function before Reagan became president? Taxing the rich doesn't work. It's socialism. Glenn Beck said so.

Dont make fun of conservatives man.
Theyre dumb, obviously, but they feel really ganged up on like scared puppies in a corner.
That leads to retard world with donald trump.

>> No.22438587

>94% tax rate
yeah, I'm gonna call bullshit on that

>> No.22438621

>No one should have the right to have over 20 million dollars of liquid cash on hand.
You don't know how a large scale business operation is run. And furthermore you have no desire to learn because you are content with mediocrity.

>> No.22438666

>business is a single person
fuck off. Go back to sucking off celebeities in Cali. Gradual tax and trickle down economics is a joke. There should be a ceiling tax with a flat tax. The economic world we live in is literally the same as Lords and Kings. The founding fathers wanted to avoid this. There were no multi millionaires in America until Rockafeller

>> No.22438736

And they should outlaw having nomoney too. And more laws! More laws = better world right?!! Wait, are you saying I can live in this ideal world right now?!! All I have to do is move away from the last free speech capitalistic country on this planet?! HOW EASY! but I think I'll just stay and subvert your way of life that's endangered because I listen to CNN glowniggy Jews. Sad I know but many such cases so...

>> No.22438752

Income tax is the greatest sin government has ever created, used only to fund wars with greater and greater destruction.

>> No.22438801

Lmao you're a fucking loser poorfag that probably can't even scrape together $10K if your life depended on it. Enjoy being angry at other people's success your whole life while never putting in the minimal effort required to experience it yourself.

>> No.22438834

What about other countries Satan? Were there millionares there? So how do we compete with them with disproportionate wealth/power? So if I want to start a company, don't I need millions of dollars?
What if I want to start a business? A business like building low income housing... Would something like that cost, say... 20million dollars? But what about the poor low income niggers? You dontnwant to hurt them and increase the wage gap do you?
Now my business is launching. Satalites and building self driving cars!!
Yes I need 20 million at the very least, you triplenigger

>> No.22438835

>having 200 million dollar celebrities who tax evade constantly is a perfect society goy
>What!!? 5% flat tax for people who arnt millionaires! THATS INSANE.

>> No.22438836

Seriously consider suicide communist filth.

>> No.22438865

i have about 300 k to my name. You act like i want to tax everyone above 2 million dollars.
Im simply stating, anyine who has 20 million dollars should have to pay a lot more taxes than anyone who has less. A lot more.

>> No.22438885


>> No.22438927

You're fucking retarded

>> No.22438938

>i have about 300 k to my name
Wow daddy must be proud his son turned out to be a faggot who brags about money he didn't earn.
>Im simply stating, anyine who has 20 million dollars should have to pay a lot more taxes than anyone who has less.
Sorry we don't live in retard shouldland where everything is as you claim it should be. We live in America where you have the freedom to private property and to do business. If you don't like it you can kindly fuck off to some shithole communist state that redistributes the wealth and the food and the healthcare etc.

>> No.22439021

>its your daddy
i made all of my money through crypto. My dad didnt lend me squat. I cashed out about $70,000 of my crypto so far. I had to pay 35% tax.
I want it to be 5% tax.
Yet im the communist? okay
>We live in America where you have the freedom to private property and to do business

>> No.22439028

Sure you did champ, whatever you say

>> No.22439056
File: 1.57 MB, 1242x1218, 1522178471543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How true is this image? What were the tax brackets like before Reagan?

>> No.22439058


>> No.22439075
File: 240 KB, 800x563, ropeday5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is obvious to everyone you possess no skills or have any abilities that would end up with you making more than minimum wage. No wonder you are a communist fuck. Seriously rope yourself.

>> No.22439087

>no argument

>> No.22439137

im done. I say tax for everyone below 20 million should be 5%, but i guess that makes me a communist.
Agree to disagree

>> No.22439188

Nothing more sad than a bunch of cucks who make 30k a year screeching about taxing the rich because they're deluded into thinking they'll be billionaires someday

>> No.22439229

>effective tax rate
Your post is a literal 3rd grade level understanding of how taxes work.

>> No.22439234

You can say what ever you want child. Good thing is no one is listening to you or ever will because you possess no value in this world. Learn a skill and get a job communist fuck.

>> No.22439239

>What you DON'T like when the government steals people's money for stupid shit? Psh, deluded much? You'll obviously be poor your whole life so therefore your main objective should be to fuck everyone else over.

>> No.22439387

Pretty true. But this only applies to regular income schmucks like doctors, lawyers, engineers

The real 1% club get their wealth from capital gains. Those are taxed at 20% and have hundreds of deductions to bring it down to 0%. Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the planet and he pays no taxes

>Socialism is always about attacking the upper-middle class and letting 1% oligarchs take over everything

>> No.22439392

> fuck everyone else over

It's like 500 people my guy. We have very different definitions of fucking someone over. Having 9 - 11 figures left after paying tax isn't exactly suffering

>> No.22439468

>no one will listen to you
many politicians have advocated a flat tax at one point. Republicans have. I simply state there should be a very low flat tax for everyone below 20 million and a very high flat tax for 20 million above.
You sound like some european old money fuck

>> No.22439482


Exactly my thoughts.

Carlin was so right. Conservatives are a bunch of temporarily embarrassed millionaires

>> No.22439550

It's about time we bring back the guillotine

>> No.22439624

That was during WW2, when we effectively had a command economy.