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22428142 No.22428142 [Reply] [Original]

>oracles can use the mempool as a data source
they can pull data straight from the mempool as transactions are made without any extra fitout or adaptation of the tx. my brain is melting

>> No.22428175

More like the meme poop

>> No.22428189

Oracles like the Matrix? Black womxn power!

>> No.22428250

Gud one m8.

The way things are going I could honestly see a future where both PoW and PoS are obsolete.

>> No.22428262

now you know why the best incentive is no incentive

>> No.22428267

oh look, another empty buzzword feature that wont come out anytime soon
>still not T sigs
>still not mixicles
>cant even get staking near complete
but, im sure this is the real game changer!

>> No.22428269

I don't know what it means.
Except it isn't making the price go up.

>> No.22428287 [DELETED] 

1 yeet = 10 eth
4.20 snapshot price 80% sold out ico 9001 cap https://yeet.dance

>> No.22428289

Wow thats so interesting. Now find a usecase for chainlink that warrants a price tag of a dollar if you can.

>> No.22428319

i dont understand fren

>> No.22428339

Yeah this means transaction isnt private. Token not needed

>> No.22428445

Token not needed anymore it seems

>> No.22428511

This is a problem that Ari has been working on for a while, dealing with frontrunners in the crypto space where bots wait for transactions to come in, whether they maybe market buys or sells, and one up those pending orders with their own at a higher gas fee to get the jump on them and get their transaction confirmed before the regular users' transactions. So you can buy crypto before a big buy order comes in to sell off for a quick buck after the order raises the price and can hedge your wealth knowing that a big sell order is coming in.

>> No.22428628

Funny how crypto did not have problems before Ari & Sergey started to came up with them

None of these are problems, they are just snake oil parroted phrases "muh orakul problumo"

>> No.22428666

just because you aren't smart enough to have visibility of the problem, doesn't mean it doesnt exist

>> No.22428719

Buddy you don't need to ironically fud anymore, there are teams of chinks actively trying to attack us already.

>> No.22428838

Just read the article, holy shit. Ari, ic3 and chainlink once again behind years ahead of anything else in the space. It's basically the solution to the flash Boys paper from last year, all done with off chain oracle computation. Eth will just be a side layer to chainlink rather than the opposite.

>> No.22428841

Front running has already been solved just not by chainlink team. So sad.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah aahhahahaha

>> No.22428865

Imagine the potential when combined with the other pieces like deco, tsigs and arbitrum too.

>> No.22428920

As always with chainlink and Ari what's brilliant here is that it offers to solve a problem under the guise of being fairer etc but at the core the real reason it'll gain traction and the way its being designed is to be economically viable ie it's just another way to get eth to scale and reduce gas costs, to make chainlink an inevitable standard with a finger in every pie while making eth more obsolete. This is why vitalik hates it.

>> No.22428965

>i can't wait for Nexus Mutual to provide diarrhea insurance.
I hope you can.

>> No.22428971

Thats not why at all . suck a dick faggot

>> No.22429067

>to make chainlink an inevitable standard with a finger in every pie while making eth more obsolete
Whenever someone compares ETH with LINK as though they were competitors instead of complements, you know it is a low IQ tard who bought >$10 because a youtuber recommended it.
If you are retarded enough to believe this you need to continue researching because you don't understand LINK sufficiently.

>> No.22429096

ETH isn't going to be a complement of Link for long if it keeps failing to deliver.
If Vitalik wasn't such a brainlet and managed to fix ETH's problems then we could all be millionaires by now.
Until then the LINK team will find alternatives to replace ETH piece by piece

>> No.22429293

Digits confirm Ari and Sergey do NOT sit around getting high thinking up problems to make money with.

>> No.22429324

you wrote something and you think it means something, but it actually doesn't

>> No.22429355

insider here. sergey is actually backpacking through thailand with the ICO funds eating big macs and doing coke off bbw asses

>> No.22429361

absolute brainlet.. chainlink is taking nearly all the computation off-chain and cl nodes are getting the cut of all that work. all the while that sergey works with the evil overlords that vitalik wishes to banish in his utopian dreams

>> No.22429389

this is insane. chainlink team are probably hyper iq extraterrestrial aliens who will uplift humankind

>> No.22429391
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> orca whales can use meme pools to make money off of stoopid neets

>> No.22429406

>The Etholic fears the blockchain agnostic

>> No.22429429

In since 20 cents, midwit
It's about moving the computation off chain or threshold batched through link nodes

>> No.22429650
File: 109 KB, 682x1082, F2C871FFFEFE41B0965E6D02232BB442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when Chainlink became unfuddable?
I was sit at home when Sergey said "Chainlink is win"

>> No.22429745

Arpanet came first before www. Dial up before broadband. Bitcoin and Eth before...

>> No.22429751
File: 205 KB, 317x495, 53E1EB5A-E857-4B66-A9FE-5F52564A222F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where’s link going to? Lmao.

>> No.22429756
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>> No.22429802

>Big Macs

Anyone whose anybody knows Big Macs in Thailand aren’t the same as Big Macs in USA aren’t even the same as in Europe. Thai Big Macs are disgusting.

>> No.22429814

newfag detected

>> No.22430119

It means a contract can direct txs into Chainlink oracles to perform front running-proof transaction ordering and the people making the transactions have to do literally nothing because the data can be lifted straight from the mempool. bruh.

>> No.22430125

Money go up?

>> No.22430238

anon just purchased 1 yeet


>> No.22430254

i meant 100 yeet for 1.1 eth

>> No.22430300
File: 63 KB, 680x567, brainletdensity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto did not have problems before Ari & Sergey "started to came up with them."
Oh my GOD just fuck off back to your xrp slide thread you shit-for-brains twitter nigger.

>> No.22430575

Hahahaha. Op is Rajneesh and must go shit on the street!

>> No.22430723

Bump for no more front running cz bots literally btfo

>> No.22430736

The thought of CZ seething is the best part of the whole thing. Fuck that conman I can't wait until DEXes take his entire lunch

>> No.22430781

More like yert brapware

>> No.22430879
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Only a matter of time now

>> No.22431018

>crypto did not have problems before Ari & Sergey started to came up with them
Ok, the "token not needed" shit is stale as fuck at this point, but THIS is just absolutely hilarious.

Check the gas prices recently, batty boy?

>> No.22431062

Bump. Chainlink will destroy thousands of jobs. How can we stop the network of oracles, /biz/?

>> No.22431076

Who fucking cares it's getting flipped by flare network in just a few months.

>> No.22431129

> Normie jobs
Protip normies add limited value to a system which is why they're so readily replaced

>> No.22431158
File: 47 KB, 406x420, fatoshibetrayoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big question though: what will normies do after software steals their job? Most normies are really comfortable doing meaningless paperwork and being sociable.

>> No.22431225

Everyone downplays, fuds or ignores your post OP.
What do you suppose that means?

>> No.22431268

Link was born on eth but its outgrown it, there is no competition or reliance, eth is going to be optional going forward

>> No.22431294

Most will fill their lives with similarly mindless drivel in the form of TV or games. I expect mankind to continue to get dumber of the next 50 years. With a massive technologically level playing field I ironically think we'll see far more wealth concentration (and that's a good thing)

>> No.22431307

Someone wanna give the elevator pitch and describe what problem this is solving?
>t. room temp brainlet

>> No.22431405
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A serious roadblock in the future was solved prematurely. Could also have other unforeseen benefits also. Shows a lot of competence in the people developing. Full enterprise adoptions will happen sooner than most would expect.

>> No.22431425

Can you describe what this future roadblock is and how it’s being addressed?
>t. freezing temp IQ

>> No.22431442

based fpbp op btfo

>> No.22431485

Accessing information without additional tx's
Cost and efficiency improvement

>> No.22431492
File: 59 KB, 720x705, 1599389522757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he only understands the whitepaper and hasn't kept up with the medium articles, arbitrum integration and new papers like mixicles and deco

>> No.22431495

read again
"oracles can use the mempool as a data source"
you don't have to wait for the blockchain to finalize the transaction in order to use the data

>> No.22431504

>Another blog post about another project Sergey will buy from Ari using your money then do nothing with while struggling for years to work staking out

>> No.22431586

Imagine you can see the future and act on it in order to interact with other people who can see the future and might be doing bad things.

>> No.22431619

Thank you bros

>> No.22431849

What's the point of this ineffectual retardation? I'm not even annoyed by it, just curious as to why anyone would sit here and type out such utter crap over and over and over again

>> No.22432045

Swing traders or delusional trannies or maybe even marines with PTSD from 2018

>> No.22432060
File: 1.82 MB, 1244x1008, yous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are hungry for (You)s

>> No.22432201

Have a you fren

>> No.22432443


You mean frontrunning is not a problem on truly decentralized dexes?