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22425302 No.22425302 [Reply] [Original]


Listed an hour ago or smth
Liquidity locked
Admins very responsive
Not even 50 holders atm
Atleast not a rug

>Could easily moon way beyond anyone expectation
(price slippage is high due to not that big liquidity so if you're buying get in smaller amounts)

You can find all other info in their TG as well so please DYOR


Ty anons and good luck

>> No.22425314

where did you learn about it?

>> No.22425326

And yes the code is somewhat similar to YFBeta code so they got that which is great.

>> No.22425367

In a tg group then I joined in

And honestly I've been in many rugpulls and I am 99.9% sure this one aint one.
Plus its only starting not so many holders and not many ppl even know about it

>> No.22425382

the code works great, dev and everyone in tg is just great, price is good and liquidity is locked
so much potential

>> No.22425402

Bought it

>> No.22425435

Pajeets realized their schemes needed a new layout. Pay close attention to this layout and never forget it. Don't be a retard and fall for this shit. It's all copypasta.

>> No.22425468

do some research, i am glad you will miss out on this, just because u are a lazy fudding scumbag
read a little

>> No.22425472

Literally do atleast one bit of research you monkey..this is funny as hell but yeah anyway thx for the bump much love faggot <3

>> No.22425498

Ok stranger on the internet, I will 99.9% believe you

dumbass pajeets

>> No.22425504

its pumping get in

>> No.22425532

You don't have to. There is a reason i said "DYOR" and to hop in telegram and think for yourself. This is crypto, how the fuck can I know what can happen..I'm just saying for now its looking very good and its very early.
I saw biggest shits in crypto at 500 holders so yeah..DYOR!

>> No.22425534

>I've been in many rugpulls
>I am 99.9% sure this one aint one.

>> No.22425570


>> No.22425584

Yeah 99.9% sure
That 0.01 is there because its crypto and who the fuck am I to know what could fcking happen. This post is not a financial advice, its a fcking "letting u know this shit is out" type of post. Its up to you my dear friend to decide what u gonna do with ur muneys

>> No.22425628
File: 122 KB, 439x350, thatll-be-a-no-from-me-dawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll pass. Your spelling and grammar is more than enough to show you lack a proper education. You've posted literally no breadcrumbs for any sort of research in any way shape or form. Your posting format trends with the latest rug pull scams.

>> No.22425633

You're better off buying YFI, YFFI, YFIE, QQQF

>> No.22425652

hhahaha sure you are wasting your miserable life here because you know you are safe here on biz from your shitty investments

>> No.22425657

Yes i am here on 4chan to be grammatically correct! Yes!...
I'm in YFI ofcourse my man

>> No.22425704

Ok, let's go there, shall we? Post any sort of information why you feel this "just added" scam is going to be beneficial in any way shape or form other than making some dark skinned poo poo face pajeet rich?

>> No.22425766

Well they have been active for some weeks and they're trying to do everything YFBeta does. Which means if they even scratch YFBeta market cap it is 10x from here :)

>> No.22425802

this thing has some serious potential 40 hodlers ffs.
it will go further than beta in price

>> No.22425840

>they're trying to do everything YFBeta does
Then buy YFBeta because you don't want a copycat.

>If they even scratch YFBeta market cap it is 10x from here.
That's a big "if." Would you mind posting any reason why you think they'll make any real progress more than a PnD scandal? Even so much as a medium article?

>> No.22425902

if you know a thing about beta you know it is unstable and that the dev is very very suspicious
this will go 100x simply cuz the suply is smaller and market cap is what? 100k?
so to answer your question i need to ask you a question:
is it more likely that beta will get 10x in price or a fresh low mc gem?

>> No.22426029

>if you know a thing about beta you know it is unstable and that the dev is very very suspicious
this will go 100x simply cuz the suply is smaller and market cap is what? 100k?

Your argument is absolutely baseless and a pure gamble. Why would you want to invest in a project the thrives to be an unstable shitcoin?

>this will go 100x simply cuz the suply is smaller and market cap is what? 100k?

Not a chance. Again, no facts, no arguements - just a pure gamble and wreaks of shitty pajeet rug pull.

>so to answer your question i need to ask you a question:
is it more likely that beta will get 10x in price or a fresh low mc gem?

Again, not a chance.

Care to post a whitepaper? An article to describe the projects objectives?

I rest my case.

>> No.22426194

Well boys this will moon whatever you do really..so yeah good luck boys <3

>> No.22426209
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Don't do this anons

>> No.22426397

Thanks, just gambled 1 ETH. Make me rich!

>> No.22426451

its going up