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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22424445 No.22424445 [Reply] [Original]

Hello frens, I'm literally a day old in crypto. Should I care or just leave and never come back?

>> No.22424473

Day trade or ngmi

>> No.22424616

won’t make it if you don’t stick through at least one bear market, so take profits and don’t use money you need three months from now. Go slow and never shoot your load all at once, pinch the tip intermittently so you don’t waste it all.

>> No.22424814

yes you'll just make less than 10x what you could have if not more but now would be a good time to buy. The general consensus for th e last 3 years has been BTC, ETH, and LINK. More coins coming up though so keep your eyes out for good picks. But don't buy anything other than those 3 until you can confidently pick scams from legit projects

good luck nigger, you'll need it

>> No.22424826

Whatever you do don't day trade

>> No.22424930

I came here in 2015 (from /pol/ and /fit/) and made a post like yours asking about bitcoin.
Then left back to /fit/ and /pol/.
Then came back in November 2017 and started buying link since, sure I'm lucky since I accumulated 50k linkies through 2018, but if I stuck around in 2015 I would've probably bought Eth back then.
Now I'm telling you this story so you don't make the same mistake, you found /biz/ stick around, don't leave then come back at the peak of the bullrun like I did just to live through a huge bear market expanding for years.

>> No.22424957

Yea your post sums up mine except I didn't ask about it, just lurked and instead of buying linkies sub $1 I waited to FOMO into mainnet because I didn't do my research. /biz/ is the only board I regularly go to now, it's more entertaining than /fit/ and /pol/ combined imo. Although that might change here in a couple months

>> No.22424985

Ah sums up my experience on /biz/*. Worse yet I remember checking the LINK price out of curiosity one day when I stopped being a NEET to see it was 13 cents and figured I had another couple years to take my time researching (and never did)

>> No.22425276

Below is a blueprint that will allow you to succeed:

1. Continue your regular program that involves sucking cock and begin the transition to becoming a taint huffer. I'm not talking about any cock -- I'm talking the big, black, veiny fuckin cock that has the stench of a ringling brothers barnum and bailey wild animal cage that hasn't been cleaned for the entire circus tour lasting 9 months out of the year. That will allow you to easily transition into becoming a rabid taint huffer from your already preferred dark skinned penis-loving status.

2. I see you are doing the devil's dandruff in your pic. Start smoking questionable concoctions made from weird everyday cleaning products laying around your unironically still in the closet father's toolshed and throw said ingredients in a water bottle, shake, inhale, get ICP tramp stamp, enjoy.

3. DO NOT FORGET THIS ONE. It is the most important. Buy a fuck load of XRP and start trying on your moms high heels while your family is thoroughly enjoying their 'regular' family outting without you since they purposefully decide not to invite you because they are sick of you being around.

Have sex fgt.

>> No.22425331
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kys tranny

>> No.22425397

Study for a year before you trade
When you want to buy, write down the token and the price then check those picks every month if you do well on paper if 6/10 gain in ETH Start trading
Otherwise buy and hold for 4 years

>> No.22425995
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