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File: 14 KB, 184x274, btcretro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22421685 No.22421685 [Reply] [Original]

This board has turned me into a bitcoin maxi.

I used to think altcoins added value to the ecosystem. But as it turns out they just drain liquidity into useless dog shit and mislead n00bs.

>> No.22421769

>mislead n00bs.
That's whole point of these shit currencies. Shilling it to retard noobs till it moons and then dump it

>> No.22422213

Literally just stack sats for 5 years and you’ll be rich af in less than ten but these idiots get sidetracked by alts

>> No.22422333

btcs on its deathbead. boomers gave america to israel and now china by supporting btc. smfh.

>> No.22422569
File: 56 KB, 1481x963, xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked riptard

>> No.22422813

checked and /thread
buttcorn is dead, not even chinks use it for capital flight anymore

>> No.22423678

>not even chinks use it for capital flight anymore
obviously they wouldn't want everybody to know if they were.
the commies would chop their dicks off if they found out.

>> No.22423694

put some fucking effort and read about the environment surrounding the defi market faggot

>> No.22423718

Dying old man.

>> No.22423724

I'm mostly here for stocks but 9/10 posts are either shitcoin shilling or pink wojaks

>> No.22423962

MKR is the only defi project that makes any sense whatsoever.
All the rest do is brick ethereum's blockchain.

It sucks, because ether had a lot of promise and it's made me a lot of money so far. It backs its own stablecoin and host its own decentralized exchanges.
But it's mostly being used for convoluted scams that will only end in pain.

>> No.22424029
File: 817 KB, 620x920, Sound_Money_Sound_Mind_-_Dr._Satoshi-01_620x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you post thumbnails? Is it because you don't know how to use a computer and you're a bitcoin maxi joke?

>> No.22425102

thank you.
i couldn't find the big one.

>> No.22425215

>Bitcoin maxi
>Doesn't understand DeFi
>Doesn't understand DeFi is where the biggest moves (gains/losses) in crypto currently exist at this time.
Boomer. Go home.

>> No.22425249
File: 103 KB, 648x428, yam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get YAMMED jeet!

>> No.22425278

Hold a conflicting thought in your mind at the same time.
BTC is obviously long term HODL.
Allocate some to DeFi too and you get the best of both worlds (e.g. AMPL @ 10 mill mcap <- that was me)
Or: Stay poor :)

>> No.22425307

>But as it turns out they just drain liquidity into useless dog shit
so literally bitcoin?

>> No.22425336
File: 55 KB, 450x437, DISGUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The last time I made an Altcoins... thread, it got deleted by a newfag tranny janny.