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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22419380 No.22419380 [Reply] [Original]

Should have listened...

>AUDIT: https://www.xmmtoken.com/static/media/MomentumAuditReport.3aca8545.pdf

>MEDIUM ARTICLE: https://medium.com/@xmm.momentum/momentum-explained-fece28e55d17




>Locked liquidity:
Initially provided Uniswap v2 liquidity (70M / 77M) is locked until 12/21/2021

>Where to buy:

Note: Depending on the momentum status and transfer size, your transaction will have a 0.75-4% transfer fee, set slippage accordingly

>Price charts:





A balancer pool has been initiated for the project.

It contains ETH/LINK/SNX/XMMx(XMM/ETH liquidity token) at a 25/25/25/25 split


medfren is not a fren at all in fact he is a smelly mexican faggot.

>> No.22419495

>Medfren is a stinky Mexican faggot


>> No.22419693

How much to make it?

>> No.22419933

Alright, you win. If it's audited its a guaranteed 10x at least

>> No.22419988

100,000 coins.

>> No.22420014

It's audited bro get in while you can still stack fat bags easy

>> No.22420312

So this is how it feels to make it!

>> No.22420491

Were early as fuck, just hold on for the ride bro

>> No.22420523

>falls by .0015 from today's high

Why do you have to be like this? Is it human nature to see something climbing to the moon and say "I wanna fuck that up"?

>> No.22420649

Let them fail, we HODLers will win.

>> No.22420694

>Uniswap locked liquidity
Oh no nigga I’m not falling for that shit. Lock it up on Unicrypt and maybe then I’ll take this seriously. You’re not rug pulling this SOB.

>> No.22421023


>> No.22421055

Even if dev dumped his ~10%stack the dynamic burn would offset much of his price action dent

>> No.22421124

Anyone know how to verify the liquidity is locked? Unicrypt doesn't show anything.

>> No.22421242
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Fuck it, I'm in

>> No.22421263

the token has been around for almost a month.

fully audited dude. I bought before liquidity was even locked. just dump your eth in there

>> No.22421335

Does this mean you guys don't know? I honestly don't know how either. I see its in a contract so that seems good but I don't know how to tell what the contract does

>> No.22421394

None of them know. I asked a few days ago for proof, and the answer was along the lines of, "trust me dude, it's locked"

>> No.22421415

dude its right there if you look into the links. the second one has univ2 tokens which are LP tokens. just use your goddamn common sense. it wasnt listed on uniswap just today. why do you think its 1mil mktcap now?

if you cant use etherscan gtfo out of uniswap coins

>> No.22421440

Welcome aboard, train is on the move.

>> No.22421453

I was waiting for the audit to be complete. I’m loading My bags now. This thing is an easy 10x

>> No.22421456


Read the audit and check etherscan

>> No.22421501

Yeah I know what Uni tokens are and I already said I can see that they are in a contract. I am looking now to see if there's a way to tell what that contract does but if anyone can save me the time I'd appreciate it

>> No.22421539


>> No.22421649

Jesus christ you smooth brained faggot im not gonna lay out the audit for you when its literally a website away. Move your fat retarded sausage fingers in the appropriate pattern to go to the website and click the about section, then scroll down and click the hyperlink that says "audit report"

>> No.22421656

I'm just a humble small-time investor.

>> No.22421663
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love this pump

>> No.22421675

> I am looking to see if there's a way of knowing what this contract does

This is what I wanna know too!

>> No.22421697

I'm not a jeet, want me to post my hands?

>> No.22421705

The audit has nothing to do with locked liquidity, they weren't asked to audit that. You do understand that right?

>> No.22421896

If I’m smooth brained then you must be no-brain. The audit was about finding flaws in the code not about it being rug pull proof you moron

>> No.22421995

>was going to buy the dip
>looked away for a minute
>it doubled
>now it's crabbing


>> No.22422195


Etherscan io/bytecode-decompiler?a=0xfdba6feecdf75d2be2595a048141da210b324315

>> No.22422269

These pajeets just want to be spoon fed curry. DYOR faggots

>> No.22422279


>> No.22422349

def release() payable:
if block.timestamp < releaseTime:
revert with 0x8c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,

>> No.22422423

yeah I played around with that, don't know what to make of it. The OpCodes view is actually looks a lot closer to something I'd understand.
I'm guessing he made his own contract for it?
that is at the decompiler link?

>> No.22422466

>that is at the decompiler link?

>> No.22422517

Ok I see it, sorry. How does one tell when that release is?

>> No.22422579

No idea.

>> No.22422582

Just updated.


>> No.22422627

Fucking nice! gonna buy shitloads more now.

>> No.22422630

FUD btfo

>> No.22422653

Are you stupid? that's the right one.

>> No.22422668

I'm agreeing with you dude

FUD is btfo

>> No.22422690

I think corona got to you a bit, pretty sure he's saying the FUD got btfo'd.

>> No.22422699

Oh sorry, misunderstood, im tired.

>> No.22422714

Anyways, fucking comfy as fuck with XMM. Man... Life as a XMMARINE is great.

>> No.22422738
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And yes I am stupid, but I'm not retarded

>> No.22422899
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>> No.22423216 [DELETED] 

how do you convert that into a date? Is the time 6 o'clock?

>> No.22423246

how do you convert that into a date? Is the time 6 o'clock? or 9 o'clock?

>> No.22423435

>made it into the top 150 holders


>> No.22423712

How do you check this?

>> No.22423751
File: 6 KB, 299x169, annoyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in crypto for only like 2 weeks. How the fuck do people like you still not know basic shit like checking etherscan holder rankings, how to buy things on Uniswap, how to find charts on chartex or dextools, etc. I figured that shit out in my first 3 days here. Why do I always see people like you asking retarded questions?

>> No.22423784


Go here and go to hodlers to see who is hodling.

>those whales with millions

I'm guessing I'm going to be eating their dumps for a while.

>> No.22423792

Fuck you, nigger. I know how to buy shit on Uniswap. I have a life outside of /biz/ you retarded shitlicker

>> No.22423842

Aave fucking slow.... Lemme in!

>> No.22423854

I don't think you will see most of the whales dump for a while as long as the coin continues to show promise, but yes some of them likely will, but thats the nature of any early coin. They dump multiple people will buy it up so we end up with it spread out more. Will cause some dips, but if you believe in the project especially one that discourages whale dumps like this then its still a good buy

>> No.22423891
File: 97 KB, 850x754, (´・ω・`).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at it, it looks like there are people who spent literally thousands of dollars as soon as the coin launched purely so they could have millions.

Crypto and the "make it" idea is nice but it feels like we're just going to all repeatedly get fucked as long as there are /actual/ rich people who think nothing of dumping a few thousand dollars on a coin that could easily turn out to be a scam, purely for the chance it moons and to control that mooning.

>> No.22423947

I bought this coin about 6 days after launch after the initial pump wore off. Threw in about $1,000 i had on some other shitcoin. See what happens...

>> No.22424008

obvious scam.
look at the 2page white papers LOL.
unprofessional as fuck. going fucking nowhere.

>> No.22424031

Kill yourself

>> No.22424043

i flipped this shit first week it went up.
made an x10, got out before rugpull.

be smart when swinging shitcoins. don't lose your cash.

>> No.22424154

Found the stautist

>> No.22424733

This is interesting. Have an eth

>> No.22424739

>pumping nicely the last few days
>token gets audited
>liquidity confirmed locked
>called a rugpull

Umm wat.

>> No.22424763

DEV IS RUGPULLING IN 10 MINUTES, talked to him and it slipped

>> No.22424783

Dude... Weak fud

>> No.22425039
