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22413517 No.22413517 [Reply] [Original]

any of you seen his advice? I watched a few of his videos and can't recall a single helpful thing he said

>> No.22414012

>Just fucking do it!

Gee, what incredible sage advice there Gary.

>> No.22414192

S to Spit on this guys face


>> No.22414501

It's inspiration porn. Empty and worthless

>> No.22414529

Don’t be waste your time bro! Start now bro!

>> No.22414538

Hes so fucking annoying

>> No.22414562

I could tell from one clip that this guy falls into the "successful, but not helpful" bucket

>> No.22414569

like most stuff in 2020, its hollow and meaningless buzzwords

>> No.22414612

people paid real money (dollars !!!) to see this guy produce hot air from his lungs to be morphed by his face sphincter into verbal dogshit. This guy is a fucking moron living off his parents wealth, and packaging it as his own. Somehow, a less appealing Bilzerian while being 1.5x the manlet. The only reason 50% of his views hip exists is to physically recoil at this Stuart little faggot bragging about shit he has no idea about.

>> No.22414664


>> No.22414698

He's just a motivational speaker using his success that everyone was doing in the early days of Google AdSense was doing. He got lucky and is an asshole.

He angrily shouts words of sarcastic encouragement calling people lazy who criticize his message.

He gives no REAL business advice and is dangerous to the youth that takes his word seriously.

>Drop out of schooling? Really?

It's especially alarming when he has no real idea whether that student's education is paid for or not. I can tell you one thing, a decent degree education is like a cheap index fund. It may not get you rich but it's almost a guaranteed method of making more money than a McWage job.

>> No.22414767

Alot of his advice is fairly good. be frugal while starting a business, taste as much as possible before deciding which field you really want to go into, take advantage of the fact that you dont have responsibilities when you're young, etc. but at the same time, it's mostly common sense. he's like the jordan peterson of entrepreneurs.

>> No.22414812

i follow Gary V and while i admit a lot of the stuff he says is cookie cutter motivational shit, he occasionally gives me a very useful piece of insight. He's one of the more tolerable motivational social media guys for sure

>> No.22414834

Post every day, know the hell out of your product, engage with every comment. Basic stuff that many creators neglect.

>> No.22414867

I don’t work in a industry related to my college degree, but if it wasn’t for my degree I wouldn’t have a chance to even get an interview.

In many countries you still need a degree, not everyone is so woke like in the valley.

>> No.22414921

I hate that stupid fuck. Literally makes money off of entitled plebs who think parroting some bullshit philosophy will make them rich. Even looking at his face makes me cringe.

>> No.22415132

>a decent degree education is like a cheap index fund
if that's what you're looking for just get a trade school education. you save money and don't waste time on extra bullshit classes required for graduation.

>> No.22415236

I think he’s probably alright when it comes to running his own business but he’s essentially the ultrakike who shaped the wantrapreneur landscape we see today. His presence in the space ultimately made things worse, but I guess it was all going there in the first place

>> No.22415388

idk, 4 year degrees usually land you cushy office jobs. That said, I only got one because it was paid for through scholarships.

One must invest in their own intellect if they want the finer things in life.