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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22410253 No.22410253 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that this is your last chance to buy ALGO for a good price before the bullet train leaves the station. We will not remember you and we will leave you behind. Don't miss this.

>> No.22410315

Daily 0.35 algo

>> No.22410659

Thank you good sirs.
This circus show of volatile internet fairy dust is over

The American dream team
The one the only.
This will be used to diversify my portfolio to the other projects the teams are on.

They are brilliant
They are measured
And they are the standard


>> No.22410951

Hi /biz/,

Silvio here. First of all, thank you for buying my shitcoin. The SEC requires that I notify you of the 10B coin supply that we will be continuously printing and dumping on you over the next couple years: https://algorand.foundation/algo-dynamics/

Please do not let this discourage you though. Our VC backers need your financial support to pay for our continued research (and hookers), and as a reward we will pay you a whopping 5% per year staking returns for holding your coins! Do not worry that our buddies are all running relay nodes which pay more and require no stake to operate. They promised us they will not immediately dump all those free coins they are receiving every day for doing nothing. And no, this is not at all like those scammy VeChain Authority Nodes. This is different because we’re white.

>> No.22411135

Got anything of legitimate concern or will you just keep fuding the same old MuH tOkEnNoMiCs?

>> No.22411149
File: 124 KB, 1000x750, 1598819932584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>algo conspiracy just posted