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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2240954 No.2240954 [Reply] [Original]

>Graduate HS next week
>Finance degree at private uni
>65,000 a year

How fucked am I lads

>> No.2240982

Try to get the highest grades you possibly can so in ~4 years you can land a position where you are making a ton of $$$ and there is room for growth. Don't be a wagecuck like us. Also, don't drink to much or do any hard drugs.

>> No.2241011

I'm European and I pay literally 0.000€ for my university, I even get some pocket money for being in the top 10% of my class. Also today evening I'm having a 100% free MRI for which I waited only 2 weeks
Keep feeding the 1% americucks

>> No.2241025

most important thing is to study CONSISTENTLY

university is NOT much harder than high school, the huge fucking trap is independence

noone gives a shit about your homework or excuses, just get the shit done.

Force yourself to study for whatever class you had like right after the class if you can for at least an hour.

Don't put that shit off til the next day and say youll add it onto your schedule, because you'll only compound the problem

and get a fucking job or something

>> No.2241035

Don't waste your time at a private college. Go to a small community college your first year, get credits that transfer to a four year. Pay for that out of pocket. Transfer to a public college or state uni, same degree. Private colleges are worthless unless and only run you debt.

>> No.2241152

First thing you need to know OP is do not under any circumstance listen to this fucking faggot here.

For finance if you outsource your assignments online you will only need a week per semester to study for and attend exams.

If there are oral presentations see a shrink and tell them it gives you panic attacks, your tutors DO care about these excuses and they will give you more written work which you can outsource as normal.

Now you are thinking you have 50 weeks a year to do whatever the fuck you want. But OP you are wrong. You need to spend that time doing shit like working at some actual company, do not get a fun job at a bar, get one selling mortgages or something that just requires a short course. Do the fucking charity work. Get drunk on weekends and bang hot girls.

If you do all these things you will be well ahead of the curve by the time you graduate.

>> No.2241357

what uni? Mine is like 20k per annum

You done fucked up

>> No.2241664

A good private university will pay most of the sticker price. Otherwise you're better off going to a public.

>> No.2241734
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>Private Uni

That's your problem. I did two years at a community college and then transferred to a state university. Paid like 30k all together for four years.

TL;DR You fugggged m8

>> No.2241748

Go to community college for your undergraduate. Make sure the credits transfer and you're golden. Money well saved OP

>> No.2241828
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>got accepted to top uni for 60k per year
>qualify for financial aid and pay nothing.
>feels good man

>> No.2241934

At least if I make significant 6 figures I don't have to give 50-70% of my paycheck to the government like most European countries. I heard Belgium taxes business owners up to 70%.

>> No.2241960

Listen to this man

>> No.2241972

Don't do opioids*
Anything else will help you

>> No.2241990

Yea. Let's compare taxes.

>> No.2242036

>tax for wealth redistribution and affordable public services like education and healthcare
>"I'm free to have no health insurance and be in debts to banks because I want a degree"
>"I'm free to be dominated by the 5% richest"
>"muh freedom kys gommunists!"
I will never understand burgers

>> No.2242092

Have you ever done the math on that?
Paying for college and health insurance is way cheaper than the extra taxes. Especially if you end up making a lot of money throughout your life.

>> No.2242112
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if your parents aren't paying for it, bail on that retarded ass idea RIGHT NOW. you will be doing yourself a favor if you take a year off over that.

i went to a private uni for my grad degree and while it was good, it wouldn't have been worth it if i had to deal with the bill. was good but not $60k in debt for prob 5 years good.

>> No.2242116

Your degree means nothing IRL. Just work a shit job and invest in crypto.

>> No.2242156

>you pay more in taxes than you benefit from healthcare and education if you're rich
>you pay less in taxes than you receive in healthcare and education when you're poor
>wealth redistribution for equal oportunities in life
>the riches should always have the advantage and always be able to increase their advantage
How jewed is murica?

>> No.2242188

>punishing the rich for working hard and creating jobs
>rewarding the poor for being lazy and leeching off the system
It's one thing if its just healthcare and school, but lets be honest that's not all those taxes go towards

>> No.2242196
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>> No.2242202

This famalamadingdong. Plus you can apply for all sorts of scholarships if your grades are decent

>> No.2242204

This. Drugs are great, but don't do opiates or smoke too much weed. Everything in moderation; except for opiates. Really though, if you just put that 60k into a safe crypto and have decent intuition, you could have a stream of $1k daily with 1-2 hours of day-trading.

>> No.2242209

>Can't tell by OP's language that he isn't American

>> No.2242332

>implying the rich are hardworking and the poor are lazy
The working class works 16 hour days with no benefits while the hardworking rich spends $30 on avocado toast and latte

>> No.2242350

Thanks for subsidizing my education. LSE was like 3k GBP a year for me even as an amerifag. I used your health services and and women for a couple years, then flew back to a real country where I got a job at a hedge fund.

No debt. 170k a year. Eat a bag of dicks, Europe.

>> No.2242366

$65,000 * 4 year = $260,000


What's the point of learning finance when you make THAT much of a terrible financial decision right of the bat. You're gonna have NEGATIVE 260,000 FUCKING DOLLARS. Imagine if you had put that much money in crypto instead.

>> No.2242371

That's your first lesson in finance hahahaha. I hope it was at least a top tier school, OP. Else, you're fucked.

>> No.2242392

Sorry buddy but putting together burritos at Taco Bell and greeting people at Walmart isn't hard work.

>> No.2242440

How did you go through 4 years of finance classes without running the cost-benefit of a $300k finance degree?

I got my finance degree for $40k, and I guaran-fucking-tee you my school's program was ranked higher than yours.

I honestly don't understand this level of foolishness. I wouldn't hire you on pure principle, clearly you don't know how to make sound financial decisions, why would I ever trust you to make decisions for my company?

t. F500 mid-level manager.

>> No.2242444

Wait wait, it gets worse. I just realized OP is probably British.


So he probably meant 260,000 GBP which converts to $335,270 US Dollars. HOLY SHIT YOU'RE SO FUCKED. LMAO

>> No.2242490

Isn't British uni free?

>> No.2242833

lol no.

>> No.2242867

50 on profit more like bit still a lot

>> No.2242899

i would advise you to pick a different college (public, or even better a 2-year transfer if you're in the US). unless you're accessing amazing, hedge fund-level networking opportunities, that price tag is not worth it.

>> No.2242917

start building your resume
>build experience via clubs and internships
>learn other additional skills not included in program