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2240751 No.2240751 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2240766

if you jump onto the telegram chat which notifies its members about upcoming pumps and tips, you probably will be

>> No.2240876

gonna throw 2 ethers at it, and 1 at bat

i think bancor is going to be big, bat is might be good, but new browsers always takes years to adapt

also threw 1 eth at myst

>> No.2240886

Ya i was thinking polybuis too mb but bancor is for sure

>> No.2240923

What is Bankor?

>> No.2240946

How does one buy into this?

>> No.2240947

did they announce the ico date ?

>> No.2241318

The crypto market bull run isnt even going to last until July you dumb fuckers.

>> No.2241353


what do you mean?
is it all going to collapse?

>> No.2241365

Opera's a lot better than Brave and it didn't catch on. Use Brave at imagefap and watch as imagefap kills Brave. Then spit on Brave and uninstall.

>> No.2241366

Watch this one get bought up in the first block too...

>> No.2241377

How does Americans buy bancor? You better answer me this time anon or I'll I"ll I'll track you down I will.

>> No.2241388

Lookie here guize we gotta soothsayer on the board, your tea leaves tell you that?

>> No.2241426
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join bat

>> No.2241430

That's a lie, even if it completely tanks it, it has to reach a few trillion before it can (((collapse))) efficiently, and there still be profits to be made, just for the minority, not the majority

>> No.2241570

You need btc or eth and you just sigt up and buy they coins at 25% bonus value at the firststage

>> No.2241668

They detect americunts and block Tx because they're all Fatophobes.

>> No.2242734
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No. Everything will be bought by whales, same as BAT. You'll get nothing but crumbs. Byebye thai ladyboys, byebye lambos.

>> No.2242794

You can buy it now at bitcoinsuisse. However, fee is fucking high (100 CHF)

>> No.2242842

just bought in through bitcoin suisse. see yall on the moon

>> No.2242848
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Why the fuck can you buy there already if this thing hasn't even started?

Oh wait, I think I know the answer

>> No.2243243
File: 240 KB, 404x404, ip.bitcointalk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is fucking exploding, get in now as fast as you can!!

>> No.2243323


Bitcoin Suisse is an amazing service. I always go there.

>> No.2243472

How can I get Bancor through them? Can I create an account as an Burger-American?

>> No.2243477

nope, we americans are fucked

>> No.2243491

Nevermind, scrolled down and found it.

>> No.2243501

Will participation in the ICO ensure allocation or do I have to be a good goy and cough up 100 CHF?

>> No.2243508

what you guys think about polybius the bank thing

>> No.2243619



Does it work like BAT ICO or is there not a hard cap?

>> No.2243646

there will be a hard cap, like BAT. in the telegram they said they're trying to take steps to avoid the BAT situation but I have my doubts

>> No.2243673

This ICO, fucking when?

>> No.2243682

probably delayed a bit more because of the BAT disaster

>> No.2243684

tbqh, hard caps are bad

just make it so when it hits the cap they want, they'll start a 1-2 minute timer and let people purchase all they want in that timespan, and then shut the vaults

that would atleast allow the tiny fishes in to get some, but whales would just buy more i guess

or prevent single accounts from investing more than like 100 eth max

>> No.2243762

Ffs, there's no way I'm forking out 100 CHF

>> No.2243781

I couldn't if I wanted to, europoor. You should seriously consider it imo. Aren't we here to make it big? How much is that in the long run?

>> No.2243869


Europoor here too. 100 is around £80. Just under an 7th or 8th of what in have to play with. Since I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket, and am not sure what sort of return I'd get on BANCOR I'll have to try try my luck I think

>> No.2243904

Newfag here, when it will be possible to buy BAT for example on bittrex for BTC?

>> No.2243919

Almost definitely yes

>> No.2243933

Might have to bite the bullet and pay the Swiss shekel fee just to ensure my ticket on the spaceship.

BAT looked like a disastrous piece of shit from miles away and yet anyone who bought in has already made 10x their initial investment.

Bancor looks like it could completely overhaul the global financial sector. I might have to go balls deep.

Always go with (((them))).

>> No.2243951

gas prices was almost at 9-10 ether per transaction

but thats nothing when you can throw a couple thousands ether at it

it annoys me to no end tho, i just wanted to buy one eth worth of bat, and i wasn't even allowed to do that

>> No.2243952


>> No.2243985

What estimate are you thinking for a return? High enough and the 100cf fee becomes less concerning

>> No.2244004

use atleast 0.1-0.2 eth in gas price

you wont beat the whales, they have bots to do this kind of shit, but you might scoop up their remains

>> No.2244061

You gentlemen might want to follow the bancor telegram, the devs have said they are concerned and think they have a (((fair))) solution but there will be a cap. Take a look at this as an idea for solving the issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/6eh7bl/an_idea_i_had_for_a_solution_to_ico_fomo_madness/

>> No.2244086


Developer here, can't be that hard to script this

>> No.2244095

This might be a stupid question, but isn't Parity doing the exact same thing?

>> No.2244111
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BAT will die, it's been less than a day

Give it a month

>> No.2244112


>> No.2244203

Jesus Christ

>> No.2244701

I'm new, sue me.

>> No.2244759

You'll be hearing from my lawyer

>> No.2244769

How do I get some of these bots? Seriously?

How do you get a bot which puts money in ICOs?

>> No.2244853

you write them or have someone write them for you. It's probably a bit niche to be on the market

>> No.2244874

I'll try to throw one of my five bitcoins at it. This could easily be a x10, possibly much more if the idea is as good as you say and it really catches on later.

Rookie question: If I manage to get my tokens and the price goes up by say x10 soon after hitting an exchange, should I sell immediately? Or is a good reception rather a sign of more to come?

>> No.2244887

selling bancor is like selling bitcoin when it hit 3 dollars

>> No.2244909

it really pisses me off how the tech supposedly made to decentralize shit is still super manipulated by rich fucks

>> No.2244922

doubt you'll be at the right exchange at the right time, in 3 minutes the price will already go down.

>> No.2244995
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>> No.2245015

so when does the sale start?

>> No.2245031


>> No.2245044


>> No.2245060

>implying you weren't going to do that anyway
You're not fooling anyone fagit.

>> No.2245067

1) You will not be able to buy at the ICO. Whales will corner it

2) We don't even know how many BANCOR tokens we get for 1 ETH

3) Why should this coin go up anyway? If its going to act as constant liquidity for all shitcoins, it's going to be so inflationary. I just don't see why this would appreciate overtime.

>> No.2245078

Says the chat doesn't exist?

>> No.2245099

>you need a selfie holding id
yeah no

>> No.2245108

Do people actually fall for this shit nigga?


>> No.2245116

Why? we dont even know the total supply, inflation rate, etc

Its just a convoluted mess.

>> No.2245139

>I just don't see why this would appreciate overtime.


>> No.2245152

Who cares? Something being convoluted but vaguely promising is what makes 100x profits possible. Look at ETH. This happened because people have no idea what crypto is worth, but they're sure it's worth more than it is right now. Do you realize that this entire market is purely based on speculation? Nobody actually uses crypto yet.

>> No.2245290

so much this.

opera died although it has awesome features like the sidebar with messenger(WA, FB, telgram), PiP video ... i just can't see why the brave brwoser would find adoption and the whole concept with advertisers needing to buy BAT to advertise
i hope all those greedy fuckers who bought up almost every token will get burned hard(but i guess they are still going to make 2x gains or w/e)

>> No.2246232


I think the point was the bancor protocol enabled smart tokens to be created and destroyed - "democratising credit creation".

I might be wrong though I got water on the brain.