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22406110 No.22406110 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22406115 [DELETED] 

1 YEET = 10 ETH

>> No.22406118

Let me get a LOKI x EURO chart sir

>> No.22406131

KEK. I hope it will end up below 1€. Britbongs 100% deserve that, they had a second chance to vote it off and they didnt

>> No.22406262

It would be seriously hilarious if GBP falls below EUR.

>> No.22406291


>> No.22406294
File: 75 KB, 482x427, 111E36CD-5B4E-4A29-A747-3D6371D4C37E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw wage is in GBP

>> No.22406295


>> No.22406325

Insta convert them to euros. At least that way they won't loose value. After the second Rona wave, GB is done. You imploded yourself.

>> No.22406328


>> No.22406339

It's going to 0.9 after Brexit. Screencap this.

>> No.22406362

OH fuck. I totally forgot about this. Your guys still have no deal brexit. US will so fuck you. Hey reddy to eat their genetically modified chemically proceed chicken tendies.

>> No.22406377
File: 88 KB, 469x339, FAE9FDB6-9422-4DF2-8F53-70F03B0FC3ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep bringing in niggers to feed! LOL! Back to work! LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Britons never will be slaves!

>> No.22406378

It was lower a few months ago and it bounced back up, 1.08 is not unprecedented.

There are just too many salty remainers or EU cocksuckers ITT and I am not even British, but fuck the EU kikes.

>> No.22406395



"The U. K. is completely finished. Our demise will all be blamed on the lockdowns. But the truth is, we were already done for long ago. The lockdowns are being forced on us in order to provide a plausible pretext for our collapse. It is a manufactured hysteria.

We have even less manufacturing than America; one third the gold, per capita, of even a country like Sweden; don't even feed ourselves; and are one of the most heavily indebted countries in the world. We are a nation of baristas and welfare-recipients. We fund ourselves with borrowed money by issuing gilts, and function only because yields are so low. But they are only so low because of trillions in money-printing via Q. E. Once all confidence in the pound is lost, and hyper-inflation sets in, we'll have absolutely nothing left. Real yields are now deeply negative, so a bond market crash is imminent.

Once foreign investors stop buying our bonds, and cause the BoE to monetize the debt entirely, everything collapses. Nothing will be cut, because there won't be anything left to cut. No NHS, no state schools, no pensions, no dole--absolutely nothing. Our welfare-state is funded by borrowing, and, when the borrowing stops, it all shuts down in the blink of an eye.

I usually post this documentary in threads about the U. K. It's called "The End of Britain," and got millions of views a few years ago before Youtube purged it. It is narrated by the libertarian economist Dominic Frisby. Nothing has changed since it was made; only got far worse. Everybody who wants to understand what is going on right now should watch it. Then exchange their pounds for gold and silver Britannias, and buy the GDX and GDXJ on the stock market, as fast as they possibly can.


>> No.22406403

>1 GBP == 1 USD

>> No.22406417

totally deserved desu

>> No.22406438

>1 EUR = 0,903593 GBP
rofl, I didn't think it was that serious, holy shit

>> No.22406500
File: 442 KB, 527x588, 1584335504480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coast literally stormed by machete-wielding invaders
>Economy crumbling into nothingness

>> No.22406533

Should have submited to the roman empire
Anglo cuck

>> No.22406666

this is really bad as we are an importer, we make fuck all and we need a strong currency to exist. But we cant raise rates as our debt to gdp is over 300%. We are truly fucked, nearly have enough saved to get the fuck out of here and work in singapore

>> No.22406739
File: 1.64 MB, 1919x1439, 20200911_124531_HDR_1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive got an exit route too

>> No.22406764

quads check em, Blighty is fucked

>> No.22406881

Spain will collapse without british tourism and exports to UK

>> No.22406911

So you move from a failing island with hyper inflation and a failing state to a failing socialist state with hyper inflation. Sarmt

>> No.22406992

lol are you retarded

>> No.22407342


>> No.22407344


It's worth noting that Canada has literally no gold reserves. As in, not a single one-ounce coin to its name.

>> No.22407393

Don't they have a fuckton of rare metals though?

>> No.22407509

Imagine being so absorbed in your world view that you can't see this because of Corona and brexit. 4 years ago you fags were saying
> brexit finally UK is free and based

The economy goes to shit and it's because muh immigrants. Get off the internet and open your eyes

Make sure to categorise everything I've said as "kike brainwashing". It will make it easier to ignore me

>> No.22407513


Canadian miners produce about 180 tons of gold per year. To attain equal gold reserves with Germany, the Canadian government would have to confiscate every gram of gold which its miners produce, year after year, for a period of 19 years. But of course, if they nationalized their mines, the mining industry would collapse, just as the oil industry did in Venezuela.

>> No.22407537

This 100%
Fuck you eternal anglos

>> No.22407583


Brexit has nothing to do with our current economic situation. We were already bankrupt before Brexit happened. The E. U. is going to collapse also. Rather than bail out every other country in the union, Germany will break away, along with a couple of other countries like the Netherlands, and form its own new union, as Alasdair Macleod speculates.


"German politics, informed by two currency collapses in the last hundred years, strongly suggests Germany would choose to go it alone with its own gold-backed currency. Far better for Germany to abandon the money side of the European project. This would be a major development, leading to the destruction of the euro. But with the collapse of the dollar and the current ECB management in charge, this would be seen as an increasingly likely outcome for the euro anyway.

If a new German mark had gold backing, the Netherlands would probably join to form the nucleus of a gold-backed bloc. France and Italy have the gold reserves but lack budgetary control. Whichever way it pans out sound money could emerge in Europe, in which case the right economic policies in the UK might have a chance of stabilising the pound, because there would be a basis of comparative valuation for it on the foreign exchanges and a complete monetary collapse might be avoided. But compared with having and deploying credible gold reserves it would be rather like playing league-level football with your shoelaces tied together."


>> No.22407885


>> No.22407887


>> No.22407917

i get paid in eur but live in the uk (for now)

shitty situation all round

>> No.22408094

which means you just gained money idiot

>> No.22408473

thats good mate