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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 360 KB, 1648x1218, asspaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22388580 No.22388580[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do i profit off this

>> No.22388614

Date a girl with a fat ass and pimp her out on the internet

>> No.22388627
File: 123 KB, 290x462, 1111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's going to sell that to some beaner simp for $10k

>> No.22388628

Yeah dude pull a total Bad Lieutenant

>> No.22388647

I like huge asses as much as anyone but we have undebatably seen the niggerfication of society.

>> No.22388789

>have wife gain 30 lbs, she's like 22 bmi but bottom heavy
>pimp her out on the internet to beta simps

is this how I make it?

>> No.22388835
File: 60 KB, 1052x584, fatscience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linking to save ur son's from being retarded.

>> No.22388855

Big ass like that with a thin waist is the same as a 6'3" guy with ripped abs and large biceps that fill out a t-shirt.

>> No.22388895

disgusting ass

>> No.22388907

It’s just fat though it’s not nice. Also don’t fall for insta angles. She’s obese and just hiding it well

>> No.22388952


Kek, what a fat bitch.

>> No.22388960

>that back
>those legs
>ugly feet

>> No.22388998

I hate my life

>> No.22389049
File: 63 KB, 250x323, 1591119378927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I Love You Divine Godess!!

>> No.22389058

Pretty much this. Thick babes only look Good on pictures. IRL they are just fat and look slightly better than typical fattass you see at wallmart .

>> No.22389071

Agreed. These guys never fucked a batch that fat. The fucking smell.

>> No.22389073

> Hiding it well

Her tighs are as big as her upper body.

>> No.22389089
File: 6 KB, 200x167, 1569856594069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22389136

What the fuck is up with these dudes. I know ive simped for women i really know but holy fuckz doing it for a stranger is fucking NUTS.

>> No.22389198

Came in to say this
What the fuck is with these fat dikes thinking their fat is something of value
Really grinds my gears

>> No.22389207

>wh*Te invents social media
>wh*Te invents online money transfer
>wh*Te invents feminism
>wh*Te invents atheism
Always gotta have a scapegoat, huh?

>> No.22389225

>Also don’t fall for insta angles.
You're right, anon. I didn't see her thighs and she's probably hiding her gut in those high-waist panties.

>> No.22389237

buy DINO

>> No.22389246
File: 6 KB, 249x217, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know you're all jealous of women making this "easy money" but it comes at a great cost to their souls. God will ensure they pay dearly for whoring themselves out in due time.

>> No.22389305

You misspelled jews, nigger.

>> No.22389320

The one good thing about so many women openly being thots now is that they make it easier for guys who want more conservative women to know who NOT to get into a relationship with, since their thot history is forever saved on the internet

>> No.22389323


>> No.22389332


>> No.22389365

I like thick women but this is legitimately repulsive

>> No.22389495

only dumb niggers think that's true

>> No.22389500

I don't mind the fact that women can make easy money with their bodies
What I do mind is that the legal system gives those same women a big chunk of a man's actually-hard-earned money just because she managed to sucker him into marriage

>> No.22389598

what the fuck is that mark on the right and why isnt it a footprint?

>> No.22389697

You retard, zoom into her left torso area, it’s photoshopped badly with a smudge tool. She is a fatty.

>> No.22389725
File: 143 KB, 698x800, 20564FD3-DF36-4FA7-B66C-ECC3863B850F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22389726

It's one of her calves

>> No.22389747

Technically a girl like Belle Delphine who has made multi millions off selling lewds won’t be able to divorce rape an average guy. She’d have to marry a billionaire to get any money in a divorce

>> No.22389799

This winter is going to effectively reset the whore economy. Welcome to the New Ice Age.

>> No.22389805
File: 169 KB, 1485x520, 1567216958970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big ass like that with a thin waist is the same as a 6'3" guy with ripped abs and large biceps that fill out a t-shirt.
Retarded. The girl is fat as shit and photoshops her waist. A 6'3 guy with ripped abs and large biceps has to workout like a madman to attain that. This fat bitch just eats food and takes pictures of herself, there is no comparison. Now if you want to compare a guy like that to a girl that does squats and lunges and works out her ass all day while having a tiny waist then that is more realistic.

>> No.22389823
File: 104 KB, 750x1334, D39F1A91-6031-40FB-8990-71F096E7F121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do normal thots usually have their torsos come to a sharp point like this?

>> No.22389865

plenty of black and arab jews

>> No.22389869

Low test white boy

>> No.22389889

create or steal a nuke

>> No.22389912


>> No.22389919
File: 85 KB, 212x218, 561FF9F4-2D39-4C4A-A2AA-9675E71DF0C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22389966

Yup, like zi wrote here >>22389697
a pretty bad photoshop job.
I can notice them instantly coz I used to do this shit.
Never trust thot pics on the internet. You can make a 3-4/10 a legit smokin hot 10/10 with some makeup and good Photoshop.

>> No.22390024

That's awesome, let's keep it up. Boney ass wypipo ain't got no curves.

>> No.22390065


>> No.22390089

She has a weird nose bridge and eyes, like she's made of wax and sat out in the sun too long

>> No.22390165

>no effect on girls because they are all ready retarded

>> No.22390280

this so much
all lard from the waist down

>> No.22390675

God we need Hitler

>> No.22390768

Women disgust me

>> No.22390822

Um... no, sweaty

>> No.22390839

something about her proportions seem off. tf is going on here.

>> No.22390923

if we move they follow us like strays

>> No.22391031

this. that fucking smell. words cannot describe.

>> No.22391079
File: 29 KB, 68x148, Screenshot_2020-09-10 biz - how do i profit off this - Business Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22391116

I Love You Divine Goddess !! <3 8D

>> No.22391140

And just like that, All the /biz/ tranny posters have exposed themselves.

>> No.22391163

Newworlders all have nigger admixture in their dna.
She triggers the uncanny valley because she only mostly looks human.

>> No.22391171


>> No.22391221

She's fat but angles her pictures for social media to hide it.

>> No.22391231

Please put your mom on the line, I need to tell her you're retarded.

>> No.22391283
File: 311 KB, 1280x1599, 2b8520db5496f0dd570a7831f41abc53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All faggots.

>> No.22391328

Pig disgusting.

>> No.22391396


>> No.22391693

Let's be honest, we would not want her for wife and not to have our kids, she's only going to be used for banging.

She has a nice upper half but my got the bottom half is fucking gross.

>> No.22391769

Absolutely this, in a lot of ways I think it's better to have it all out in the open

Makes sure you don't forget the true nature of women

>> No.22392424


>> No.22392491

i want to kiss and lick and bury my face in her ass so mich bos... it hurts

>> No.22392505

Correlation not causality, obese women tend to be less intelligent and since intelligence is in part genetic they pass their low iq to their children

>> No.22392512
File: 56 KB, 540x601, smug pepe booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this

>> No.22392521

>date multiple 18 year olds
>convince them to do porn
>manager their onlyfans and profit

>> No.22392526

Gay ass photoshop

>> No.22392537

When you tell a Jew he's being a kike, does he call you anti white or anti semetic?

>> No.22392556

Hitler isn't coming back.
We need to move on.

>> No.22392572
File: 86 KB, 249x300, PENGUIN_ASS_REE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fantastic idea. My ass is fat and I can use windows paint. Mayhaps I could sell my own assprints to pay for my education? This could be groundbreaking. Gonna get into the assprint market boys.

>> No.22392585

you would of been better off posting 'that's a man' like the rest of your brethren

>> No.22392587

Literally jews for every single one of those though. Like not even up for debatw hahahahaha.

>> No.22392594


>> No.22392600

I have a 9/10 gf with big ass, who gives me nudes daily, how I can profit from this without her knowing

>> No.22392605
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would buy if i had money

>> No.22392693
File: 1.76 MB, 1104x2191, 193D333F-84EE-4D54-ABC2-08374608255B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>secretly faps in quiet desperation

>> No.22392713

Ashkenizi jews are white. Sephardic ones are not. Ashkenazi jews come from a bloodline that intermingled with whites so genetically and based on skin color they are white. They are white jews.

>> No.22392769

Well when you call them a kike you are attacking the jewish part of them. If you call them a honky they wouldn't call you an antisemite either.

>> No.22392794

Looks like a goddamn velociraptor

>> No.22392836

So you like the central banks?

>> No.22392923

Try telling that to them faggot

>> No.22392925

So we both agree jews are great at inventing and technology creation. It explains their success along with their high IQs.

>> No.22392961

That a T Rex bitch right there

>> No.22392988

Plenty of Jews call themselves white. Opinion doesn't change genetics so I could care less what the synagogue tells them (is primarily the religious ones who say they aren't white)

>> No.22393473

>the jewish part of them
You mean the whole thing?
You call them a honkey and they will be confused

>> No.22393516

>Plenty of Jews call themselves white
"My fellow whites" doesn't count.
The audacity of these people is astounding some times.

>> No.22393569
File: 60 KB, 899x725, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slampig™ clothing, sell shirts with slampig assprints on them for $40 a pop.
Simps and niggers will be lining up down the street for them.

>> No.22393652
File: 31 KB, 750x413, seanodotcom_2018-Apr-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pretty strong word for stealing and having your coethnics cover for you.

>> No.22393670

wouldn't explain why they didn't find a lowered IQ in the girls.
my theory is that what caused obesity in the moms (their diet) is behind the lowered IQ in their children (they eat junk food) which "only" affect the boys due to hormonal effects, estrogen like compounds could cause them to develop slower.