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File: 67 KB, 1098x461, bonkchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22383377 No.22383377 [Reply] [Original]

at least 70% profit to be made easily....
who's in?

Anything below 0.20 bucks is a steal imo...especially considering what the team's working on.......

>> No.22383498

BONK is crabbing hard, moon will happen before you know it

>> No.22384204

crabbing = good time to add liquidity and make some residual income

>> No.22384459

i wanna get bonked so hard

>> No.22384530

i'm accumulating right now

>> No.22384563

30c? this is gonna go waaay higher

>> No.22384706

by the way, what's the team working on?

>> No.22384741
File: 247 KB, 600x600, bonkcats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22384791

a birdie told me bonk will be farming

>> No.22384816
File: 126 KB, 1080x1029, IMG_20200901_123111_094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22384837

This is definitely preparing for a moon mission and will take the ISS with it. Count me in

>> No.22384845

Bonk = NFTs
Rarible = NFTs

Bonk x Rarible

>> No.22384867

Will they have nft farming? I keep hearing that nots are the next big thing in crypto. Is this true?

>> No.22385165

Throw an eth anon

>> No.22385457

i certainly hope so

>> No.22385578


Farmin like in the Y craze?
Rarible news is huuuuge!

Bonk is NOT on course to the moon!
Bonk is on course to outer space beyond this solar system!

>> No.22385604

Wen moon sirs?

>> No.22386000
File: 11 KB, 300x192, IMG_20200806_120150_768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22386102

This is a scam form India

>> No.22386147
File: 27 KB, 220x124, tenor (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>token named bonk

>> No.22386217

You can't even spell basic english pajeet, go back to meridian

>> No.22386278
File: 340 KB, 1000x1000, 6416F35C-32F6-48DA-AE59-BD7BCE38D0B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment we have all been waiting for. The singularity of time and space. Don’t let them miss your one-in-a-lifetime (water flowing underground) opportunity for life-changing, generational wealth. Stand Tall And Shake The Heavens. This is your chance to catch a Sephiroth-sized Masamune katana falling 69mph by the blade with your bare hands.

Destiny is knocking on the door. *knock knock*. “Anon, I heard that you have the chance to buy BONK at .20..." The word "porn" escapes from your wetbrain. And this is that moment, borne out of fear of The Long One, that you want to try and pull on an old friend. Let that moment escape you. My father would not have me buy BONK and is laughing in great despair before I slink off to my bedroom and snarkily retort “Okay, Boomer”.

When I'm not in the game, I don't have a game. Please, just wait for us to finish playing. My friends are enjoying this game and this is mine for them to enjoy. Remember to “go for it”. I watch as I see something in front of my eyes that I need to watch. I do like the game I play, it's a great experience in my eyes I find myself watching as the world moves along. A nice, good, beautiful, and entertaining little adventure I can play with my friends. I love the game and I need to play that game. BONK is that game.

>> No.22386310

Anime is stupid so are animels I won’t buy wit the marketing that I am looking

>> No.22386353

Fuck India

>> No.22386380

At least the market is serious this is just

>> No.22386748
File: 128 KB, 732x744, 47030787-91E0-455A-9D29-3B688A3B52A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22387039

Wat, why are you on 4chan then


>> No.22387286

I do agree to some degree, however this meme NFT culture is not restricted to anime. There's plenty to go around fren

>> No.22388530


>> No.22389680

I like that picture. Bonk all the way!