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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 1680x955, mOaoxFd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2238213 No.2238213 [Reply] [Original]

Do not buy Basic Attention Token at the ICO. You will automatically lose $80+ on each ETH you put in. Buy the dip at exchanges. Trust me. You get the benefit of seeing how the ICO goes without having a stake in, and then you get to buy the dip when some idiots inevitably cash out at the exchange launch.

The idea is interesting and the team is interesting, but there are no guarantees and buying at the ICO imo is really dumb. I've been talking about BAT for like two weeks on here and I'm not even buying the ICO because of this shit. They're fucking up hardcore right now and I would be cautious and hold until the exchange.

>> No.2238241

But anon, I'm chasing the next stratis and I don't want to just pour everything into bancor. I want to diversify.

>> No.2238263

Ya same here. I mean ETH just keeps rising and these guys are valuing ETH at $153? Come on. I really wanted to get in on this too.

It should be market price at the time they receive it.

>> No.2238275

>doesnt know theyre going to refund 1/4 of eth if they go over their price


>> No.2238285

>ico locks in current highest eth price
>whales have to put in less eth
>whales still put in the same amount
>/biz/ cries they didnt get in because it sold out too fast

cant make anyone happy eh

>> No.2238292

In the slack they said they will decide in the next few weeks what they will do if goes over. They just said that like 5 minutes ago.

>> No.2238295

This is not true OP.

Yes they did say ETH would be considered at a value of 150 before. But that is negligible. Everyone is paying with the same currency. 1 ETH = 6400 BAT. if 1 eth is valued at 230$ then BAT will be 230/6400. or around that in the beginning.

Also they changed their website.
When does the token sale happen?
The Basic Attention Token sale will begin on Wednesday, May 31, 2017, at approximately 8 am PDT / 3 pm GMT / 11 pm CT-China. The sale will last up to 30 days or until the cap of 156,250 ETH (fixed at contract push) is sold.
The sale of BAT will begin at the time that mining commences on Ethereum block 3,798,640 and continue until the time that 156,250 Ether has been received or mining commences on Ethereum block 3,963,480, whichever is earlier.
The contract address is viewable after reading the terms and conditions.
What crypto-currencies are accepted as payment for tokens in the token sale?
Ethereum. (ETH)
What is the price of BAT?
1 ETH = 6,400 BAT.

Does not say the 150$ thing anymore

>> No.2238297

So what? Do you realize what Stratis was at exchange launch? It as only like 2x.

Also, Stratis ICO didn't price it 35% lower than market value fucking everyone over like BAT is going to.

Trust me dude. I'm buying Bancor too, and if they don't pull this shit, I'll buy at ICO, but no way is this worth buying at ICO. It's smells too much. I'm not saying it's a scam or won't make money. I'm saying that if it's as good as we think it will be, buying at the exchange will make minimal difference, and be infinitely safer.

Diversify a little bit, but don't fuck yourself over in the process. You will literally have to get almost 2x on BAT just to make your money back and that's assuming everything goes well. For all we know, ETH is going to go up even more tonight and everyone will lose even more.

Think about it like this. That 35% you're blowing just getting the ICO could be put into other ICOs, or just holding ETH. It's a total waste. Wait until exchange. It's the smart decision. They are fucking up this ICO. The idea is interesting and I think it has some kind of vague potential. The ICO is idiotic and I'm hands off until it goes to the exchange and I'll be watching how it goes.
post image or something dude

>> No.2238300

Your argument has no logic to it. When it gets listed on an exchange, the price will account for that and it literally won't matter.

>> No.2238308

Also in addition that does make BAT's company more profitable. Which is good. You guys keep forgetting that you need the company to make money since you are investing in them. They are not fucking you.

>> No.2238314

To be honest BAT fucked up and had a statement saying ETH will be considered at a value of 150$ something like that. They fucked up first.

>> No.2238321

Dammit, you're right, I just don't want you to be. I'm sitting here exhausted trying to decide whether to put a 0.3 ETH order on Parity just in case, but fuck it, these guys have been so retarded over the past two days. I've only got 7 ETH and a few other coins after all, I should just save for bancor. I was so hyped about this coin though, the team seemed like such a winner.

>> No.2238323

The value is whatever people are willing to sell it for, that's it.

>> No.2238345

says who?
>the price will account for that
there is absolutely no guarantee that would happen at all. You cannot provide any reason to not wait until the dip at exchange launch. There is no downside.

>> No.2238359

Yea, I agree with you. Everyone else is retarded. See my earlier post.

People just saw that they valued ETH at 150. Which I think they did as a business decision. Like oh if you want to invest 2.5k fiat, then it will be 16.7 ETH. But since the price sky rocketed it made them look stupid, and then everyone else got even more retarded.

>> No.2238550

You guys seem a bit inexperienced with this stuff. Buying at ICO isn't some guaranteed gains strategy. Typically you'll be able to buy close to, sometimes below ICO price at the exchange in the early weeks/months. As long as you know the ICO price, just wait until it touches it. It will. Check any ICO and it will typically hit within 50% in either direction of the ICO price in the early days. As long as you're early, you're safe. People here are hyping ICOs way, way too much. Gnosis is the only exception I can come up with. It was just barely at 2x and never really went below that.

Make it an early exchange buy. ICO price is going to be like $0.023 apparently. I guarantee 100% you will be able to buy below $0.03 at exchange within the first weeks.

>> No.2238611


If you check their github the value of that changed multiple times. Everyone putting ETH in is getting the same amount of BAT per ETH regardless.
And like your previous post says, why would they fuck us over? They want to succeed otherwise they wouldn't market and set the cap this high and have a fairly big name behind it.

People are FUDing this way too much imo, and it's either because they can't think properly or they are trying to discourage others to buy at ICO so they can get in.

>> No.2238649
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>> No.2238680

1 ETH is 1 ETH so I don't lose anything. It's not their fault the US dollar is so volatile.

>> No.2238713

I'm confused. In the likely scenario that eth goes even higher, wouldn't the BAT token value be even higher?

It only sucks if you weren't in ETH already and had to buy in with usd.

>> No.2238718

the fuck is going on here?

>> No.2238731

Shove it up your ass you silly nigger. I've been one, if not the main anon here talking about BAT for two weeks now daily, basically fucking myself over if I had any sort of machiavellian intent making this thread.

literally from their blog today
>But, ultimately, people have to make their own decisions as to where to allocate their ETH and whether to purchase BAT. In the end, the market decides.

AKA "go fuck yourselves, buy into our ICO at $80 loss per ETH because we can't go back and change all of the bullshit after we set it up so too fucking bad."

Just let the suckers buy the ICO and swoop in during the very obvious inevitable dip at the exchanges. It will be super obvious as time goes by that buying at exchange will be the better solution.

You /biz/raelis do what you want, but as someone who really wanted this for weeks now, I'm holding for exchanges.

>> No.2238743

Bancor's paid shills at work

>> No.2238747

>Better buy at $0.03

>> No.2238765

You lose 35%+ per ETH automatically.

>> No.2239031

Counterpoint: If I'm going to hold this shit for like a few months to a year or so, aka until Coinbase opens the floodgates on ERC20 token trades, why does it fucking matter if I buy at 0.024 (the actual $24mm ICO price) or 0.035?

Also as I'm typing this ETH is on the way down to at least $210 so at this rate by the time I wake up again for the ICO everyone's whining will have been for nothing.

>> No.2239044

If you put it that way then it doesn't matter either way. Either technique will make gains. This is a long hold anyway. the ICO is just shit.

>> No.2239069

Agreed the ICO is shit but I'd rather guarantee my gains instead of cucking myself out of a sure thing by waiting for exchanges.

>> No.2239130

the problem is that with this goofy ETH price shit, you have to get like $0.046 or whatever to make anything, so buying at exchange won't even make a difference.

lets say the price doesn't change from $230, you need 35% to break even, or $0.03 so we need $0.062 to get 2x. This is a wash to me. I'd rather just scoop it at the exchange and not deal with this shit.

We'll all make money on this if we hold 1 year or mores so who gives a shit.

>> No.2239172

Anon, you're talking about fractions of a penny here. GNT is pre-alpha and hit $0.50 while BAT has a working browser, ~100k daily active users with a growth hacking plan to hit >1m by year's end, and ~150 publishers to be announced after the ICO.

This will literally 10x by August and the amount of FUD caused by retards griping over 1.5 cents is ridiculous.

>> No.2239196


that's irrelevant. 2x of $1,000 is 2x no matter what price you bought in. The actual cost doesn't matter.

>> No.2239204

yes when you are talking about 1.5 billion coins a few cents is a big deal.

>> No.2239283

holy shit I hope FUDing cuz you're retarded as fucking shit

if BAT went 2x on a $150 ETH, then there is value in the ICO below a $300 ETH

>> No.2239296


U blind :

What amount is being sold? What’s the cap of tokens? Will there be a follow-on sale?
We are targeting sale proceeds of as much as 156,250 ETH and a cap of 1.5 billion tokens. We do not plan to have a follow-on sale.

>> No.2239303

but that isn't worth buying into an ICO for over just getting it on an exchange at a continuously variable price when we know way more than we do right now.

>> No.2239305

Nobody is going to sell BAT days after the ICO at a fucking loss you fucking retard

BAT is going to start with a marketcap north of $30-40m, which is still less than Bancor's $60m+

>> No.2239316

holy shit you are a fucking retard

nobody is or will value BAT @ $24m/1,000,000,000, they are and will value it @ 1ETH/6400

>> No.2239325

>but guise wat ifs wese only gets it at @ 66% of market value instead of 50% of market value!!1 best wait an pays 100%
literally retarded

>> No.2239347

>coins never hit ICO or under

You're new.

>> No.2239362

I had 7 eth ready or this but now I'm not so sure

Thanks FUD

>> No.2239367

How can man be this determined yet so stupid. Look at crypto graphs, rarely coins after crypto breaks ico price, most of them take 1/3 of ico dip and after stabilization takes moon ride. Best example is waves, lisk, etc

>> No.2239382

The retards ITT like baby blue ID here >>2239305
are way too new to know how this shit actually goes down. The ICO is already not even worth it. It will dip, we will have much more information, and retards that bought the ICO will wonder why they didn't just wait in the first place.

>> No.2239388

idgaf i want guaranteed coins, putting .5 eth into this piece of shit

>> No.2239404

They're risen the USD price by less than 2x while ETH has mooned over 10x, BAT will open on the exchanges at 1.5-2x ICO and never see those levels again

>> No.2239405

>BAT is going to start with a marketcap north of $30-40m, which is still less than Bancor's $60m+

wtf why does bancor have such a high starting mc, source?

>> No.2239416

I don't think the bancor guys ever released a number like that, fake news

>> No.2239423

protip don't listen to baby blue ID. he has said nothing correct in the entire thread so far.

>> No.2239434

they're raising 300k ETH

if ETH stays above $200, then they'll have a $60m+ marketcap

>> No.2239445

>dinosaur still thinking in fiat

>> No.2239459

Good maybe it won't sell out and I'll actually get my hands on some.

>> No.2239470

So Bancor or BAT?

>> No.2239472

The whole idea of monetising peoples attention on the internet is stupid because it over complicates it.

>> No.2239475

Bancor, no one will use this BAT-shit browser

>> No.2239476

thats bad, higher starting market cap harder to make a profit. strattis only raised 1million on ico

>> No.2239544
File: 111 KB, 1920x1080, muhsmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exchange day Now!! We were so skill to buy in 1 hour timeframe! Time to collect our shekel!!!!!!!
>Whale dump 6300000 BAT for 1% profit
>Weak hands strong we won't sell ICO always go +500%!
>Huge spread, nobody want shitcoin
>Strong hands weak sell at loss chase after next lambo rocket
>no porift. just bag of sad.
>yfw when whale is setting up his robots for you
>yfw you are not smart
>yfw whale is smart
>yfw you were trick

>> No.2239586

An ETH is an ETH, you can't say its only a half

>> No.2239610
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While I don't agree with the guy overly trusting the coin's potential, I think you're going too far in the other direction.
You're ignoring a very basic concept of crypto: the volatility.
Having "information" or "knowing it's good now" means you're already way too late to do anything with that information. Everything about this is a gamble. If you want to wait for better security, it's fine.

But then you have to fight against every asshole who got lucky, with no way of catching up unless you make another lucky move yourself.
We don't have enough data to tell "It will SURELY go like this"
We don't have enough experience of past events to form a clear pattern
And, again for importance, "When you know it's a safe bet, it's already too late to take it"

>> No.2239623

I'm not saying when it's a safe bet. Look at ICO vs. exchange launch prices

most of them stick around the ICO price for ~1 week or so. As I already said, Gnosis is the only exception I can think of right now.

>> No.2239628
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>> No.2239636
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You should keep in mind what the investors are going to think as soon as the sale is opened though.
Everyone involved will be disgruntled at the potential loss in ETH profits and expect more of the coin, leading to higher opening prices.

Even just "hanging around ICO price" is far from a failure. With how volatile cryptos are, and with just how long wicks get in those candles, you can still make a pretty penny (10-20%) during that stage.

>> No.2239707

yeah yeah yeah, still buying though and you FUDers are too.

>> No.2239941

I was really up for this but the fact that they're valuing ETH at $153 has me out.

It actually sounds like a better idea to wait for it to hit an exchange and buy. You'll get more BAT for what you would have invested.

>> No.2240060

Wanted to participate, read everything about it.
Not gonna now. Way too risky.
Will wait till exchanges then maybe invest.

>> No.2240273

>eth is going down

The things Nocoiners say

>> No.2240828

Can I see your crystal ball, because you can obviously predicted the future

>> No.2240924

does anyone know when this will hit the exchanges?

>> No.2240936

Suppose to be instantly tradeable I thought. So I wouldn't imagine not long after that

>> No.2240945

Proof of this claim please?

>> No.2240955

How do I set up the BAT token on myetherwallet?

Idk whats going on becuase when I bought MYST that shit was a pain to setup on myetherwallet after I bought, it just wasnt working.

Past ICO's didnt give me this issue.

>> No.2240973

Holy shit you fuckers are retarded as fuck.

Reasons you're all fucking stupid:

1. You're investing in a company. The point of an investment isn't to give you a Lamborghini within 48 hours, it's to make the company successful which then means you make a successful investment. The more money they raise the more chance they have at shifting the market which then makes your tokens more valuable. They're not doing the ICO so you can pump and dump and enjoy 259052508275% returns in a week.

2. Who cares WTF an ETH is worth? Cryptocurrencies are volatiles as fuck. For all we know ETH crashes down to $2 tomorrow and then their ICO gives them fuck all. It just so happened that ETH's value shot up through the roof this week. They can't have possibly predicted this.

3. Out of EVERY SINGLE ICO EVER MADE this one actually has a competent team that have actually done something useful in their lives. Oh, I'm sorry, the fucking developer of Javascript and co-founder of Mozilla wants to get a bigger investment because of the hype. Fuck him, right? Meanwhile, you happily toss money at a team of fucking monkeys that don't even have a fucking programmer on their team. GG.

4. People are bitching about raising the cap, but then at the same time we know they'd be bitching if they didn't have a chance to get in. If thousands of people were saying to you "please let us give you more money" why the fuck would you turn them down.

>> No.2240975

I thought you just send eth to the address... The pdf doesnt say anything about setting up your wallet for BAT

>> No.2240992

Look up Brave browser marketshare

>> No.2241000

why not both, gotta hedge your bets

>> No.2241002

Is it me or does the sale countdown keep changing?

>starts in 9 minutes
>now starts in 32 min
>but it starts at 8am PDT
>1 hour from now


>> No.2241004

when is bancor ICO?

>> No.2241022

it's block dependent, not time dependent.

>> No.2241029

Go to Etherscan.io. When the block number reaches 3798640 it will start

>> No.2241037

Yeah thats what im doing.

>> No.2241060

The current address for BAT on their token page is the one we wend to or will it change for the sale like with mysterium?

>> No.2241066

We only have to send our eth to the mainnet address when it's time?

>> No.2241076

its 740 at the end you asshole.

>> No.2241082

In the myetherwallet pdf, on step 7 it says:
>In the “Token Symbol” field add the smart contract address.

Is this the same address as the one we're sending eth to?

>> No.2241095

640 according to BAT token page

>> No.2241096


>> No.2241102

whats the decimal?

>> No.2241121


But, I wanna know what the smart contract address is. Is it the same as the wallet address we're sending eth to?

Am low IQ, please halp.

>> No.2241127

Legit working back up address if the site is not loading.


make sure to send it with at least 200k gas to get priority. good luck guys.

>> No.2241135


>> No.2241136

No you're doing it wrong. You're not adding a smart contract.

Just send the number of ether you want to buy to 0x64Ee5a8fe317E9d0781a2700D2A8B19CCD4741e7

In the function signature field enter 0xb4427263

Only send after block 3,798,640 (You can see this on etherscan.io)

If there's an option to set gas limit then do at least 200k

>> No.2241137
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nice try

>> No.2241141

Is the block stuck at 564? Or is etherscan not loading shit correctly?

>> No.2241146

604 for me on etherchain

>> No.2241148

See step 7


>> No.2241153


Hope no one falls for this

>> No.2241154

the BAT ICO address incase main site is DDOSed:


>> No.2241158

Whoever's DDoSing the Etherscan site is a fucking genius.

>> No.2241160

currently 611 on official ethereum wallet

>> No.2241162






>> No.2241169
File: 142 KB, 1454x900, Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 9.17.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.2241170

haha that's awesome, so glad I'm going off the official up to date block number on the official wallet

feel good desu

>> No.2241173

i'll keep everyone up to date

currently block 620

>> No.2241174

You can use any wallet that can store ETH, then just send any ammount of it to their address. The ICO can end any minute now so you need to send like now. The

good thing is, if you're too late and the ICO is over, you'll get your ETH automatically sent back. If you don't then it went through and you'll get the ICO

tokens to that wallet when they're issued.

ICO address: 0xFb9748f64E33492bE2352385bbd20E8e6d0Fa78C

>> No.2241179


Since Etherscan is fucked

>> No.2241183

Retard, Im literally looking at the address on their site.

There's a special place in hell reserved for scammers like you.

>> No.2241185

so many fail scammers.

>> No.2241187

622 goyts

>> No.2241191

ATTENTION ATTENTION Do NOT listen to this scammer!!!


>> No.2241193

Not even the fucking same address

>> No.2241195


>> No.2241196

How much is everyone buying btw?

I'm picking up 2.2 ETH worth

>> No.2241197

But its literally the correct address you moron.

>> No.2241201


>> No.2241205


>> No.2241206

Just like the other 10 addresses posted lmao

>> No.2241208

just 1 ETH, we'll see how this goes

>> No.2241212


>> No.2241213

i'm literally shaking

>> No.2241216


I repeat the real address is :

>> No.2241220


>> No.2241221

You guys are going to regret not waiting until it hits the exchange.

>> No.2241225


>> No.2241228


>> No.2241230


>> No.2241231

Im doing half now, half later. Learn to spread risk faggot.

>> No.2241237

wow, don't think mine went through

>> No.2241238

2 eth sent. Lets see what happens folks.

>> No.2241247

Fucking ethereum wallet won't let it go trhough

fucking piece of shit
exchange it is for me

>> No.2241257


>> No.2241263

Get the Brave browser. Use it on imagefap. Watch as imagefap kills browser. Uninstall Brave browser. BAT is bats. David only kills Goliath on Saturday morning cartoons.

>> No.2241264

How much are those of you who are getting transactions through putting?

I put 500000

>> No.2241267

Too many transactions on the Blockchain.

The fees are going through the roof

>> No.2241270

I put 400000, nothing

>> No.2241279

Yep the moment block 640 was hit, fees suddenly sky rocketed to 2 ETH by default on the official Ethereum Wallet just to send 2.2

>> No.2241282


Fuck me i laughed like a Hayena on my train ride. Thanks anon.

>> No.2241283

>transaction could not be sent

>> No.2241286

Fees are too high to justify this. Cheaper to buy on exchange.

>> No.2241289

set a lower fee

>> No.2241291

>locked out of coinbase for 24hrs because of my new phone


>> No.2241292

who got in? i don't think i'm gonna make it goys

>> No.2241293

>4,000,000 gas

Special place in hell for people who fucking pull this shit

>> No.2241297

then it wont reach the Ico tho

>> No.2241298


>> No.2241301

2 ETH to send a transaction?

Big boys cucked the little plebs again.

That's why big money will always win. Fiat or crypto doesn't matter. Fuck ETH and fuck rich people .

>> No.2241307

You're welcome, smelly train commuter.
Anyway, looks like most of us missed this. Anyone have any idea when we'll be able to pick up some BATshits on the exchanges?

>> No.2241308

then fuck it not worth. last time i did one of these things it went through but took 40mins

>> No.2241314

holy shit even a fee of 12 ETH isn't going through

>> No.2241321

you gave it fucking 12 ETH fee?

>> No.2241325
File: 41 KB, 1251x517, Untitled 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did my transaction go though?
I loaded up my wallet with ~108 ETh and try to send them multiple times but I'm not sure if it worked.

Like one of the tries is grayed out and two of them seemed to proceed (doublespend?) also it still shows 108 ETH balance...

>> No.2241326

its already over aswel


>> No.2241327

ok fuck this, i woke up early just for this shit and had everything rready to go and it doesn't go through.

>> No.2241335

It's like buying tickets from scalper for %500 mark up KEK

>> No.2241342

When will this be up on exchanges?

>> No.2241345

fucking jesus

>> No.2241349

Also, fuck OP. Whoever got in on this made some bank today, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.2241350
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>> No.2241352

some people paid 1eth in fees lol

im happy i dint get in the fee's would have eaten everything i would have sended

>> No.2241355
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It's almost as if you people are really, really new and don't listen to people who know more than you.

I'll say it one more time and whoever doesn't hear me can shove it up their ass for all I care. WAIT for the dip on the exchange. Like I said what, 12 fucking hours ago when I made this thread specifically warning you retards, it will be super obvious that waiting until hit hits the exchange is the better idea.

You faggots have tiny brains but you confuse that for big balls. We're all buying in BAT dumb fucks. We just aren't stupid enough to

1. shill a fucking ICO lol what moron does that

2. BUY INTO a poorly done, automatically overpriced ICO trying to beat out the bots.

No WONDER no veterans here help you people and 90% of the threads are you new faggots asking retarded questions.

>> No.2241361
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It's not late yet late!! quick!!

>> No.2241364



it's fucking bullshit man, there has to be a better way to participate in these ICOs. Fuck, i'm so pissed.

>> No.2241368

Its almost like you're the kind of retard that thinks the dip on exchanges is it going below ICO price because you never pay attention to what the ICO price was. The first red candle is almost never it going below ICO price, it is people buying really fucking expensive coins.

>> No.2241373
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sick photoshop skills
?? i dint even try to buy il check what the price wil be on the exchange

>> No.2241376

holy shit this is going to be big

without a doubt, this is going to skyrocket the moment it gets on the exchange. It ended in about 10 minutes, breaking the record and then some.

>hurr durr i learnt about bitcoin a few days ago and now i think i'm a big boy

Actually fuck off out of here

>> No.2241378
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Its obviously not overpriced if people who have enough money to pay 12eth in transaction fees are actually paying that.

You do realize values change right? If they didn't lower the ICO price its because they realized they could sustain that kind of price.

Ya dun goofed.

>> No.2241385

Don't worry, I got fucking autocucked by not realizing they cost 2 ETH in fees to participate

>> No.2241386

When is this shit getting added to exchanges?

>> No.2241387
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Be quick, it will sold in seconds

>> No.2241389

WHAT THE FUCK. DUDE. IT'S NOT $80 less... It's still 6400 ETH. SO just trade them back into ETH you autistic fuck

>> No.2241390

fuck off kid kys

>> No.2241405

just sent 2.2, is this the second round or something? I can't seem to access the website it's being really slow

>> No.2241419

>Its almost like you're the kind of retard that thinks the dip on exchanges is it going below ICO price because you never pay attention to what the ICO price was. The first red candle is almost never it going below ICO price, it is people buying really fucking expensive coins.

and this is just another example of how new you are.

Most ICOs hang around the ICO price in the first few days of the exchange. Some idiots pay 2x for first trades and then it dumps to about 10% above ICO, sometimes goes below if people FUD a lot. Gnosis is the only recent ICO they stayed at just barely 2x and above. So no, you're wrong.

You are a moron, as i will buy it on exchange at ICO price, which is $0.023 while like I said, morons like you pay 12 ETH in transaction fees because of FOMO.

mhm have fun paying $80 on each ETH einstein.

this is funny to watch but weird how dumb and ignorant to the facts you people are.

>> No.2241427

When will it hit exchanges then?

>> No.2241428
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>> No.2241437


I really hope you're joking anon

>> No.2241445
File: 63 KB, 500x414, 1c83e1c0388b35d43f2401543c9e214fb31892cec0d3966c7fe11955b5efe18f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's already over

fuck this

>> No.2241459


>> No.2241460

>send ETH
>goes through
>see red exclamation point
>some transaction error
>click it
>ETH still missing from wallet
>no tokens


>> No.2241463

>Gnosis is the only recent ICO that stayed at just above 2x
I'm getting really sick of your bullshit you stupid nigger. ANT is another one, there's several. Unless you're comparing to ETH instead of BTC which is not my concern. Rope yourself.

>> No.2241470

Why would there be a dip if it goes on an exchange

The 24mil market cap would explode

>> No.2241479

... ?

>> No.2241480

All you fucker mention exchanges.


>> No.2241487
File: 262 KB, 960x720, 1428981296347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are a moron, as i will buy it on exchange at ICO price, which is $0.023 while like I said, morons like you pay 12 ETH in transaction fees because of FOMO.

No my friend you are the moron. You assume you know the future, which is something only a moron would do. If you were smart you would plan for both outcomes and buy ICO and limit orders on exchanges.

Now apologize

>> No.2241491


>> No.2241492
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>> No.2241500
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>> No.2241511


>> No.2241518

Sent 5,000,000 ETH

>> No.2241528

>Parity Signer tab stuck on "Submitting"
>Transaction id doesn't show on the blockchain
>I had it to run on the exact block with 200k gas at 32kM

Just how FAST did you have to be?

>> No.2241539

well that is more bullshit. i got nothing but missing tx last noght with MYST and then today must have done about 30 transactions and they all got shit. gas fee was pretty high too.
guess i'll try and pick it up as cheap as possible somewhere else.

>> No.2241542
File: 75 KB, 1137x780, dffhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and once again you are wrong. It was $0.917 at ICO and at no point did it even go 2x for over one week at the launch.

Stop trying to pretend to know what you're talking about with people who actually do. It is annoying and nobody will want to help you in the future.
That's not how it works. Low ICO market caps go up. This is high for an ICO. As for the question, people will sell for their 2x or 50% and that will continue until people are only making about 10%, then people will FUD and it will hang around the ICO for a few days, maybe a week or two.

This is how it literally always goes and you're just too new and inexperienced to know this so you are fighting it.

bots, newfag

>> No.2241562

what are the fucking bots doing to be faster?

>> No.2241580

All this bullshit for fucking BAT of all things

Just want until BANCOR hits

>> No.2241593

>implying bancor won't be the same if not worse shit show

>> No.2241614

Think I'll just sit back with a drink and watch the TX fees roll by for that

>> No.2241641

Since we all got fucked out of BAT by chinks and bots will the prices be low on the exchanges when they hit?

Or do they tend to tank often and severely to buy at a good price at the initial dip before the rise?

>> No.2241645

Why don't they do these ICOs in tiered fashion.
finite number of packages:

>> No.2241697

i guess whalebots would just fuck us over in those as well, it's too bad, i liked this project, hopefully that faggot up there is right and it will be reasonably priced on the exchange

>> No.2241717

The question is then how do they build a whalebot resistant ICO scheme. I'm sure someone will be forced to come up with it eventually...

>> No.2241732

More likely ICOs will just raise more and more absurd amounts. BAT market just came up on liqui

>> No.2242094

clicking faster than you by milliseconds.

>> No.2242245


Aragon is a literal scam though.

>> No.2242318

Already on liquio, trading at 3x ICO, OP is a faggot

>> No.2242352

Read >>2241542 and >>2241688 and >>2241355

You really have the attention span of a fucking goldfish.

>> No.2242409

>im gonna buy it at $0.023 when it hits the exchanges!!
>w-what?!!? it opened @ 2x and is now 3x?!?! t-the dip! y-yeah ill buy t-the dip!!
BAT, in the current climate, is worth $200m minimum, it will never go under 2x ICO again

>> No.2242429

I don't care about your baseless newfag prediction and neither does anyone else. This will be below 2x the ICO on every exchange. Buy in now and you'll just be proved wrong and lose your money, lol.

>> No.2242459
File: 25 KB, 1024x1024, 5845cd430b2a3b54fdbaecf8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile I already bought into Bancor's ICO through bitcoin suisse. can't wait to watch the ICO sell out in under a minute. easiest money i've ever made.

>> No.2242498

They are shady as fuck how they are running the bancor ICO, it doesn't even say the ICO is running lmao

>> No.2242504

And you just have to gave up a scan of your ID, and a selfie with your face and you holding it
>wow much brave

>> No.2242533

>130 token holders
>5 of them own half the supply

>> No.2242621

>b-but maybe will be able to buy it @ 2x in a week!
reread what you wrote, stupid fucking retard

>You will automatically lose $80+ on each ETH you put in
>You will automatically lose $80+ on each ETH you put in
>You will automatically lose $80+ on each ETH you put in

While in actual fact anyone reading your post that got in could have tripled their money before breakfast

I was right, you were wrong, eat a big fat dick you fucking faggot

>> No.2242665

I think you're doing it on purpose at this point. time to hide.

>> No.2242811

seriously, are you literally retarded?

your thread was to "warn" people that the BAT ICO was a bad investment, this "bad" investment would have netted 2-5x in a matter of HOURS

Face the facts, you were wrong, you are an idiot, and you should kill yourself