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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 468x397, rarible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22379809 No.22379809 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ is quickly forming a Rarible camp that is already rivaling the Linkmarines.
$5B marketcap LINK vs $11M marketcap RARI

>> No.22379839

we need memes

>> No.22379885

flavour of the week shitcoin

will dump hard like AMPL into non existence

>> No.22379903
File: 32 KB, 620x400, 819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assassination smart contracts cannot come quickly enough. When I make it I will buy this site and use the information I get to hunt down all of you third world poo in the loos

>> No.22380202

LOL so true , Andre Cronje said that RARI are using their insurance product, thats all,,,

Its like in 2017 Google partner, amazon partner, alibaba partner etc. but they(crypto projects) were just paying them to use their platform/tech,

its so funny like i buy insurance and everyone FOMO into buying products from me,,

>> No.22380359

>t. bought at $10

>> No.22380376


>> No.22380379

imagine actually believing this

>> No.22380387

the rari fud group has assembled, dont let these fags persuade u to drop ur bags just for them to eat up cheap

>> No.22380427

>Imagine thinking this means anything on such a small mcap

>> No.22380457
File: 456 KB, 1800x1200, QmZe74eajxH8F3TMjEzzmgSCd3s9Jh3hgKwJn1pYS6WFec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF u LOL,, I had attached a RARI NFT,,

u want real NFT Auction just an example https://dontbuymeme.com/farms/lp_genesis

Anon since when Blockchain needed Insurance,,

>> No.22380459
File: 97 KB, 630x630, IMG_20200908_054417_734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there r a shit ton already

>> No.22380485

>blockchain doesnt need insurance.

The absolute state

>> No.22380543

Anon Insurance is your asshole -- which anyone can fuck but not you..

>> No.22380560
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>> No.22380586
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Red Line get bigger
Grug like watch rug pull
Grug love big rug pull

>> No.22380608

At least try to sound like English is your native language gupta

>> No.22380635

Gupta knows your secret- scammer

>> No.22380693
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>> No.22380793

when i saw andre cronje tweet he is building for RARI i went all in

>> No.22380822

2009 satoshi
2015 vitalik
2020 andre cronje

>> No.22380868

its dumping its over

>> No.22380882

Massive dump. Watch this shit dump back to $2

>> No.22380902


this guy been coding everyday , he just acted happy because someone bought/use insurance from them, he tweeted about it - and thats normal that what people do on twitter,

RARI just bought his insurance product.

what you share is already been done on blockchain from CARDSTACK in collaboration with WB

>> No.22380970

>Misses YFI
I'll get the next one, I will keep super alert for early signs of the next big project
>Missing out on Rari
I....It's too late, it's already 10m cap, the largest NFT marketplace with Andre Cronje implementing YFI 1B+ products is not worth 10m

>> No.22380975

>Massive dump. Watch this shit dump back to $2
>its dumping its over
these anons were waiting for a dip to buy in but they got BTFO now they are fudding to try to maske it dip but they will fail because we won't sell

>> No.22381067

why is it dumping?

>> No.22381096

its down 7% and up 68% today, big dump tho ay

>> No.22381168

Mutts must have woken up and dumped on our party

>> No.22381196

As a top 50 wallet holder I welcome this. Still accumulating.

>> No.22381201


>> No.22381233

as a top 50 holder what is a good price prediction?
im thinking 50-100 eoy-early next yr

>> No.22381291

I think 100$ is a realistic target as well. Just look at the top 100 it's still flying under the radar when 15K$ gets you a spot in it. We're still early at Rank #379.

>> No.22381313

Lots of betas in here with 5 figure wallets dumping their entire stacks at the bottom, whom are NEVER going to make it in life. Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.22381326

Fuck it I sold. Bought at $2 anyway. Any coin getting shilled and fudded this much is a massive sell signal.

>> No.22381341


>> No.22381368


Poos are some of the richest ppl in the world right now, indian american families are probably the richest in the USA next to Jews. What makes you think poos won't assassinate you first you pasty white dumb fuck ?

>> No.22381404

Scamming is probably easier if you don't post like an actual retard.

>> No.22381415

>indian american families are probably the richest in the USA next to Jews
I'll let you in on a secret, anon:
There's a place in the world called India which is home to 1.5 biliion(!) people. It's a very poor and very dirty country where shitting on the street is a cultural norm. Shocker, I know.

>> No.22381463

go cry elsewhere

>> No.22381485

I'm quite confident you will regret that really soon. How can you not see this going much higher?

>> No.22381550

I hope it dips some more so you can get back in... It has the potential to moon much harder.

>> No.22381715

Pajeet everyone can see you and no one is falling for it, your pump and dump is collapsing all around you. It's over.

He also doesn't mention the nepotism by which poos infiltrated shillicon valley and ran entire companies like boeing into the ground. The entire poo system is based on leeching off of successful people, not being successful themselves.

>> No.22381884
File: 249 KB, 935x759, FFD567E9-5732-4421-90B4-78AE20C33668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we need memes

>> No.22381886
File: 112 KB, 1024x576, _76088059_trainmathurreuters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pajeet everyone can see you and no one is falling for it, your pump and dump is collapsing all around you. It's over.

Dear sir, awesome imagination sir. Please don't miss the moon mission train, we're leaving mumbai station any minute now.

>> No.22381905

its down 14% youre delusional if you think rari is over in 2 days, even proper trash coins like useless y clones last longer and pump harder.

>> No.22381936

commit suicide you broke desperate niggers

>> No.22382243

Thanks for selling bitches! just DCA'd a nice stack

>> No.22382564

all in rari and then we r mmillionaires, then rari fuck lambo

>> No.22382638

big stacks slowly selling.. back to $4.60 soon

>> No.22382661

good, less whales the better

>> No.22382939

Nobody is selling faggot. Just stacking

>> No.22382970

Cope harder faggot we are back at 7.50, you missed you chance to get in 'after the dump', next leg up commencing

>> No.22382991

im going all in now

>> No.22382997
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bought 2k more over the past 3 hours

>> No.22383073

I doubled my money on this

>> No.22383081

is this going to 50? i hope so

>> No.22383090

top 100 will get us around $100

>> No.22383156

$100 would be poggers

>> No.22383311

All in

>> No.22383562
File: 208 KB, 1500x993, RARRR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I sell my tezos for this? I don't see tezos doing a x10 but I can see this desu.

>> No.22383962

anons, the plan is for us to buy up all of the circulating supply and hold, so the price goes in a straight line up to $100 and then we sell on binance. some dumb anons waited for a dip and got btfo and are fudding to try to make price dip so they can buy it. don't let them shake you out. rari = binance of nft's. hold with diamond hands.

>> No.22384008

Tezos developer community is so slow that you could 10x off this and put it back before anything even happens

>> No.22384039

This, think why the fuck would anyone want to fud, notice that just after the first selloff a lot of people started to fud as they got weakhanded and sold, this shit will rise over 10$ EOD onto the next new highs

>> No.22384281

>its dumping its over

>> No.22384298

It's going to $50. They are desperate

>> No.22384299

>9.94 each

>> No.22384317


>> No.22384407

>10.89 holy shit

>> No.22384428


>> No.22384455

lol u know this guy is buying back in at a higher price

>> No.22384528

I want to buy but I feel like once it hits 10.50 it will dip back to 7-8 before climbing to $12

>> No.22384529

all of the tokens are liquidity mined by the rari community so there are no team, vc's or whales that can dump on you.

>> No.22384546
File: 212 KB, 487x1264, 1599751382043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

postin in a RARI thread

>> No.22384584

I feel you, I am just buying a set amount every day to add as I make more and more profit

>> No.22384656

Got to also remember this shit hasn't even been picked up by the mainstream yet, once Rari becomes a widely known name everyone will want some exposure to NFTs and this will snowball

>> No.22384726
File: 20 KB, 468x590, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you Kimchi shilling Teren. Watching your every move you fat cuck.

>> No.22384732

rrr rrr babe

>> No.22385140

Yup not even the 2nd wave of autists are in yet.

>> No.22385238

Did you pull the trigger? Almost at 12 now.

>> No.22385315

my $5 dollar investment is now worth $100 I wish I went all in

>> No.22385678

managed to snag 83

>> No.22386083

wen binance

>> No.22386121 [DELETED] 


>> No.22386162

>veryone will want some exposure to NFTs and this will snowball

>> No.22387162


>> No.22387179


>> No.22387241

Elated I got in at the first pump. Felt like a risk but fuck me it's paid off.

>> No.22388017

I fucking planned to buy today for sure, then had a stupid family emergence right during the $7 dip and missed out. Just really hoping it will go back to at least 7 at some point tomorrow.I can't afford to stay a lot or to stay in right now, but if I just make a simple quick x2, x3 it'd be one of the best things that can happen.

>> No.22388194

today's pump high is tomorrow's 'I hope it dips to'

>> No.22388265

This shit was $3 literally 2 days ago and all you pajeets say the same shit about wanting to buy on the next dip, it's going to 50£ at least so whether you hop in now or if we are lucky enough to get a 7.50 dip does it really matter

>> No.22388381

This shit is literally the XRB of 2020

>> No.22388425
File: 3.08 MB, 600x338, ezgif-6-6c0637484290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you faggots this dumb? Rarible is a meme producing machine. Just go to the damn site and type 'rari' and you'll find a shit ton. Dafuck, no wonder yall are brainlet fucks. (Meme provided too....just to hold your fuckin hands).

>> No.22388481

uhh sorry sir I own that meme, you're going to have to pay up to use it or im taking you to kleros court

>> No.22388574

hurrrrrr furr someone made a meme, sell everything nowwww

>> No.22388770

Got myself a nice stack

>> No.22388782


>> No.22388892

I see this easily hitting 50 and yet I can’t bring myself to buy it’s already gone up so much today

>> No.22388941

I had this feeling when it hit $3. Fuck me I should have loaded up big time.

>> No.22389383 [DELETED] 

>I can’t bring myself to buy it’s already gone up so much today
i'll send you a rari postcard nft from Alpha Centauri

>> No.22389630
File: 81 KB, 468x396, 20200910_153341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is quickly forming a LINK camp that is already rivaling the Linkmarines.
$5B marketcap LINK vs $11M marketcap LINK

>> No.22389995


>> No.22390022

how does 1 thousand sound?

>> No.22390600

ethart is better

>> No.22390684

God damn, 7x in a week. How do I stop missing out on coins like this /biz/?

>> No.22390725

>God damn, 7x in a week. How do I stop missing out on coins like this /biz/?
we are still super early. hardly anyone knows what an NFT is. 1,000 rari = make it stack

>> No.22390750

Yeah, right. I'm not buying your fucking bags. I would never put money in something which did a 5x in the last week.

>> No.22390777

Directed at >>22390725

>> No.22390821

>>22385114 >>22385114 >>22385114 >>22385114 >>22385114 >>22385114 >>22385114

>> No.22390885

Learn about the project and you will see why it did a 7x and will do probably another 5x in the next week.

>> No.22390948

i pray it will dear,, my village hungry

>> No.22391852

I still think it has another 10x desu. This is a game changer.

>> No.22391875
File: 213 KB, 2400x2769, 1C3F55F0-B997-498A-AC51-FD25C94E3E83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC, please buy to support

>> No.22391966

Well they got this coin for free with airdrops months ago and now dumping it on you..

>> No.22392000

Dumping upwards, every day has set a new ATH more than 70%

>> No.22392046

set it to $5 and I'll buy one

>> No.22392090

Can I sell whatever assets I have of this shitcoin when it goes 2x? Or are there some sort of gas fees?

>> No.22392111

u kinda dumb

>> No.22392205

Here you go sir

>> No.22392341
File: 88 KB, 592x588, Screenshot 2020-09-10 at 22.12.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22392406

How low will it dip before that though?
I sold at 4$ and I sure as fuck aint buying again at 10, let this dump already

>> No.22392434

Based. Thanks anon

>> No.22392454
File: 27 KB, 700x420, 993ec20e6fcae5a3f95712010d64c7d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its under 10M mc

>> No.22392475

You are the pajeet fudder making these fud threads aren't you. Your only option is to DCA in, too many people know about it now for it to dump below 7.50 ever again

>> No.22392530

it dipped earlier today and it will dip again soon

>> No.22392540

It's more like "hurr durr this one dude is 10% of the posts in the thread begging people to fucking buy his bag". It could pump to 50, it's still a fucking scam.

>> No.22392603


Follow @cryptobonaparte

Twitter is for mining alpha, /biz/ is for shilling faggots our loaded bags

>> No.22392628

kek, based and underrated
brings back memories

>> No.22392652

total supply is 25 million, what gives??

( it would actually be a 200 million mcap token )

>> No.22392792

Holy shit this is gold

>> No.22392845

i'm eyeing $7.50

>> No.22392894

I wouldn't be surprised if we hit $15 before I wake up

>> No.22392980

All you need to do is read the posts in their community contributer forumns. Bunch of reddit-tier insufferable melts. They arent bringing their best.....

>> No.22393005

that's completely possible, and i wouldn't be surprised

>> No.22393229

road to top 100

>> No.22393274


yeah guys a legend, keep him on notifications and don't overlook what he says.

>> No.22393468

Despaired for a dip so I can buy in nicely, but still not fudding because you guys are my bros and we can all get in together.

>> No.22393583

he also giving on point shitting street recommendations

>> No.22393594

This looks like some little bitch titty coin. I'm in.

>> No.22393710
File: 85 KB, 655x708, Screenshot_20200910-112845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just broke past $10

>> No.22393731

Aaaaaand sell. I'll buy back in at $5.

>> No.22393947

What was the exchange you could buy it on again?

>> No.22393986

Uniswap faggot

>> No.22393997

Thank you, dogfucker

>> No.22394025
File: 90 KB, 596x580, 5647467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22394042


I don't care if you are poor talk to someone who cares.

>> No.22394066


Rari isn't done yet like alot of losers in here think.

>> No.22394193

literally this

>> No.22394266
File: 2.81 MB, 4032x3024, 26CC1026-EE0B-48B9-ABB3-9C5C82F1A82C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to the based anon that sent me 2 eth for creating RARILINK

You can still buy some for $5


>> No.22394280

this project has turned out to be a total failure i'm sorry to say

>> No.22394311

Holy fuck, only 898 left.

I didnt think it would sell like this?

Thanks anons <3

>> No.22394339

I just made 2 eth selling on the marketplace. NFTs are the future.

>> No.22394356
File: 137 KB, 400x388, 1555608533708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought the dip
please for the love of god don't dump now

>> No.22394446
File: 92 KB, 800x800, rarii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else bought that little dip, the sooner we get the weak hands out the sooner we can pass $50

>> No.22394909
File: 360 KB, 2400x2769, DC36EB4E-4BDA-40DC-AFD0-893621ED4392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Own a piece of history. Introducing Rainbow Rari


>> No.22394929

Faggot coin

>> No.22394966

I have 850. Should I say fuck it and throw down some more to get a 1k make it stack?

>> No.22395090

>Rari isn't done yet like alot of losers in here think.
100% RARI will be a multi-billion dollar project. NFTs is a future trillion dollar industry and institutional money will flood into RARI to get exposure to it.

>> No.22395125

>Should I say fuck it and throw down some more to get a 1k make it stack?
sell your kidney if you have to

>> No.22395165

So what? It doesn't offer anything to the space. It's just gambling and chink copy paste "art".
We invest here we don't gamble. Pajeets always get the rope.

>> No.22395341
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>> No.22395800

>So what? It doesn't offer anything to the space. It's just gambling and chink copy paste "art".
>We invest here we don't gamble. Pajeets always get the rope.
I honestly can't tell if you're a retard or just fudding to buy lower

>> No.22395848

You deserve to stay poor, I am done spoonfeeding at this point

>> No.22396060


>> No.22396124

what makes rari superior to other NFT projects

>> No.22396880

go on the app and try using it. theres actual artists and people buying shit currently, it actually is being used lel

>> No.22397138

Actually being used alot, is governed by community, continually innovating like adding a secondary insurace marketplace along with p2p lending soon, best UI/UX around, marketplace mining and governance token.

>> No.22397251

You can see it on Twitter too, searching for Rarible. Specially since Andre mentioned it, you have like x3 more people selling their art and linking to it. Quite a few artists with 5,000 or more subs. I for real thought this was some /biz/ meme 2 days ago, but I kept up with it out of curiosity and it really is happening.

>> No.22397341

NFTs are not new.
Where are the tools to make things? Putting pics on a blockchain is lame AF

>> No.22397434

It is literally all there on the site, and in this very thread the way the exchange is expanding to other NFT products is explained. Maybe something like breev or another shitcoin rugpull is more your speed.

>> No.22397453
File: 255 KB, 782x800, EhXiL0GU0AAuVrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22397479

There is nothing there bro. No docs no tools nothing. You can't do anything with this other than put money into it

>> No.22397559

Go to the website and click the big giant HOW IT WORKS on the banner you fucking dolt

>> No.22397590

let's say I come across a unique and rare pepe
I register and sell it to someone on the market, can the owner of rare pepe sue people for copyright infringement?

>> No.22397631
File: 6 KB, 227x222, curse4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't clicking that shit it doesn't even use https

>> No.22397890

That's what I don't get either, the relationship between the validity of the contract versus ordinary copyright. If this was solved in any way, then Rarible can become the huge thing people expect. Otherwise, it's really hard to see the point.

>> No.22397931

> Shitcoin doesn't solve any problems
Jewing intensifies

>> No.22397955

bitcoin and eth with a dump a little and some of you weak hands will sell this along with it
>under 6

>> No.22398205

it's a valid talk point though
what's your angle?

>> No.22398288

>big stacks slowly selling.. back to $4.60 soon
>im going all in now
>is this going to 50? i hope so
>$100 would be poggers
>9.94 each
>10.89 holy shit
bitcoin and eth with a dump a little and some of you weak hands will sell this along with it
>under 6
God just give it a rest you annoying faggot

>> No.22398356

You can't own things man that's facist

>> No.22398843

lol this loser sold at 4 hahahaahhahahah

>> No.22398922

You don't even know what you're talking about. The copyright/contract issue has nothing to do with the coin, it's about the marketplace itself, and the function of it has nothing to with the coin (token).

>> No.22399691
File: 325 KB, 1200x803, E37FE295-770C-4272-83C3-0077DEF13089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22399715

Are you ready to rari