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22379613 No.22379613 [Reply] [Original]

You guys told me to short tesla, it's up 5% in pre market

>> No.22379726

It’s a dead cat bounce , I’m opening shorts mid day today , don’t worry , it’s going to 100 eom

>> No.22379816

Hope this is a larp. Never short. Even when you are 100% right about the underlying stock being overvalues you will get fucked. It's manipulated to hell and back. The only time you should be shorting is if you are goodman sachs or some other massive firm manipulating the system, so never for you and me.

>> No.22380091
File: 141 KB, 717x880, 6vScT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22380145
File: 19 KB, 287x313, Elon-Musk-Almost-Crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, its a put not a short, technically

>> No.22380211

This is correct. Every time my account blew up, it was because of shorts on overvalued companies that went south.

Remember, the market only finds the true value of companies over 40 years or more. Overvalued piece of shit companies can stay that way for literal decades.

>> No.22380245

Hope this is a larp. Never buy. Even when you are 100% right about the underlying stock being undervalues you will get fucked. It's manipulated to hell and back. The only time you should be buying is if you are goodman sachs or some other massive firm manipulating the system, so never for you and me.

>> No.22380547
File: 24 KB, 395x578, 4671db78b1cc7d1701ed11dad7570114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my face when there's a doji

>> No.22381847

I hope you don’t think this post was clever

>> No.22382041

How can you tell?

>> No.22382095

Hope this is a larp. Never buy. Even when you are 100% right about the underlying stock being undervalues you will get fucked. It's manipulated to hell and back. The only time you should be buying is if you are goodman sachs or some other massive firm manipulating the system, so never for you and me.

>> No.22382141

No but actually how can you tell the difference between a dead cat bounce and an actual recovery. I would like to know when to short

>> No.22382621

Anons already told you, don’t short. It’s the quickest way to lose your account.

In March I kept my shorts and puts open, expecting the market to continue to crash because I knew we were and are in a speculative bubble. My stock account lost 70% of its value due to this as we kept hitting all time highs. Now I just ride the wave with the retards/