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File: 61 KB, 785x784, kraken-ethusd-May-30-2017-21-55-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2237483 No.2237483 [Reply] [Original]

What did they mean by this?

>> No.2237488


its only 9am in china...

they haven't event had time to buy in at

>> No.2237509

redpill me on Chinese ETH market

>> No.2237516
File: 81 KB, 750x750, 1495843421722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think they're dumb?

You think they haven't owned ETH via the already available BTC and are now counting on the same and taking liquidity from newfags?

>> No.2237529

Indeed. What China does and specialises at is flooding markets with shit. They're selling at WAYYY under the normal price.

They flood markets, and drag them low to a point that only they can operate at. They do this with EVERYTHING, steel, plastic, the lot.

>> No.2237544


so are you saying they are gonna dump the price?

>> No.2237548


Sell the news, friendo

>> No.2237574

huobi online in: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20170531T12&p0=237&font=cursive

>> No.2237617

I would say a big correction should take place, but china

>> No.2237751

You mean they haven't had time to sell? China is full of miners they might have already stockpiled to sell.

>> No.2237769

STALE: blaming the jews
FRESH: blaming the chinese

"muh whales"

>> No.2237906

ETH just got added to a big exchange site, but on the other hand the Chinese ban on withdrawing crypto from exchanges is just about to get lifted very soon. So take your bets.

>> No.2237950


Fuck this bullshit misinformation. Both Huobi and OKcoin are tiny and the chinese aren't touching exchanges because their BTC is locked into them.

Absolute fools.

>> No.2237997

>more than a hundred million of traders
Millions of chinese FOMOer. Chinks are greedy, but also dumb. They'll hop on the train.

>> No.2238010

Is this counter accurate?

>> No.2238028

Those exchanges 24hr volume (only important indicator) combined are 1/4 of Poloniex. Fuck all trading goes between them. The chinese aren't using exchanges because they can't withdraw their btc from them.

Most of the BTC trading is done over the counter. The chinese have been mining and had ETH available if they wanted it. Adding ETH to these two exchanges in the short-term will make no difference.

People like you don't do your own research, you regurgitate buzzwords and hype and then come in here to REEEEEEEEE when you get dumped on. Take your profits and exit before it gets messy

>> No.2238063
File: 29 KB, 302x290, 1494226485219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1/4 of Poloniex
>Fuck all
Stopped reading there