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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22370527 No.22370527 [Reply] [Original]

Why are houses being sold so fast right now and price so high? I just want a smol but comfy place of my own bros..

>> No.22370590

Chinese CCP getting their embezzled money the fuck out of China.

>> No.22370602

thats a man

>> No.22370641


Pretty hot guy. No homo.

>> No.22370646

7 trillion

>> No.22370656

Some people buy shitcoins
Some people buy gold and silver
Some people buy houses
Everyone buying assets to protect themselves from inflation

>> No.22370698
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faggot you're supposed to live with your parents until you become a millionaire from crypto.

>> No.22370725

If I was a CCP member I'd be fleeing right now.

>> No.22370745

The banks are buying all the houses to keep the prices up and boomers happy. When the housing market crashes there will unironically be no survivors.

>> No.22371067

You are most likely right. Can;t wait for the whole thing to implode.

>> No.22371121

Low interest rates and fear of the volatility of other investments right now (stock, metals, crypto). For people who can afford it and don't want their cash losing value in the bank property investment is the safer option right now

>> No.22371185

1) Banks are using the money printer to buy everything they can, regardless of price. Shouldn't be legal.

2) liberals fleeing their high cost of living and high tax shit holes that they created. They sell their one bedroom studio apartment for two million and move to the flyover states and overbuild neighborhoods, which cause the prices to skyrocket. They then vote in liberal politicians that raise taxes and import niggers and the cycle repeats.

3) Very wealthy Chinese families but entire subdivisions to hide money from the ccp. Canada had had a big problem with this for the last decade. Most of vancouver is owned by the Chinese at this point. Just like with point 1, this shouldn't be legal or allowed at all.

>> No.22371356
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>> No.22371383

>Most of vancouver is owned by the Chinese at this point
I think I've heard something like this on here before, do you think there will eventually come a point when the government will repossess all this real estate? I bet it's not even being lived in half the time if it's just for money laundering

>> No.22371405

interest rates are low and rent is high

>> No.22371526


It's more like you'll see the government replaced by more pro Chinese politicians. They throw too much money around