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22368072 No.22368072 [Reply] [Original]

so is 15% tip to little? I don't want to upset my landlord

>> No.22368084

hahaha lol

>> No.22368134

I usually go around 20% starting off. If the landlord does a good job I will go to 25% and if a bad job 15%.

>> No.22368174

Anything less than 40% is disrespectful.

>> No.22368219

So 15% tip on rent is normal
How much do you guys tip the gym receptionist when you go ?

>> No.22368613

Weird flex but ok

>> No.22368693
File: 27 KB, 548x559, D9FC927F-B45E-42DC-88CE-8924473B03B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw going to restaurants and topping $0 on $200 checks
>wagies on 4chan SEETHE and tell me they’ll spit in my food next time
>mfw I only visit America once every year or so so I’m never visiting the same restaurant twice

>> No.22368710

As a canadian its custom to bend over and let them take whatever they want

>> No.22368729

If you want to save money just don't go to restaurants

>> No.22368798

>Not only do ameritards have to tip for their food, they have to tip their rent too

>> No.22368817

It’s not about saving money. It’s about not giving money away freely to entitled wagie niggers.

>> No.22368840

As an American it is customary to transfer all your money to the landlord and they pay you what and whenever they liked for being a good tenant.

>> No.22368867

I go to the restaurant and don't give a shit to the waiters. they can come and suck my dick if would like a tip.

>> No.22368869

But you are literally doing just that by blowing $200 on shit food.

>> No.22368871

It's not about the money, it's about sending a message.

>> No.22368872

pretty based i guess since you're redpilling our service workers on how shitty really foreigners are.

>> No.22368892

based me 2

>> No.22368922

$200 is nothing. At least it’s going to a business owner who is providing me a service and not some filthy wagie nigger that feels entitled to handouts. I would sooner burn a $20 bill in front of a faggot waiter before giving it to him

I’m an American, I just work and live in a foreign country and like to dab on lefty wagetards whenever I’m visiting.

>> No.22369127

people like you are what's wrong with north america, tipping culture is gay as fuck and so are you

>> No.22369165

You don't have to tip but unfortunately it makes servers actually do a good fucking job.

>> No.22369211

The United States of America federal government requires a wage of at least $2.13 per hour be paid to employees who receive at least $30 per month in tips. If wages and tips do not equal the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour during any week, the employer is required to increase cash wages to compensate.

>> No.22369234

The tipping system is fucked but there is nothing anyone can do about it right now. Tip your servers in the U.S. they make shit money. Maybe not as much in the big cities but still. Don't be a POS.

>> No.22369294

Sorry, it’s not my job to subsidize your welfare because mr shekelberg isn’t paying you enough wagie. If you don’t like it maybe you should discuss it with shekelberg or even better, get a new job. I will never EVER give you a handout like some filthy street nigger.

>> No.22369311

>Tip your servers in the U.S. they make shit money. Maybe not as much in the big cities but still. Don't be a POS.
If they provide adequate or better service, I will. I'm not going to give some catty, miserable bitch a tip just because she's getting a shit wage.

>> No.22369324

We put an automatic gratuity on for people like you. :)

>> No.22369347

That's perfectly fine. If the server genuinely did not do a good job then don't tip.

>> No.22369376

Which I will promptly have the manager remove because automatic gratuity is not legal in my state ;^)
Get dabbed on wagie nigger

>> No.22369422

I hope you realize that if you live somewhere that doesn't have a tipping system. You are still paying the server. Through the cost of the food.

>> No.22369467

My country doesn’t have a tipping system but the state I visit yearly does which I always ensure I tip $0.00 whenever I go.

>> No.22369508

>Live in Canada
>Our servers are paid minimum wage at $11/hr
>Still expected to tip
I don't tip cashiers, gas station attendants, janitors, etc, why do I have to tip for this specific minimum wage job?

>> No.22369542


The implication you're making here is that servers MUST receive a tip in order to do a good job.

The clear counterexample would be all of the just as good, if not better service, I receive overseas.

My thesis: no amount of tipping makes up for the fact that life in the US is sort of shit when you work for a restaurant.

>> No.22369547

Dont forget to tip your doctors and auto mechanics

>> No.22369615

>The tipping system is fucked but there is nothing anyone can do about it right now.

Sure there is. General strike by wait staff or the whole damn restaurant until pay is increased.

"But I'm a poor wagie!"

Start becoming roommates and living off of the local food bank/church/food stamps/whatever. Hell, I'd even donate to the cause.

>> No.22369871


>> No.22369925

But dude. What job does your landlord do? Why does he need at tip? The rent is already a tip. He’s already making huge money of you, and then he wants a tip?

>> No.22370309

I usually take loans out just for my landlord and give them the money so they can clean up the place. Really increases my property value.