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22366096 No.22366096 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know how to scrape resin out of a bowl efficiently? Long story short i ran out of weed and started hammering alcohol now i feel like total shit after falling asleep for 5 hours in the middle of the day and have a mild hangover.

>> No.22366109

is this orban

>> No.22366129

this isn't the first degenerate druggie thread I've seen on here today, shape up men

>> No.22366134
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What’s with this board and substance abuse

>> No.22366153

high stakes gambling and drugs go hand in hand

>> No.22366275
File: 160 KB, 820x647, 76-764960_transparent-pepe-laugh-hysterical-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god kek

if not bait kek

>> No.22366940

Use a strong rubbing alcohol. Alcohol is a solvent. It melts resin. I do it all the time to rinse bong and clean cone piece

>> No.22366964

Also kek

>> No.22366967

>tfw onlyfans sub expires tomorrow
>no money to resub
>sell a couple of LINK to cover the cost

worth it

>> No.22366999

Rubbing alcohol plus pipe in a zip lock, shake it occasionally. After 24 hrs dump alcohol from zip lock onto a baking pan or something similar. Let dry out, smoke it. It will be disgusting but thats what you deserve for being too poor to go to the weed store.

>> No.22367003

Isopropyl alcohol, at least 70%, try to find somebody without ester, washing out those you would need 99.99% aether

>> No.22367035

checked. Isoprop 99.99% extractions taste fucking awesome. If you know what you do, you can get upper 80% THC paste out of it

>> No.22367069

Heard some can get decent batches of iso but I live in weed country so I dont bother with iso. Rather make bubble or rosin

>> No.22367089

Right now I can literally buy weed easier than I can buy isoprop. The fuck have we become.

>> No.22367123

just puked twice and feel a lot better. got some resin out of my bowl too

>> No.22367182

Doesn't matter, reclaim is disgusting even after filtering.
You can minimize the reclaim you need by vaping it.

>> No.22367208

Imagine living like this.

>> No.22367223

Dude. This is momentary pain. You need to quit everything. It will take about 5 days but you will feel amazing. Then start getting some exercise, and eat decent, drink lots of water. You will not be dependent on drugs to make you feel good. You will have a natural high. Then you can occasionally have some fun, without getting addicted.

>> No.22367242

White people amirite?

>> No.22367245

Kys fucking loser

>> No.22367316

wow you guys are faggots. it's called a lighter and a paper clip, wtf is wrong with you guys?

>> No.22367390

dont use rubbing alc you'll have to wait ages

just heat your bowl slightly and scrape that shit. Toke away. You dont even need to scrape it outside of the bowl if your shit is really dirty. It should dry hit..

>> No.22367433

Are we getting raided?

>> No.22367458

maybe im gettin old but if i try to smoke resin nowadays i start coughing and feeling like shit for hours. enjoy your youth while you can, boys. it only gets worse...

>> No.22367639

Never liked the consistency of buthane extractions and CO2 extraction is simply too expensive if you grow and don't sell. But as Hitler said, at each his own. Pro tip, a good isoprop extraction is done first with an aggressive solvent, like Acetone to get rid of the plant fats and later removing the plant sugars with multiple isoprop washings. Best result I got was 89% pure, lab tested

>> No.22367834

People are here for dopamine hits and adrenaline rushes of course they're gonna take drugs.

>> No.22368209

Im sure b migrated here for some reason...
look anon, I will be honest, you are fuckd up, you could trying wyping it using rolling papers and the smoke them... but resin high sucks

>> No.22368250

>hurr durr weed isn't an addiction bro
Jesus, yeah you might be right on a technicality, but that doesn't mean that highly impulsive people won't scramble to get a hit of weed.
You need help bro.
Sorry your home life was shitty. I'll pray for you.

>> No.22368275
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Anyhow, I don't understand substance abuse and I'm dating this girl who has the same problem you do.
Can you greentext what your schedule is like, how much you smoke and what happens when you can't get a hit? Please and thanks

>> No.22368336

I love that indian shit.

>> No.22368390

It's hard enough to find out who you are and what you actually believe (not what family, society, etc has programmed you to believe). Chemicals that mess with your brain only make it harder.

Even acid and shrooms. There's nothing at the end of that road, even though it's so seductive in the beginning.

Detox, eat cleanly, exercise, sleep enough, and then meditate. You'll find the enemy within waiting for you. Once you start that fight, you're finally on the right track.

>> No.22368739

All you need is a lighter and an unbent paper clip. Heat the bowl and scrape. It's desperate as fuck but I was a broke ass student at one time so I understand how it gets. Good luck.