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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22363852 No.22363852 [Reply] [Original]

>$1,000,000 USD
>98 Bitcoins
>514 Gold Coins (1 ounce each)
>2,943 Shares in SPY


>> No.22364017

That's autistic...
Either way, i'd luck out and don't have to spend my time on this sorry board anymore

>> No.22364019

most stupid question I've ever seen
why would anyone not take the usd?

>> No.22364059

You're ngmi

>> No.22364092

Who wouldn't take the fucking gold lmao

>> No.22364125

Irrelevant, I would just take a random choice and then diversify into the others. Git gud.

>> No.22364134

Who wouldn't take the fucking bitcoin lmao

>> No.22364176


you take the usd because it is the easier to use to buy the others if u want

>> No.22364189

Mom says don't talk to strangers so I don't pick anything.

>> No.22364233

>Stranger gives you a small fortune for no reason
What's easiest to explain to the feds/launder? BTC or Gold?

>> No.22364400 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the advice frens i gotta go speak with someone

You're thinking too hard fren, it's 100% tax free.

Pretty much my idea, cash is the easiest to diversify into others.

>> No.22364643


>> No.22364705
File: 1.36 MB, 1473x1045, 1586473617730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take the $1m
>all in XRP
>turn 1 million dollars into ten billion by 2025

>> No.22364877


>> No.22364962


>> No.22364998
File: 562 KB, 1536x1022, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22365273
File: 16 KB, 633x758, 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take USD
>Fed prints more reducing the dollar's value

>take BTC on hopes it moons big
>flash crashes to $8,000

>take gold
>economy makes drastic recovery

>take stocks
>Corona wave 2 confirmed

>> No.22365299
File: 40 KB, 800x450, pepelaughz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat him up and take all of it

>> No.22365397

I have an IQ of 168, and I'd pick 2,943 shares in SPY.

It would net me an immediate gain of 10,000 dollars within days, and then I could sell and transfer it to my next stock.

>> No.22365400

No premium on the gold, plus I don't have to go to some stinking coin shop? It's a deal.
If gold not on the table, btc.

>> No.22366407


>> No.22367010

You can't make money without some kind of risk.

>> No.22367146

I'd take 80,000 link but I can't see the option there.
So I guess I'd just take the 98 bitcoins and turn them into link.

>> No.22367312

>implying second wave corona wouldnt be bullish as fuck for stocks

>> No.22367350

>take $1m
>all in xrp
>now have 800k by 2025 cuz its a fucking stablecoin

>> No.22368040

Good question. Small amounts in either are easy enough but if you want to do something like buy a house you're going to look like a drug dealer.

>> No.22368111

cash every time

>> No.22368114

I wish one of the options was puppies