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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 342x147, mid brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22362178 No.22362178 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else noticed this
>Smart enough to see potential flaws in a project and some risks
>Too dumb to see why the market or tech makes this irrelevant
Always talking about how some shitty normie coin like XRP or Vechain will change the world whilst Fudding smallcaps
>Muh look at TOTAL supply though, you are totally going to get dumped on even though all the coins are locked for 6 years
>This is clearly a telegram shill watch out guys, no I haven't been on their website
>It's already mooned, I'll catch it when the price dumps back down to what it was before anyone knew it ever existed.

>> No.22362261

I'm not buying your yield farming scam shitcoin retard

>> No.22362342

Yes. I am 168 IQ and can’t trust /biz/ over this. I stay to myself. Too much 130 IQ telling me what to do.

>> No.22362374

did your blogpost make you feel better?

keep buying the tops dummy

>> No.22362427
File: 9 KB, 546x77, Screenshot 2020-09-09 at 23.09.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd think that anyone with an IQ above the average ranesh/ranjeeta would see the massive buy signal on Kleros rn. Rank #163, lul. The yellow paper reads like a published research paper in a science journal.

T. graduate student in comp sci/medtech

>> No.22362453

Butthurt mid-tier IQ spotted

>> No.22362471

>every legitimate standardized iq scale tops out at 150

yeah i am 289 iq, my iq was audited by hacken and trail of bits

>> No.22362484

WTF is happening to it why the dump

>> No.22362502

Ashkenazi with 115 average IQ checking in. I can smell a scam easily with my well developed nose.

>> No.22362508
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, E3E2F799-14D7-4BEB-A254-62890F08F933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 98 IQ and I exclusively own LINK. I don’t even know what a blockchain or a smart contract or what any of ass shit means. All I know is that I’m gonna be a fucking millionare.
KYS you worthless whiny faggots

>> No.22362531

>directs all hate towards “midwits”
>because his iq is <90

keep crying and hitting that buy button after 50x’s and wondering why you always lose money ya dumb monkey.

>> No.22362544

Bad timing. It had mooned a lot before BTC and alts pulled back, so the correction is magnified.

>> No.22362566

actually I am a high/midwit, I am smart, but also smart enough to see when people who are smarter than me are onto something

>> No.22362583
File: 2.43 MB, 1234x2094, 1594232888693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is gonna make it

>> No.22362604

and then you buy their bags

>> No.22362704

The test I took tops at 160


I’m waiting to take a Stamford Binet to confirm, but I already know I have a 168 IQ from playing rainbow six siege