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File: 259 KB, 1305x980, 1592495156168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22358832 No.22358832 [Reply] [Original]

>I can't wait to stake my linki-...

What the fuck?! linklets priced out forever?!

>> No.22358888

Embarrassed I actually looked

>> No.22358918


>> No.22358996

Oh no it's real!

>> No.22359397

Where did you find this?

>> No.22359410

>pre-mainnet marines

>> No.22359423

>Not even changing the date
So fucking lazy. JANNIES PLZ.

>> No.22359474

at least change the date, low effort faggot

>> No.22359570
File: 10 KB, 316x159, 1599158526789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all laughing because it's a low quality bait but I'm actually concerned only big stacks will be able to stalk. This isn't tezos staking, the only way pooling will be needed will be for very specific, rare contracts. Not everyone will be able to stake.

>> No.22359606

The date says Jun 17

>> No.22359826

even if linklets can't stake at first, staking will still drive the price up tremendously. It's what will start the positive price feedback loop. The income from staking is honestly an afterthought