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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22347221 No.22347221 [Reply] [Original]

one thing that is hilarious to me, is how biz is ignoring PRQ
thing right here is one of, if not the most undervalued coin in all of crypto
people here talk about all kinds of project without realizing they are in just for the money, so if we're being rational, the smartest thing to do is to go all in prq if you only want money
there is literally no other reason to invest in any other coin if you only want money

and the only real fud is "coin not needed" which is about to get btfo by the devs


>> No.22347384

did you seriously just copy paste what i wrote in the other thread?

i also said

>I'd advise you guys to stop shilling, there is no reason to shill if you know you're gonna make it
..also I want to buy more so please stop making threads

>> No.22347393

thanks, next post secured

>> No.22347603


>> No.22347629

alright ill bite, what does parsiq do?

>> No.22347668

its to the blockchain what google is for the internet.

internet data -> google makes it usable
blockchain data -> Parsiq makes it usable

thats the most simple explanation my good friend

>> No.22347681

just checked the charts, this shit is bleeding to death just like statera

>> No.22347912

unlike sat, prq will not only recover, but will continue to gain mass adoption, it already got a partnership with bitfury, this is not something every project is able to get, the fact that they got the partnership means prq is special
but sage and fuck you for making me spell it out for you, dyor

>> No.22348615

I bought a nice bag yesterday. Once it gains traction and usage it can easily go to 100m+.