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22342687 No.22342687[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can I profit from the fact that Democrats are approaching the military to remove Trump from office? Since the media and Big Tech is in league with the Great Reset, once they call the election for Biden, they will cut off all avenues of Trump’s communication.

>> No.22342712

... huh?

>> No.22342743
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I don't know man, but I'm all in bitcoin.
I see it as a hedge as the continue to fight over how many trillion to print.

>> No.22342788


>> No.22342868

>Democrats are approaching the military to remove Trump from office

They're not, it's just Karl Rove politics as have been practiced for decades now.

Rule: Hit your opponent where they're strongest. If possible, take your opponent's biggest weakness and throw it on your opponent's biggest strength.

In 2004, the Dem nominee was multiple-decorated Vietnam vet Kerry, which was his whole brand (He literally opened his acceptance speech at the DNC with "John Kerry reporting for duty!") while rich kid Bush had strings pulled so he could camp out Vietnam at home in the Texas Air National Guard. Swift Boat Time! "John Kerry was actually a coward who didn't really deserve any of those medals!" Boom, Bush's weakness thrown onto Kerry's strength.

In 2016, the Clinton campaign found out to their horror that, when informed of the coincidence of Russia funneling $150 million to her "foundation" and giving Bill 6-figure checks for 30-minute speeches while at the same time Clinton approved the sale of a huge uranium company to Russia, voters were 53 percent less likely to vote for her, with like 25% MUCH less likely.

On the other hand, you've got Trump, pugnacious ultra-patriot-to-the-point-of-racism. That's his brand. So, "Is Trump a Russian asset?!" Boom, done.

Now it's 2020 and you've got Trump, who is somehow the first President who hasn't started a war in 4 decades up against Joe "Never Met A War I Didn't Like, As Long As I Didn't Have To Go" Biden.

So, "Why does Trump hate the troops?" etc.

>> No.22342887

>If possible, take your opponent's biggest weakness and throw it on your opponent's biggest strength.
crap, that should read
>take your candidate's biggest weakness and throw it on your opponent's biggest strength

>> No.22343000

grow up its all theater

>> No.22343050

They are actually trying to stage a coup d’état and blame Trump victory on another Russian interference. If Biden looses, the plan is to blame Russia and askk the military to remove Trump.

>> No.22343065

based and checked

>> No.22343114

Repubs will unironically assassinate this guy in order to win the upcoming election with a last-minute moderate-seeming candidate that no one will have time to critique, and then try to salvage what's left of their illusion of integrity and conservative ideals. Way to pave the way for the conspiracy theories pinning it on the Dems, though.

>> No.22343234

Trump will win by a land slide
Vote will be high close to 60%

>> No.22343510

fuck off retard
not your safe space

>> No.22343571

Poltards are so delusional. It is almost cute until you realize they actually believe the shit they have been fed. When you think about it, it explains why so many idiots fall for uniswap scams. The same lack of critical thinking causes both phenomena.

>> No.22344212
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They did mock exercises already among tons of politicians and bureaucrats if "Trump doesn't leave the presidency after he loses". Its a ritual a primer to the public and they are telling you what they are doing. Its not just Dems, Reps were in on it as well. They are going to contest the election if Trumps wins and say he needs to be removed and plead action is taken.

>> No.22344258

>How it feels to chew Qboomer theories
If by some offchance that larping nigger and his fag worshippers are correct, Trump would instantly go from the worst president in recent memory to the greatest of all time.

>> No.22344269


>> No.22344279

invest in anti-trump companies like Amazon, Nike, Apple, Microsoft, and Google.

>> No.22344324

so the premise of that article is that democrats are going to riot if their voter fraud operation and muh 6 gorillion illegal votes in california and new york, don't give them the win lol? mow em down, trumpy.

>> No.22344480


Basically they will accuse him of what they are guilty of and contest it for the next 4 years if they can. He needs to win in a massive landslide which I hope he does.

Its probably going to be a lot worse than it is now.

>> No.22345092

>So, "Why does Trump hate the troops?" etc.
Or, you know, it could be the fact that he just got outed as having called them losers.

>> No.22345301

Source? Or just schizo /pol/ bs like usual

>> No.22345326

That has the probability of me being Elon Musk long lost son, I’m black btw

>> No.22345342

You guys are fucking hilarious.

Trump says himself that he may not accept the outcome of the election. He said the same thing the first time. He fucking DIDN'T ACCEPT THE OUTCOME OF THE ONE THAT HE WON, claiming that he actually won the popular vote. He's already admitted to kneecapping the USPS in order to tamp down on mail-in ballots (btw he doesn't understand that mail-in and absentee are the same thing and he also voted by mail himself). But nah it's totally the democrats that are likely to try to steal the election and start a coup, lmao.

Also, reminder that "they're doing what they're accusing us of doing!" Is as worthless a claim as "I swear I'm not a liar!" Because just as the liar would of course claim to not be one, the projector would project that "THOSE GUYS are projecting1!".

>> No.22345647

+5 Insightful

>> No.22345660


>> No.22345696


He probably did win the popular vote. Democrats weirdly get votes from dead people and illegals more than you'd think.

I'll have to assume this is all bait because I refuse to believe you are this ignorant. There are tons of methods used by both sides to win elections through rigging. Gerry mandering is another example. Its why covid is being pushed so hard to scare people into voting through mail instead of in person.

>> No.22345722

> South-African connection
You’re Elon’s son?

>> No.22345759

>But nah it's totally the democrats that are likely to try to steal the election and start a coup, lmao
It’s not that the republicans are above it, it’s that the democrats are the ones about to lose so they will be the ones actually doing it.

>> No.22345816
File: 52 KB, 634x423, 8297224-6571637-image-a-2_1547007621123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can profit by siding with trump because the military is on trump side.

>> No.22345854

Damn you are a mega retard faggot. Yeah he did win the popular vote when you don't count all the illegals and refugees in sanctuary cities.

Good thing trump is using the postal service to have a block chain voting system so that there will be no contesting the actual results. Far left faggots like yourself will be the ultimate salt mine, 2016 x100

>> No.22345860

Bet on Augur for second civil war in US after november.

>> No.22345888

I'll never understand how libtards can be so disgusting they support pedophilia and pedovore, they'll back the people stealing from them who are traitors to our country. When you are liberal with your worldview you are easily manipulated, you have to be a narcissist bleeding you are morally right so far up your ass.

>> No.22345920

You’re retarded. Each high and low ranking officer knows how incompetent he is. Why spout nonsense on the internet?

>> No.22345938

Nice digits checked. I fully agree, I think it's because they have the moral superiority and lust for power themselves but they are too dumb to realize they are pawns who'd end up in a ditch when their commie utopia is realized.

>> No.22345976

>Democrats weirdly get votes from dead people and illegals more than you'd think.
Completely baseless memetic nonsense, has never been demonstrated to be the case. In fact, Trump's own commission created to investigate this found nothing and disbanded shortly after creation.

>Its why covid is being pushed so hard to scare people into voting through mail instead of in person.
More baseless conspiratorial horseshit nonsense. Who is behind this and why exactly would this help one party in particular? Both party's voters both get the ballots, dude.

Baseless nonsense, see above. Post evidence or fuck off

>> No.22346102

Yikes sweaty do you know where you are?



Truth of the matter is the democrats teamed up with China to unleash covid in order to ruin the economy and steal the election. In 4 conspiracy, West coast politicians are deep with China. First covid case was in washington. Diane fienstein had a Chinese spy as her driver for over a decade.

Get fucked commie faggot

>> No.22346134
