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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22341744 No.22341744 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22341803
File: 212 KB, 450x316, chutya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we speak hindi here karlos

>> No.22341916
File: 114 KB, 752x687, hedl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still holding

>> No.22342045

If PNK fails, then smartcontracting doesn't work and eth fails too. If PNK succeeds, eth succeeds. Vitalik understands this. We might have to wait a few years until the next bullrun to make it though.

>> No.22342273

I really need this to pump before link, I just wanna convert 90% of my pnk to link before it’s too late

>> No.22342336

>selling your golden ticket for not needed: the token

>> No.22342420

sir please remove token

>> No.22342478
File: 197 KB, 829x1015, 1597209423228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

150k Enough to make it?
When will this shit pump. I don't want to wage anymore.

>> No.22342748

>giving a shit about the price
If you are speculating you might win big but you won't really make it until you realise that PNK is the only token in existence which provides an income for the work you put in (adjudicating). You are holding a piece of the future and giving a shit about the price. 1 PNK = 1 PNK. The real question is, "in 3 years time what is the total value which will be disputed on kleros" aka what is the return on my investment.

The answer to that is based on:
>what value of real contracts will be done on smart contracts
>how many of these contracts will require arbitration
>what market share of all arbitration will PNK have

Over the next few years this amount will be very small. Nobody is even using smartcontracts yet because they are unaware that arbitrated escrow exists, and even if they are, gas fees are high. Kleros already works. All it needs is adoption, as Federico keeps saying. Currently it is the team creating the dapps but when people start to realise just how huge kleros is for blockchain as a concept and start developing/integrating their own networks, and you might see industry titans even outsource to kleros as has been hinted, then you will eventually see price discovery and "make it". Then you will sell your tokens, hire a builder using a smartcontract to construct your mansion, and spend the rest of your life saying "jesus FUCKING christ why did I sell my PNK that was a revenue-bearing asset which goes up exponentially and I sold it for a measly $20 when I could have just been a juror for a few years, made 100x that amount, and still have my precious pinkies".

>> No.22343870
File: 227 KB, 829x628, the_PNK_pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir, morpheus, sir i'm sorry but this blue pill, red pill gaandu is shit, there is only the PNK pill, chutya