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22322230 No.22322230 [Reply] [Original]

why do people share educational info on how to trade?

I'm not talking about your regular trading scammers, who share shit that doesn't work. I'm talking about traders online that teach you how to legitimately trade. Why would they do this? don't they realize that when enough people learn the trick, it will stop working?

>> No.22322343

they want you to buy their product, and there is no guarantee that you will understand it or be successful

>> No.22323269

they don't know shit they are all literally scammers falling for TA memes

>> No.22323479

I won't go into detail because read more books in marketing.

Basically - You create a solid community it can monetise very well. 20/80 rule.

>> No.22323678

Remember almost no one follows good advice. People that get the message rarely follow through.

>> No.22323782

TA only works if a lot of people believe in it

>> No.22323864

>don't they realize that when enough people learn the trick, it will stop working?
Same with music business anon. 99.9% of the people will give up before it even bears any fruits. Almost all people are made for a life of wagecucking. Nobody wants to put in the actual work they all want to ge rich quick. Getfamous quick. Become a good guitarist quick. Become buff quick.
Nobodywants to do the actual work these traders tell you to do