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>> No.22314910
File: 174 KB, 1060x1200, 281474ED-592B-43A0-9AE8-CE3F4D75C342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for space girls

>> No.22314913

Fuck off bobo

>> No.22314926
File: 278 KB, 1600x1600, sfw9ifrn5n751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to have anal

>> No.22314930

Bulldogs rise up

>> No.22314939

Fuck off bull, double circuit breakers today

>> No.22314942
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>> No.22314948

Just buy some stocks.

>> No.22314947

Then go lurk in /fit/. There are nothing but legitimate faggots there.

>> No.22314961 [DELETED] 
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Rebellious secretary edition

>> No.22314972
File: 71 KB, 552x768, cha ching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Markets are gonna open soon, I can stop wanting to join a crypto gambling site :D
DXY up alongside /gc, russel absolutely killing it o_O

>> No.22314987

please stop going down line ive never been up in my life

>> No.22314991
File: 34 KB, 600x360, BigGreenWads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys a dividend stock for that SWEET 10% yield
>price drops by 3% every quarter, then suspends the divvy
Ahh yea. That is how I like 'em

>> No.22314992

If we dump again today I’m buying Microsoft

>> No.22314993

not a stock guy - is it really crashing today or nah?

>> No.22314996
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>Yuropoors going red.

>> No.22314998

Anal is overrated. To be trurthful, sex is overrated.

Money isn't. Extremely underrated at all times.

>> No.22315028

Prostitutes are rigging the game and get both.

>> No.22315046

no premarket movement on nvda

>> No.22315050

Does anyone here think that the big boys will use Softbank as an excuse to dump the market in order to get rid of normies, while fundamentals (QE, low-interest rates, inflation) did not change?

>> No.22315051
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TA bros help me out with thissun
good chart or bad chart?

>> No.22315062
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>It's the chinese century

>> No.22315075


>> No.22315084

Down 1%, SQQQ up almost 3

>> No.22315090

I'm going to sell half a million worth of shares at open, was a good run boys

>> No.22315092
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>> No.22315094

Just part of Capitalism. Rather get prostitutes than a wife. At least with a prostitute, I know what my fixed costs are.


Spoiler ALert:

The butthole doesn't contract like an axe wound. So it's like sticking your dick inside a doughnut hole. The overhype will leave you disappointed.

>> No.22315103

any big brain takes on whats going to happen today?
Im feeling flat till open into bear trap into 1% SPY 3% TQQQ

>> No.22315120

It's a SELL AND GTFO chart.

Why in the hell would you even touch that stock?

>> No.22315127

>yurop crabbing red
>everyone waiting to see what happens when US opens their market
This could be extremely painful

>> No.22315135

What's going to happen today?

Gee Weez, let me get my crystal fucking ball.

>> No.22315139

anon what the hell are you on about? It's a fine stock.

>> No.22315141
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I am scared and need mommy

>> No.22315154

You ever had a blowjob from a moderately experienced girl at 19 who really likes you and is really into it?

>> No.22315232
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>> No.22315241
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I'm buying fucking more MSFT if I can.
oh wait this is the bare bones model? is it actually playable or do you have to buy something besides games?

>> No.22315243

Seriously, what the FUCK is going on right now.. Unemployment report came back good... I don't understand how the DOW/S&P are getting fucked already in pre-market...

>> No.22315253

That’s a big oof

>> No.22315259

>feel absolutely nervous
>can't sleep
I won't make it freinds...

>> No.22315261

Dumb frogposter, your mommy can't help you now. Grab some SQQQ and hang on for dear life

>> No.22315266

>he doesnt know

>> No.22315276

>I fomo’d into the pump on Friday after the dump
A am I going to be ok

>> No.22315277


>> No.22315282
File: 753 KB, 300x169, goddamnit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuhhhhhh ...... go on.......

>> No.22315288

>A am

>> No.22315292

I think 2 month sqqq calls are back on the menu

>> No.22315309
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I'm here for you fren. We will make it. Just buy puts if it crashes.

>> No.22315313

>everyone thinks its gonna dump
pump it is then

>> No.22315320

I’m going to sleep now let’s hope I didn’t waste 5k on Friday

>> No.22315327

>TQQQ went down to 134
what the FUCK is going on

>> No.22315330
File: 608 KB, 1745x1846, C7791425-115E-4AA3-8930-9D6C89934314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol Tesla
This is is going sub 100
I told you not to touch tech until after the elections and go all in on AUY but you didn’t listen

>> No.22315339
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Wew lad Tesla getting the screws in premarket this morning!

Hold. Stop loss at 66.30 or so.

>> No.22315343

SQQQ mooning

>> No.22315345

it's really ogre isn't it?

>> No.22315346

Anon, treat stock market as a giant clown-tier Ponzi scheme. Rich faggots wanted it to go up. Now they want it to go down. Numbers and statistics don't matter in the money printing world

>> No.22315360

I think it took most people a month to accept the stock market can go up for no reason, now it can go down for no reason

>> No.22315361

miners/gold/Btc are underperforming too
might aswell tell people to buy banks and cruises

>> No.22315364

Holy Christ, down -10% before 4:30

Is this the labor day effect, where everyone said get out of Tesla before it crashes?

>> No.22315367

>Stop loss at 66.30 or so.
That's for the burger listing. For TSE the equivalent level is around about 55000.

>> No.22315382

Will Tesla finally get what they deserve?

>> No.22315388
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>> No.22315392

Does MS really cut in to Nintendo's console sales much? Seems like it'd be a slightly different demographic.

>> No.22315393

pre market is just a meme r-right?

>> No.22315394
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Not going all in on AUY

>> No.22315412
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>> No.22315419

It's gone up 6 months on pure speculation and panic buying, if new information isn't constantly overwhelmingly good be very afraid.

>> No.22315424
File: 75 KB, 1157x968, sqqq2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went 40% cash last week. Strongly considering hedging my remaining long (apple) with this

>> No.22315447
File: 472 KB, 1908x1146, 34744D2C00000578-0-image-a-38_1463826639629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have WKHS now but am wondering if I should drop it to buy SHLL (or just buy SHLL and keep both).

>> No.22315459
File: 221 KB, 1037x1568, kemono_frens_marching_band.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Line that jerks up fast jerks down fast. This is a universal rule but is not necessarily tied to long term trend. The long term chart on Amazon has some of that. Mega bull runs followed by large retrace then settle in back around the 200 day moving average for a while until the next run. It was power crab from late 2018 to early 2020, for instance. Amazon's chart history is filled with these waves.

>> No.22315463

When is a good idea to go back into the market? I sold everything last week

>> No.22315471

It means if you bought into Nintendo prior to their earnings, its time to sell some shares for profit.

Yes, it's just ok. I even still have pics of her. Blonde, hottest body I ever fucked. But Blowjob was meh.

>> No.22315479
File: 121 KB, 576x768, 2DCE5681-CF8B-4D02-A47F-CD3E0A320CE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimme your Kai to pump AUY

>> No.22315489

In all seriousness, it can be, but for the nasdaq to pump so much on Friday out of nowhere after dipping so hard strikes me as the bounce. So seeing SQQQ and UVXY going up so much in premarket seems ominous

>> No.22315496

Recovery stocks.

SHLL. 100% sure about this. It's no guarantee that WKHS is going to get this contract. Nearly 100% sure that merger will happen.

>> No.22315499

Fucking hell, bros. Becky's boyfriend told me TSLA will go up today

>> No.22315513


>> No.22315520
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It shall be done.

>> No.22315526

Becky's other boyfriend didn't tell her he sold all his TSLA

>> No.22315528

SQQQ +5%

>> No.22315534

the things i would do to her

>> No.22315540

But SHLL is already up 160% this month.

>> No.22315547

I got scammed by an escort bros..

>> No.22315550
File: 163 KB, 750x926, BBDAD132-29E5-4863-A513-26C00FD26478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TSLA in the shitter. $320 EOD

>> No.22315561

Go on

>> No.22315562


>> No.22315565

>It means if you bought into Nintendo prior to their earnings, its time to sell some shares for profit.
Unfortunately I did too much of that early on, I forget I have a problem about never letting winners run. Now I just have a few shares across all my accounts. Maybe just take profits in my IRA and let them ride in my other accounts.

>> No.22315570
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>> No.22315571

Did she tell you to invest into tesla bro?

>> No.22315576
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Gentlemen, what is the name of this pattern?

>> No.22315583

fucking euros at it again..baka

>> No.22315584

Based Melon single-handedly popping the printed market bubble with his overpriced penny stock.

>> No.22315608

Oh boy UVXY is on the rise.

>> No.22315613
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, F2E184D8-D304-4C87-B374-11FA192218A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally said on Friday if SQQQ was the call and some anon responded kek if I was being sarcastic

>> No.22315617

Nearly +7% now

>> No.22315624

Reflecting on how fast Tech has ran, it's not a bad idea to sell something like 20-50% of shares of Nintendo.

Merger deal impending.

1) Diluted Shares

2) Excluded from S&P

Not a good day for Tesla.

>> No.22315627
File: 86 KB, 1240x518, Screen Shot 2020-09-08 at 1.46.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry europoors

>> No.22315629

bear flag

>> No.22315631

Also, what's going on with the DAQ futures right now?

>> No.22315632

Trump and fed has to interfere...right?

>> No.22315634

fuck this shit

>> No.22315645

Don't be sorry. I have puts on tesla.

>> No.22315661

Trump doesn't even know how you buy shares.
JPOW will break into the NYSE in the dead of night and leave behind a trillion dollars on the floor like its christmas morning. The middle class MUST suffer so green line can go up.

>> No.22315671

That's because the dollar is being stubborn and doesn't wanna drop out of its lane.

>> No.22315678

Goddamnit, please have a huge bounce AAPL and TQQQ so I can sell

>> No.22315679

wouldn't merger deal be priced in at this point?

>> No.22315688
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If you're an conspiracy theorist. You could say the Fed is trying to prevent a DOT-COM 2.0 and has stopped funding BlackRock with funding for the stock market for a short while.

(Cue TWilight Zone)

>> No.22315702

Trump and the republicans blew it. They could have taken the two trillion stimi.

>> No.22315703

I'm sorry did you take a look at NKLA charts?

>> No.22315707

What is happening with the USD is that it is still the defacto world currency. All the other governments printing their own currencies into shit mean that USD is still in demand, and that will keep prices stable for a while. Don't bet on the USD crashing soon, but expect weak economies (turkey, greece) to crash hard and have some massive inflation problems, and this causes a demand for USD.

>> No.22315711

It's the continuation of Friday after the miracle pump

>> No.22315724
File: 98 KB, 750x1000, 1D84DE6C-68E7-4210-86C4-6BEC1887390F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over

>> No.22315733

Not with all the extra garbage the democrats tacked on to it to hold the bill hostage.

>> No.22315735

The jews did this

If i lose it all they lose even more

>> No.22315737

>It's the continuation of Friday after the miracle pump
I wonder if any of this is Softbank unwinding their positions -- or investors worrying that Softbank is unwinding their positions.

>> No.22315747

We literally just had one

>> No.22315765
File: 2.50 MB, 2880x1800, Screen Shot 2020-09-05 at 9.35.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would hope not, but one of the things that differentiates nintendo is the price point. Sometimes santa just isn't feeling that generous.

Thank you cute anime

>> No.22315774

Greece is on Euro, it won't have much inflation

>> No.22315777

What are your TSLA and AAPL plays?

>> No.22315786

Buy tesla at 200

>> No.22315796

Sell for Microsoft.

>> No.22315800

Curl into a ball and cry

>> No.22315801

For sure that started this. Don't think that's necessarily driving the downward pressure anymore. UVXY is also going up with it

>> No.22315817
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>still bag holding tesla

>> No.22315823
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S&P and the Dow going red. Keep dreaming, boy.

>> No.22315831
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>> No.22315839

It's the price of a free and democratic society, dont like it? Move to kung flu land then bud.

>> No.22315855

Tesla was a fucking pump and dump insider trade. How the fuck do they keep getting away with this

>> No.22315867

damn that person is plain and ugly

>> No.22315875
File: 117 KB, 700x472, parallela66_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you say, chief

>> No.22315883

Just stopping by to say kys tranny.

>> No.22315884

Yeah that's part of being tethered to germany. Greece there was just an example of a weak economy. Countries that aren't tethered to the euro will tether themselves to the USD as their own shit collapses. The EUR will have demand too. Then EUR starts collapsing and we all move to USD.. then the USD collapses and we all go to gold.
Gold won't collapse so that's the end game.

>> No.22315887

How is the announcement of a split insider trading? You had a clear exit day.

>> No.22315934

greed got the best of him

>> No.22315955

Never owned it
short term hedge, I just cannot believe in anything thesis that it should be dumped

>> No.22315956
File: 757 KB, 1280x962, 21856ED1-5288-4A99-80EF-B40C143B1B49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I’ll take the day off.

>> No.22316003

>What are your TSLA and AAPL plays?
Watch TSLA stocktwits page turn into GNUS 2.0
Buy a leap on AAPL on Jan 1

>> No.22316045
File: 459 KB, 1499x2643, 65969B5B-F2B1-4AE1-94FB-B898BF4D0F4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time is unironically different
Check at last week dump
Miners barely moved while everything went to the shitter
I think it’s a mix of Buffett shilling Barrick and people too afraid of inflation so they are not selling miners this time

>> No.22316055

Man guys I am getting deja vu like hell right now the post picture the video I am between all post I swear that I saw this in a dream a week ago

>> No.22316061
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>Whole world green
>Americans still manage to drop their market the day after on no news

>> No.22316084

the people trading premarket aren't americans. they aren't even human

>> No.22316085


>> No.22316086

I thought sure this was going to somehow be a man with a huge schlong when she turned around. I've been hanging around here too long

>> No.22316107

Fuck it I'm shorting everything tech

>> No.22316111

sold half my TSLA stack on thursday, gonna sell the other half today t b h

>> No.22316112

maybe youre just gay

>> No.22316122

Soros gates Buffett are all democrats
They will crash this shit with no survivors to blame rump for it

>> No.22316124

Who cares?
As a europoor myself I have the rule not to buy anything ever from Europooria.

>> No.22316130

Dumb enough to have not sold all of my TSLA shares by now, do I dump the rest at open or wait and see if there's enough people who want the bags afterwards that the price bounces up a little?

>> No.22316161
File: 332 KB, 2048x1543, 24twinpeaks00-superJumbo-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continue... What happened later? Circuit breakers I hope?

>> No.22316178
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I hope you are right. Crashes will make us rich.

>> No.22316190

Imagine still believing in the rep/dem dichotomy.

>> No.22316191
File: 666 KB, 480x339, 8632D1FC-0970-46A2-97C7-1A83421E0614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.22316200

id: zeez
We're all gonna make it bros

>> No.22316201

the big short is happening as we squeak

>> No.22316202
File: 44 KB, 602x521, ultimate comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all so tiresome

>> No.22316207

AAAAAAAAAA the wait is killing me

>> No.22316226
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>> No.22316229

Kek. Even bulls want this market to crash a little so we can load up on cheapies. Only FOMOing retards get the slaughter

>> No.22316230 [DELETED] 

We fucked up. Covid was supposed to kill the boomers, not let them burry tech

>> No.22316262

Boomer stocks aren't falling as hard because they have been basically near rock bottom since April

>> No.22316277

This. All the index growth was pushed by a massive tech boom. Now tech is popping.
We in hard times.

>> No.22316284
File: 184 KB, 1009x931, 1529376529031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we often call each other irrational in here, but the market has done an amazing job of gaslighting the shit out of people

>> No.22316287
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ur welcome

>> No.22316309

>lost $4k last week
>bought a bunch of debit puts that would make me $4k as a last resort
>market crashing and theyre probably gonna go itm by friday

thank you for another chance bogs

>> No.22316334

>ctrl-F ETSY
What's going to happen to this in the first hour?

>> No.22316340

>to blame rump for it
You people keep saying that but it never works out the way you think. You will never be loved for creating disorder and pointing the finger at the other guy as if to say he started it. Never in millions years.

>> No.22316342

>thank you for another chance bogs
Congrats you just lost 4k for patronizing the bogs. Should have stayed quiet.

>> No.22316351

Honestly, this.
If softbank can pump tech for half a year, Democrat doners sure as hell can cause a decline for the next 2 months. Something as simple as Buffet putting some money into miners sends a signal to the right people.
Right after the election it could get even more volatile since massive numbers of mail-in ballots will lead to uncertainty over who actually won. Multiple people have already mentioned the possibility that e.g. Trump could narrowly win PA or FL on election night but with mail-in votes the result flips a week later.

Somebody this weekend gave what is probably the most sensible advice: invest with a look at Q1 2021 and onward. Buy some cheapies if you can but don't sweat it too much

>> No.22316352
File: 416 KB, 1536x2048, 358716F8-50F4-46F3-A1A8-B7C71579FA9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are the same shit but they need to,pull shit like this so normies think there’s are rivals
Presidents don’t do shit nor take any decisions, they are puppets of the banks and big corps
Always been that way

>> No.22316386
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>Wobble around 210 while everything pumps
>Finally go up to 225
>Get Jedi contract
>Crash back to 205

>> No.22316389

coomer nation rise up

>> No.22316392
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>> No.22316401

>Q1 2021 and onward
What are the best options?
some random tech, like NET/FSLY
oil ETFs

>> No.22316418

Why did investing.com switch to naming the indexes like that? What's the point?

>> No.22316419

We lied.

>> No.22316426

Full blown crash happening

>> No.22316435

If biden wins and republicans hold the senate they will block further stimulus to ensure biden looks as bad as possible.

>> No.22316452

Hardly, it’s just stupid bots selling because Tesla dumped

>> No.22316458

Please SHLL to 70 today

>> No.22316466

I bought the friday tech dip.
Will I make it?

>> No.22316470
File: 144 KB, 803x720, WTF_is_Yuzu_reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's even selling at this point? There is no new information. Nothing. The floor was bought on Friday but still we drop.

I can totally understand TSLA dumping but the rest of the market?

>> No.22316473

All of tech is dumping

>> No.22316490
File: 74 KB, 700x510, TruckWater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're just guessing and we're all at the bog's mercy

>> No.22316505

The only good news for TSLA memers is that there is so much money in puts at 350 and 300 that it can't get below that this week....probably. Unless the overall market is going down.
battery meme day might eek out one last exit POOMP but the only real resistance level thanks to Matayoshi Son is ~200.

>> No.22316518

US tech 100 futures is down 2%, with other futures also in the red. I think youre screwed

>> No.22316520

If you were paying attention you'd have understood what was going on. Last week I watched a number of stocks, AMD, NVDA, and a bunch of others. They all rose and fell at the exact same pattern, roughly following tesla. The money is all investing in tech indexes, that's what drove this bubble. The downside is ti connected everything, and made everything completely unrelated to what the companies were.
Basically the entire market was turned into shitcoin, and that's why it can dump for no reason

>> No.22316521

Writing is on the wall, anon. If you haven't figured it out yet, then I'm sorry.

>> No.22316523

The rest of the market is partially dumping because of Tesla
Thank Elon

>> No.22316543

Buy low, sell high

>> No.22316549

I guess maybe it was a bad idea for less than ten stocks to make up half the value of the market, causing everything to get thrown out with the bath water when they burst causing a huge chain reaction

>> No.22316564
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BoBO's back in town

>> No.22316575

You can't sell high of it always goes down

>> No.22316577

Is it time for Trump to switch from using NASDAQ as a scorecard back to using the Boomer Jones?
Does he even know SPY exists?

>> No.22316605

Join our discord server using this invitation code: qnXVkk

We disucss IPOs, ICOs, dividents, options, politics and philosophy

>> No.22316614

Fuck off trannynigger

>> No.22316620

Fuck off tranny

>> No.22316625

You got it the wrong way around. The rest of the world was fucking delusional on monday, with the memory of a goldfish thinking nothing is wrong and america doesn't exist when they were closed for one day kek.

>> No.22316629

Tension in the air. Anxiety. Fear. You can feel it too, don't you?

>> No.22316638
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>tfw all in American Tech

>> No.22316649


>> No.22316651

We flew too close to the Sun

>> No.22316655
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>> No.22316656

allet wird jut

>> No.22316661


>> No.22316668

I sold my tqqq but my apple calls are going to eat shit for sure

>> No.22316670
File: 257 KB, 1073x978, bobo-trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime Trump talks about how high in index is, it crashes the next following days.

See June 8th, See last week with Dow Jones.

Trump = BoBo

Bobo's back in town


>> No.22316673
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>> No.22316678
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GMEfags report in, what's the plan for today?

>> No.22316683

Bobo please. Why won't you stop. It's been three solid massive fucking red days

>> No.22316687
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>> No.22316692

Whats the reason for the dip?

i dont own any stocks ...just wondering

>> No.22316695

don't you mean two? or are you counting monday for some odd reason

>> No.22316697

Zoom out to 1 year on your charts

>> No.22316705
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Top Webull Holdings

>> No.22316707
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> The technology heavy NASDAQ 100 index has ended the month of August on an all time high. And this means it is still accelerating on a month by month basis. This is a bubble and it's obvious. That's the funny thing about bubbles...the crowd has reached the point where the bizarre is seen as normal. But I can assure you, the following chart of the NASDAQ 100 index is far from normal...

> This is a classic blow-off pattern and it is a signal to sell....not to buy. The NASDAQ may continue its meteoric rise for a while longer but at an increase of 10% per month, it is obviously unsustainable. The other issue right now is that the broader U.S. market (the NASDAQ & the NYSE combined) has reached a key resistance level. And it's one you may recall from February when the SP-500 index reached it last time....

>> No.22316714
File: 304 KB, 770x775, 66CF98D1-E8F4-46D7-94DC-BF38784C24B0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are all the buy the dip faggots who laughed at my DXY has broken trend post last night?

>> No.22316717

>GNUS was number 1 until last week
Holy shit

>> No.22316718


>> No.22316720
File: 702 KB, 500x500, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you thought Friday was the end of Bobo?

I think we could use a little more BoBo these days ;).

>> No.22316732

>I bought the dip but it wasnt the dip.
I dont feel so good with my GOOGL shares now.

how long will this dip take to recover? 25 years?

>> No.22316746

Repost it, I didn't see

>> No.22316751

JPow has to buy the dip. Only reason I am in this market because I thought fed has our backs.

>> No.22316756

JP is controlling the market my guy. Buffet bought $1 billion worth of AAPL shares last week. It's already over, we recovering now

>> No.22316770

Just don't pay taxes

>> No.22316778

>There is no new information. Nothing.
same could be said to people buying tech stocks, literally went parabolic with no new information, don't be retarded anon

>> No.22316779
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>mfw 110% cash right now

>> No.22316782

Thursday Friday and uhmmmm today apparently

>> No.22316785


>> No.22316798
File: 104 KB, 576x760, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to summarize today in a picture.

>> No.22316799


Oh boy, the dollar is rallying. Today will be blood red.

>> No.22316805

Thank you, fren. I saw your post, looked at the chart, and reduced my euro/stocks positions by 80%

>> No.22316811

I'm not a bull at these prices, but people should stop comparing now to February and March.
The coronavirus was something like we hadn't seen in 100 years and there was massive uncertainty as to what it would mean. That uncertainty doesn't exist now, and nothing else on the horizon, short of a war with China, is that big.

>> No.22316816
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>mfw 85% cash, 5% boomer, 10% gold/silver

>> No.22316826


>> No.22316840
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DXY is going up? Oh Please TELL ME MORE. I'm going......to.......COOOOOOOOMM

>> No.22316847

No new information is great. Economy keeps growing, population keeps growing, dollar keeps inflating. No news means stocks go up.

>> No.22316853
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I genuinely believe the market could crash or moon from here on.

Regardless I think Tech stocks will go upwards by a years time which is fine but it's hard not to feel like an idiot when there's a good chance a stock I hold will go down and I just brought at the open.

Based on the fact that this is all just glorified gambling, buy the tech dip, hold for the long term and if it dips even more, buy more.

>> No.22316883

Just don't be a TSLA bagholder. That bioypenny-tier ATM offering Elon did burned all the bridges with the banks he suckered into it. Pretty sure that cash is just to last long enough for Elon to dump his shares and exit TSLA to focus "full time" on SpaceX.

>> No.22316888

>buffett has 40% of his portfolio in aapl
what did he mean by this

>> No.22316891

>-5% premarket
oh baby i hope it stays red until I enter it today.

>> No.22316898
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This was from last night, it has significantly gone past that since.

If we get to 94ish range we’re in full on melt down.

>> No.22316899
File: 72 KB, 400x333, cd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reads Newspaper
>Amazon Negative 3%
>Sips Coffee

>> No.22316907

>Buffet bought $1 billion worth of AAPL shares last week
I don't see this in the article. Lad, we all know old man Warren made some mistakes in the past, but he is not a total fucking idiot. Brace for impact

>> No.22316914

I'd only feel good about holding


not necessarily in that order, but yeah

>> No.22316926

Well, he hasnt sold anything aaple related, it would make headlines. We comfy. Don't get it twisted. Expect moon mission wednesday after bloody tuesday

>> No.22316936


sure wish I felt that way

>> No.22316939

>Sells Airline stocks
>Airlines Pump
>Gold Plummets
>Buys Apple
>Apple starting to crash

Is there anyone in the world getting more bogged than Buffett?

>> No.22316941
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Is this still relevant?

>> No.22316948

it was a W shaped recovery after all

>> No.22316954

Tell me more and enlighten me
Even after all the fundamental analysis, i'm genuinely 50/50 on my entire portfolio

>> No.22316964

So I short more...will it hold this support at 11,000 or no hmmm

>> No.22316965

he didn't buy Apple at the top

>> No.22316975

Oil memers getting pooped on again.

>> No.22316993
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>> No.22317000

Holding apple amazon and Nvidia. Boys seriously finna just sell everything and buy some stupid ass reit with a dividend fuck

>> No.22317001

Whatever he buys from here on out, I'm shorting it. He's an old man, can't believe the Chinese Virus didn't kill him yet.

>> No.22317009

what if it's an upside-down square root shaped recovery that would be awful!!!

>> No.22317021

Zoom out to monthly on nasdaq

We’re going to nasdaq 7000 before year end

>> No.22317045

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

>> No.22317046
File: 7 KB, 225x225, OIP (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh C'mon....That's not true at all....

7000 is just the beginning...

>> No.22317052

3 hours until open guys.
what will this day bring? I am so excited and anxious.

>> No.22317057


big tech will be down 90% this time next year.

>> No.22317062

if you got picks with good fundamentals and you know they're close to fair value, then yeah.
Dunno about holding TSLA though lol

>> No.22317064
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>> No.22317065
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>> No.22317083

Well... guess i can just wageslave another year.. heh

>> No.22317088


>> No.22317101

i know some people who are already boycotting it because the actor supported hong kong police or something

>> No.22317106
File: 157 KB, 1555x1080, funny-putin-vladimir-memes-humor-images-fun-1XB1Col.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Tech Bulls, you've had your fun for the last 3 months.....But the bear is back from hibernation.


>> No.22317108
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>down 4.5k in the easiest time to make money of all time
i like to consider myself a sort of international businessman

>> No.22317111

yeah 2019 was really close

where are 2020 and 2021 on this?

>> No.22317123

It's the downward trend to 2023.

>> No.22317139
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>> No.22317141

Well, considering that the DXY is up I'm guessing that the markets will bleed one final day.
I think after today there will be some crabbing and then we will resume the moon mission.
One thing is for certain, the macro changes regarding stimulus / reflation are inescapable. There is almost no scenario in which the dollar doesn't weaken and consequently all asset prices are lifted bigly.
What happens today really doesn't matter in the long term scale, if you are a long term investor it could provide a good entry point if you've been on the sideline but if you're a long term investor your entry point isn't all too important.

>> No.22317145

Some anon here said DIS will go to 400 and other anons collectively laughed at me for having moral principles in investing. That's what you get for pleasing buggmen overlords

>> No.22317152
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Is mike lindell /smg/ approved?

>> No.22317161
File: 428 KB, 1285x1221, 1592334060332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oil memers getting pooped on again.

Oil isnt a meme you faggot.

You still need Oil in your everyday like bilions of other people around this globe.
Without Oil we would still be in the stone age.

Also we need Oil as a major in terms of transition to renewables.

Ships and planes and Trucks rely on OIL , electric has none to absolute 0 market penetration in terms of logistics routes.

Oil will be there at least another 100yrs+

I think the "tech memers" will get dumped harder on , because tech has already been going up since forever this year.

Commodity and the Energy sector will outperform the Market over the next decade.

Mark my words

>> No.22317169

It will be a dead cat bounce until election time then down we go

>> No.22317176
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People didn't even like the movie lol

>> No.22317182
File: 1.82 MB, 762x1079, Goofus will be destroyed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More of them have died in these camps that even the most outlandish estimations of the holocaust
>Israel doesn't even begin to give a shit

>> No.22317187

what platform do you use and why?

>> No.22317199

im holding like 20 shares of TQQQ that i bought like a month ago at $134 what do i do? keep holding? or cut it loose and rebuy? how long do you think this tech drop is going to last

>> No.22317206

Only FOMOing retards who sold get the slaughter. I don't get why hold through Thurs and Fri just to sell at an even bigger loss today. The absolute state of paper hands

>> No.22317215

I'm from 2022 stuck here. Fun fact: In 2022 TSLA trading volume will be higher than the entire European stock market and the ticker is featured in the corner of every video/stream/website in the world.

>> No.22317226

Not quite, it is the most treacherous and dangerous time to invest since 2000

>> No.22317238

Apple is already worth more than the FTSE100

>> No.22317245

Is GME going to dump hard today? If it does I am so fucked...

>> No.22317250
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Stimulus was actually deflationary, people paying off debts

>> No.22317260

Highly doubtful. The macro factors are bullish for equities. Valuations are justified due to their inverse relationship with bond yields.
Today will be a good day to load up on cheapies if you can time the bottom or close to it.
Tomorrow will be a good day if you'd rather just wait out the chaos.

>> No.22317275

balance sheet recession
It's why you have to bazooka stimulus, spending, and federal bank help combined.

>> No.22317277

The macro factors are absolutely dogshit for equities.
Not sure why a recession is supposed to be good macroeconomic backdrop for an equity rally.

>> No.22317280

What was the total cost of the checks?

>> No.22317285

Paid off debt with mine. Those unemployment gibs did some stimulating tho

>> No.22317289

That’s what everyone said Friday and here we are at -10% on tqqq...again

As DXY continues to spike...again

The tech is dead hasn’t even had a bounce yet

>> No.22317294

They are extremely bullish. We just have some turbulence for 6 weeks.

>> No.22317309
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>> No.22317311

I’m all in on SHLL how fucked am I?

>> No.22317312

People aren't going to ball out when they think the sky is falling. A second round or even third (depending on how the second does) will need to go out now that the damage has been done and people's fears have been removed.

>> No.22317316

the norman are going to wake up tomorrow and see red. The panic selling is going to be monstrous.

>> No.22317323

Why are they bullish? Because Jerome will print more liquidity when the dips happen?

>> No.22317328

>73% of the money was spent

>> No.22317335

0% interest
Money printing
Shit rates for bonds
Incoming stimulus whether direct payments or for infrastructure
Equities, PMs, BTC, and real estate are going to continue to skyrocket.
There will continue to be profit taking along the way but our trend line is heading way up and this pull back will prime the next bull run.

>> No.22317345
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i can't stop refreshing stocktwits for TSLA nad seeing the cope from some people

>> No.22317346

So what? If companies like Boeing can replace their debts at near 0% interest rates, what's wrong with the average tax payer getting some stimulus?

>> No.22317348

Easy with the experts, bernays

>> No.22317358 [DELETED] 

The war with china is going to be fought with the nasdaq

>> No.22317369

That just makes this a good opportunity to load up. Like I've been saying, the macro indicators are still bullish. DXY is moving up but zoom out, it's still way down and money printing is coming. That dollar is going to tank and anyone who pays attention to this stuff knows it.
I've been in the markets for a while and I've seen tons of these panic selloffs.
Stocks aren't over valued either. If you are thinking of selling today it is a huge mistake, be patient, time is on your side.

>> No.22317375

>GME premarket
i wanted to buy it cheap at -5%

>> No.22317379

I bought into the short squeeze meme, wish me luck

>> No.22317380


First of all, the entire stimulus was printed, so as long as $1 is spent, its inflationary. Second, paying debt is inflationary because you would have payed that anyway, but now you have the extra money, or you would have defaulted anyway.

>> No.22317383
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DDD is positive in premarket.

>> No.22317387

See my post here

>> No.22317389

mostly cash and silver. Tomorrows going to be pretty comfy. Foolishly sold my uvxy and fngd shares last week.

>> No.22317390

Hilarious how every single thing you said was wrong.

Dollar will spike back up, stocks are historically overvalued no matter how you slice it

>> No.22317399

My gold puts...

>> No.22317400


>> No.22317403


>> No.22317404
File: 136 KB, 820x791, 371-3710165_135kib-700x710-wojak-crying-sony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pmg is making fun of us again

>> No.22317412
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we aren't in history territory

>> No.22317413

I was watching it this morning and was happy to see it deep red premarket but that's gone already.
guess we're not the only ones wanting to rob the short sellers.

from what I understand from the DD, people just have to pump it and short sellers are forced to cover and pay for my lambo? Why aren't other whales jumping in yet?

>> No.22317418

All I'm seeing is all equity classes melting down, then stagflation, and then the final and absolute enslavement of the middle class. The corona crisis popped a bubble that has been building for 200 years.

>> No.22317422

why? gold is still under 2k and red, silver will be soon

>> No.22317428

Read the whole thread, this is just the summary but it justifies high PE ratios
>inb4 street shitter

>> No.22317430
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i was using this

>> No.22317431
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>> No.22317437
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Delusional and Black Pilled.

>> No.22317438

Tsla 1875

It's still totally absurd there's nothing really to say. All the hodlers won.

>> No.22317444

They are the ones getting fucked by the jews. I bought puts.

>> No.22317445

Gold is slightly overvalued right now but if the market continues like this there will be reasons for another rally

>> No.22317454

Even though I'm in Bobo mode RN.

If stimulus passes, it'll likely send markets green again.

>> No.22317456
File: 237 KB, 1710x822, 1595445969478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold is garbage and will crash to 1700 this year

>> No.22317460

yeah they've got a reasonable bull case in the long run but I think so do stocks, I'm curious why they think they've got it better than us when the DXY is fucking us all

>> No.22317474
File: 101 KB, 785x731, soyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theyre saying comex will default and paper will expire worthless

>nice trips

>> No.22317494

no qt indifferent toy phone using angel gf, why live?

>> No.22317507

Oh ok. So where is everyone putting their money to get a return?
The dollar can't be strong and the middle class get rekt, it's one or the other.
Middle class will get rekt preciously because they won't have purchasing power and will keep needing to rely further and further on government assistance like stimulus checks as their jobs get automated.
There are 2 outcomes:
1) Corporate tech dystopia where FAGTMAN has so much power it basically enslaves us all

2) Classic dystopia A/B
A) it happens sooner than later and we go back about 400 years
B) it happens later rather than sooner and it's Fallout style so we also go back to the 1600s except there will be lasers

>> No.22317509

There are far too many gold shills on the internet. Every single youtube economist or market guy tells everyone the entire system is about to end and gold goes to 5000.

For it to be a real thing you'd see far less people shilling it for the past 15 years.

>> No.22317518

Does anyone know why
does not have any data for Sept 3 or 4?

>> No.22317529

Reminder to buy quality stocks only today. Cheapies > meme stocks. Btw Tesla is a meme stock.

>> No.22317533

New thread when

>> No.22317534

But I bought GOOG on friday

>> No.22317537

this is the last thread

>> No.22317551


>One implication of the liquidationist theory is that increasing the money supply during a recession is likely to be counterproductive. During a minor recession in 1927, for example, the Fed had made substantial open market purchases and reduced its discount rate. Adolph Miller, a member of the Federal Reserve Board, who agreed with the liquidationist view, testified in 1931 that:
>It [the 1927 action] was the greatest and boldest operation ever undertaken by the Federal Reserve System, and, in my judgment, resulted in one of the most costly errors committed by it or any banking system in the last 75 years. I am inclined to think that a different policy at that time would have left us with a different condition at this time. . . . That was a time of business recession. Business could not use and was not asking for increased money at that time.
>In Miller's view, because economic activity was low, the reserves created by the Fed's actions fueled stock market speculation, which led inevitably to the crash and subsequent depression.


Same kikery. "They" are able to squeze the last dime out of this market, then crash it for good

>> No.22317552

Just turn off internet for today. It'll be alright.

>> No.22317553

I just had anal 5 mins ago wearing army boots and cargo pants cus my gf wants me to rp like some kind of special forces meathead

>> No.22317555

> So where is everyone putting their money to get a return?
Nowhere. Nothing will give a return and central banks will still print destroying the values of dollar and other major currencies. Stagflation and rekting ensues.

>> No.22317582

>moving to cash after the fed just announced it will allow inflation to rise

Uh ok

>> No.22317587

People forget it was the kike banks that got silverbacks and things like colonial scripts eliminated and moved things to the gold standard because the banks control the supply.

>> No.22317592

> During the Depression, proponents of the liquidationist view argued against increasing the money supply since doing so might reignite speculation without promoting an increase in real output. Indeed, many argued that the Federal Reserve had interfered with recovery and prolonged the Depression by pursuing a policy of monetary ease. Hayek (1932), for example, wrote:
>It is a fact that the present crisis is marked by the first attempt on a large scale to revive the economy. . . by a systematic policy of lowering the interest rate accompanied by all other possible measures for preventing the normal process of liquidation, and that as a result the depression has assumed more devastating forms and lasted longer than ever before (p. 130).

>> No.22317598

we ooo or we aaa tonight?

>> No.22317620

Ooooooo fake oit at open then AAAAAAA

>> No.22317622

Should of went vag.

Best Orgasm I've ever had was this Latino girl, HOT ASS FUCK, her vaginal contractions made me feel better than a 2019 Tesla investor when I finally COOOMED.

Anal is WAY OVERHYPED....like Tesla is now.

>> No.22317633

i am in AMD and WDC, will it aaa?

>> No.22317638

Yes, that's the point. Cash will turn to toilet paper at the same time all assets bleed out, a literal no-win scenario.

>> No.22317644


>> No.22317649


>> No.22317675
File: 74 KB, 957x900, image0-99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought AMD at the top ($94), what can I do besides DCA? Will it keep tumbling down?

>> No.22317695

this is correct on a global scale but fails when you look at how USA companies behave right now especially tech.

It's important to understand the stock market isn't representative of the greater economy. The flows of money and resulting production are totally intact in tech through this "depression" and the entire world can invest.

>> No.22317705

the Fed chairs usually admits they cause crashes, but they know they are untouchable and above the law

>> No.22317721

> The flows of money and resulting production are totally intact in tech
Not if demand crashes because rekted people and businesses don't have money to consoom and invest.

>> No.22317737

I'm not implying the PE will go to some normal value. I'm implying that the valuation in tech in a relative sense is going to sustain. The conditions 6 months from now are going to involve as you said, not many good places to put money and tech will be one, hence crowded on a sustained basis.

>> No.22317740
File: 72 KB, 780x356, Not Pretty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hold for 15 years.

>> No.22317741

tsla bubble is popping it's properly popping
can we get a suicide counter

>> No.22317752

Looking great compared to us markets

>> No.22317756

tech provides extremely high value

You're more likely to buy off amazon if seeking to save money than going to best buy.

>> No.22317772
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That doesn't count. Hurr comex default, durr jews and fake prices. Comex already defaulted, SCAM SCAM SCAM

>> No.22317781
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Oh, is the divvyhater here?

Threadly reminder that dividends are your frens.

>> No.22317786

This anon gets it DUMP

>> No.22317787

Should I just cut my losses and sell or wait for friday?

>> No.22317814

make a fucking new thread

>> No.22317819

The commodity market is a scam and the prices are manipulated by jews, though. PM prices would be mooning completely out control now if they weren't being kept down by manipulators who want to force people to stay in fiat and stonks.

>> No.22317830

Judging by how fast stocks rose up August, I'm going to use the "TESLA INDICATOR".

Stocks go up or down based on Tesla. I believe once Tesla reaches 300, we should crab for awhile before climbing again.

Source: Just Guessing

>> No.22317839

next time you buy a put to hedge against a price drop if you think you might be buying at the top

>> No.22317845
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Man, I don't know. If history is to repeat itself, we still have some time left in that thing. I'm not saying that muh depression is right around the corner, however, there are some forces that can influence the market according to their will, and we already have a precedent

>> No.22317865

anyone holding RKT?

>> No.22317882
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>> No.22317887


>> No.22317894

I think the "engines" of the economy are intact. This pandemic hit a lot of luxury spending areas or nice to do things like eating out instead of cooking.

There's a big difference between a diner shutting down and the single city factory shutting down in a small town.

>> No.22317897

>The Great Depression started in the United States after a major fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929,
should i just liquidate my shit everytime stocks rally too much for no reason right before September or March

>> No.22317972

Yes. Jewbergs don't want to have yacht parties anymore, so AAPL is headed to $5. Great Depression won't happen right now. However, I'm cautious over the 3-year timeframe