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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22312460 No.22312460 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren’t you buying chainlink right now?

>> No.22312479
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I'm all in

>> No.22312480

I have no more money to put in, I am barely scrimping by in real life but have $300k in paper link/LP gains

>> No.22312486
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Already bought in 2018

>> No.22312530


>> No.22312550

been buying since early 2018, will continue doing so until three digits link

>> No.22312622

HEres a fucking question for you: why chainlink isnt fucking 50 dollars right now??

>> No.22312668

token not needed

>> No.22312671

I’m too busy buying shit coins making 20% and shorting until I have a stack to stake tezos or some yield farm

>> No.22312677
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>why chainlink isnt fucking 100 dollars right now?

>> No.22312709
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Buy now or rope anons after three years of spoons you just get generic shills and pics

>> No.22312732

Ian Keane is in the official facebook chainlink group

>> No.22312806

even if i buy now i can only buy like 100 LINK. What's the point?

>> No.22312822

what did he mean by this?

>> No.22312970

>Chainlink integration expected Q32020
Uhh we're approaching Q4 so that turned out to be a bust.

>> No.22312988

Nearly halfway in to September. Q4 starts in October. So yeah, Q3 is pretty much done.

>> No.22312992

Cause i'm waiting for PERP and might unironically double down on NEC
I only go for coins with the big boys support

>> No.22312994

Q4 starts October 1st. we got 3 weeks

>> No.22313008

Literally nothing will happen in 3 weeks you can screecap this. We're done with 2020 expect the next pump to happen sometime in 2021. Crab until then.

>> No.22313014

lower high
lower low
lower high

>> No.22313016

>Things can't happen if they only have several weeks to happen in

>> No.22313038


>> No.22313050

it's not going to happen
this year it's oracle integration and staking
last year it was oracle startups and psd2
in 2018 it was the niggeranus prophecy and sibos

>> No.22313062
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somebody cap this for the suicide collage

>> No.22313077

Fud harder you stupid trannies

>> No.22313084

but i am

>> No.22313095

i wanted niggeranus to be true too but a pattern is a pattern

>> No.22313112

I am too busy earning interest bearing yaLINK on the link I did buy

>> No.22313387

Cuz its a scam

>> No.22313442

I am all in nigger.
$340 in bank account living off ramen but mid six fig LINK stack, and guess what?

>> No.22314067

>long term plan of LINK, oracle, swift etc. is restricted by meme lines/patterns posted on a south African bug enthusiast board

>> No.22314084
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>> No.22314118


Lol I remember the oracle startup announcement, it was hilarious the scams they came up with.

>> No.22314141
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>He isn't living in Very Hard mode with only $64 in the bank having only water and a banana for breakfast for the past year


>> No.22314143

i was at around $900,000.00 usd last link peak. things are tight now and i share a room with my grandmother but i dont mind. obviously i want to have my own space but that's all just circumstance.

>> No.22314229
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You’d be surprised. Lot of 100k+ Link stacks just living the way you’d expect.

>> No.22314251 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22314265

Old news. Integration do not means adoption. Dumb money already bought LINK.

See you at $7

>> No.22314288

I have more than 10k LINK but at these prices i would be spending close to what I spent on 10k LINK for 200 LINK

>> No.22314294

Because its going to 0

>> No.22314298
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>You’d be surprised.
>the way you’d expect.

>> No.22314315

already all in.
all im doing now is trying to figure out how to take out massive long term loans to buy more before its much too late

>> No.22314322

fuck off, nazi

>> No.22314340

Because I bought my stack stack early last year.

>> No.22314383
File: 180 KB, 700x1036, IMG_20200831_215803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna cash out 1k link EoY for a better car and some gold sovereigns and maybe afford to pump another child into my wife and then she doesn't have to wage

>> No.22314389

Id checked, fpbp.
$1000 eoy

>> No.22314546

can somebody answer this im considering getting this much

>> No.22314945


>> No.22314966

Because on the MA 50/200 15minute Link is about to death cross.

>> No.22314971
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>> No.22314997

BAND is more profitable

>> No.22315003

$1000 you fucking RETARD. $1000 and that is FUD. How does $100,000 sound? Good? GOOD? THEN FUCKING BUY CUNT.

>> No.22315020
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I think you've got that mixed up there klaus

>> No.22315049

When was this presented? Was this something Oracle did? Didnt think this was part of defi smartcon

>> No.22315061

>all in LINK
>trips in ID
Completely and unequivocally based.

>> No.22315063

How does 8100000$ sound?

>> No.22315111

So you don't want 8.1 million dollars?

>> No.22315130

I already bought 15 k link in 2018 and I can't believe that 1,000 dollars only gets me 100 link fuck that. Not buying anymore at these prices

>> No.22315132

Oh hey it's the ugly kike from >>22313568.

>> No.22315191

This. I remember saying many times fuck buying link at .60c kek

>> No.22315257

I never understood which point there is related to chainlink
yes yes i know muh hexagon but which point on the timeline would indicate something with chainlink

>> No.22315285

>screecap this

>> No.22315458

gpi confirmations in q4, will find out if the swift stuff is true or not

>> No.22315478

checked and based

>> No.22315481


>> No.22315591

Dilate literal 55 iq.

>> No.22315605

Same here, looking for a car and a land for future house - also, i would already be chilling in hawaii or Bali or whatever meme paradise not being that stupid cunt virus

>> No.22315642
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Poor/new fag here.
I bought in $100 worth over Coinbase.
Corona gave me $9,000+ neet bux but I am terrified of pissing it all away
Is it wise to buy more?

>> No.22315675

Wait and see what bitcoin does. Weak handed yanks have been dumping every single day as soon as they wake up.

>> No.22315682

redpill a noob on niggeranus

>> No.22315695


>> No.22315708


>> No.22315717

But swift gpi is not chainlink
since a big part of traffic is already running on swift gpi
if anything gpi link = chainlink
but i dont see gpi link on it or anything blockchain related for that matter

>> No.22315730
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>> No.22315750

Jesus don't you people ever long and short ?

>> No.22315779

Because I'm fucking poor and stupid reeeee

>> No.22315802

say wha?

>> No.22315816

You know what that is? it's 100 more than 0
And it's going to be worth a lot more than 100 is right now
And yeah, I'm an $81K schizo, but even if it ends up being $81 then it's worth it

>> No.22315826

In October
>you had 3 weeks!

>> No.22315828

Has it dropped to $5 yet?

>> No.22315858

well we are fucked then arent we

>> No.22315868

was around 3m at peak, down over 1.4m, only 600€ in bank, 50€ per week on food, live in a small studio apartment. not selling a single link till 100 min


>> No.22315881

Go home brazillian. You're the only 81k schizo I know

>> No.22315888

This presentation is old im afraid that they delayed timelines a bit

>> No.22315917

I still hold 100k gravelcoin.

>> No.22315924

it came out a few months ago, its a deutcshe bank report, can find it on their main corporate page

>> No.22315925

I'm a CS major and this slide is bullshit and buzzwords.

>> No.22315929

no u

>> No.22315932

Wtf do you want to hear? Because the meme pump is over and we're going back to scamcoin levels?

>> No.22315948


>> No.22315979

you should get a philosophy degree instead. might help

>> No.22315987

because I had 3 years and I already have

>> No.22316039


>> No.22316049

Loaning money to gamble

>> No.22316261

It’s the same thing every fucking year with you faggots. Last year it was all of the conferences lined up and the price did fuck all. Post your long if you’re so sure it’s gonna go up

>> No.22316338

Still buying sir

>> No.22316353
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Ed Felten says that uniswap will run on arbitrum which means that cex business models will become unsustainable due to dex becoming magnitudes of order cheaper in fees and security costs.
Sushi and band might be the chinks' last hurrah.

>> No.22316391


Get left behind


>> No.22316405

Buy or get left behind anon

>> No.22316437


You must be a BAND shill faggot.

>> No.22316461

FOH. BAND is vaporware.

>> No.22316486
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x720, PowerTradePTF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bcoz of power.trade anon

>> No.22316493

You need at least 300 linkies anon

>> No.22316494

Because it's heading $3-5.

>> No.22316602

this. the world economic forum is a christian organisation.

>> No.22316627

Keep stacking bro

>> No.22316829

i still don't understand what hyperledger fabric even is

>> No.22317744

2018 janfag went all in LINK as first crypto buy. Never selling

>> No.22317768

Founder dumps

>> No.22317800

Sergey is all in me

>> No.22317802

Are you retarded?

>> No.22317850

I'm out of btc and eth. More fiat coming to me soon so I'll buy some then.

>> No.22318394

because I've being all in since 2017

>> No.22319417

It’s made by seift

>> No.22319590

Because I did at 9.30

>> No.22319659
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I wonder why...

>> No.22319734

Sorry buying Razor

>> No.22319829

Because it's a useless token that will go to $0 after Flare hits the scene capable of doing everything Link hopes to do except cheaper, faster, and more securely.

>> No.22319838

it’s a permissioned blockchain that pretty much every real business uses. fags on this board thinking these memechains like cardano, tezos, etc will ever gain enterprise adoption are so cringe. no company is ever going to buy your stupid shitcoin when hyperledger is free.

>> No.22319857
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> Because it's a useless token that will go to $0 after Flare hits the scene capable of doing everything Link hopes to do except cheaper, faster, and more securely.

>> No.22319874

>yet another desperate attempt from a dead shitcoin to piggyback on chainlink success
ouch. I can’t imagine the pain of being an xrp cuck.

>> No.22320360
File: 6 KB, 562x562, 6786D972-5E06-4AE2-95E4-8BD583978301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this shitcoin always dumping?

>> No.22320598

>he still gives himself the luxury of having breakfast

>> No.22320632

Imo its going to correct to single digit dollars and then explode during the market dip.

>> No.22320667

Fuck you. I'm not joining the buy side. If your whale wants cash, he can debase his future assets. I'm not paying him because he should never be selling.

>> No.22320668

is there a point to buying chainlink now if i'm a newfag to /biz/?

i'll never get 10k link

>> No.22320713

>is there a reason to buy something that will gain value?

>> No.22320766

lol. but if it crashes then i lose all my mcwagie money

>> No.22320805

>Imo its going to correct to single digit dollars and then explode during the market dip.
We’re never going down below 10 ever again

>> No.22320942

Oracle earnings report om thursday

>> No.22321158

oh my god i'm literally malding from these brainlets

>> No.22321232

Buying any point below $100 unironically good investment if you have iron fucking hands and can hold for over a year without swinging or selling like a bitchboi. But you wont because you're destined to be a wageslave cucklord throughout the course of your wagie life. Most faggots pussybitch out and sell when it inevitably dumps which it will even moreso, but wise marines buy more with any fiat they can. Which one will you chose anon

>> No.22321271

Checked but you really aren’t getting it. There are thousands of crypto’s and probably less than ten worth buying. LINK is probably king when it comes to perceived value potential. If blockchain succeeds, nothing will appreciate more.

>> No.22321347

No argument, no refutation of the points, just emotional coping.

Get it together, Linkies.

>> No.22321358

XRP flare will make shitlink useless.

>he thought that russian startup scammers shitcoin will overtake XRP.

>> No.22321524

I had $30k as immergency money in bank and just now I took $10k from it to buy LINK.

>> No.22321574

no dough left

>> No.22321600

Woah, are you me?
Im the poorfag that has been buying since 2017 and barely broke 3k link

>> No.22321613

Holy shit you don’t even have ten.

>> No.22321657

or third world tropical shithole like me
>breakfast with another bullrun imminent
ok troll

>> No.22321679

The way I see it, nobody really has a clue when it will take off. A lot of people, myself included, agree that it will.
I think it's fair to say that it's downright stupid to try and guess when that will be. It could be tomorrow, or it could be in a a year, or even more.
The question is, will you be holding or swinging, when that day comes?
I know where I want to be.

>> No.22321688

What did that buy you? 850 LINK? Sometimes I forget how late you nulinkers are.

>> No.22321698

He's sold like 43 million link? Not exaclty all in lol

>> No.22321717

Sergey confirmed nazis are bad for LINK. Why do you think 42 almost kys hilmself after being btfo and banned by the chainlink team on telegram?

>> No.22321737

>every point completely unrelated to chainlink
>except for one claiming integration in an unspecified way

bullish af.

>> No.22321748

Do you have screencaps?

>> No.22321873

well I'm also a cs major and you're a retarded nigger

>> No.22322022

you can replace ML with heuristics and it's the same thing. They've been trying to do all sorts of quirky shit like autoindexing and whatnot forever. it's just all broke shit but Oracle dataware is cursed in boomerism and overpaid admins who can't do shit. the slide is bullshit and the "chainlink integration Q3 2020" sounds like bullshit too and doesn't even mention what that means.

This guy fucks.
this guy is an incel.

>> No.22322069

>if i take a risk i might gain something but i also might lose something
very profound. you should write a book

>> No.22322322

no buy something that hasnt already mooned 5x -10x

>> No.22323617

checked but also rekt

>> No.22323729
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Wow I have heard that exact same thing for whatever streetshitter flavor of the month is. So Flare is the new one. Show us some memes about it to see about its organic interest.

>> No.22324655

same people who unironically believe this shit deserve to be poor

>> No.22324887

I had bought 5k link when it was $7. But I didn't have more money to buy more.

Now I just want to accumulate more LINK because I don't think the market will dump further.

>> No.22325086

Take the eggs and collecting other people's left over olive oil drippings pill anon

>> No.22325136

>i'm all in
>still owns millions of btc

>> No.22325262

>Even if I buy now I can only buy like 100 btc. Whats the point of making money?

What else are you going to do with that money? Throw it in the stock market and make 5% gains? Don't tell me you think you can play the markets and make 30% a week.

>> No.22325274



I tend to stay away from scams to not be ripped off of all my fucking hard earned money you schizoids retarded cultist autist fags

>> No.22326135

Price controlled by whales. Coin looked decoupled but recoupled extremely easily.

>> No.22326166

It just unmooned. It can soon moon again.