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22310328 No.22310328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can teach you how to be so good at sex that the girl will fall in love with you

>> No.22310347

why would i want that

>> No.22310371

no thanks

>> No.22310373

no need ty, can u give me some statera to my wallet do the needful?

>> No.22310388

Spill the beans

>> No.22310396

yeah first you have to be good looking enough to get to sex which i haven't been able to do in my 30+ years of existence.

>> No.22310397

ya'll a buncha incels lmfao

>> No.22310405

I'm interested, does it work if your penor is only 3 inches?

>> No.22310418

Your momma still love me, bruh

I mean


>> No.22310429

read sex god method
you're welcome

>> No.22310452

Have tried not being a fat fuck and maybe grooming yourself properly.

>> No.22310455
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This board is for dudes who are trying to make money. Not get laid. GTFO

>> No.22310473

Sounds gay

>> No.22310488

How do I stop hitting her cervix? 7.5" and it's annoying I just want normal.

>> No.22310494

Checked. Once you and her are in a comfortable location alone, that is when you get close to her as you are talking. Touch her in subtle ways and once she is comfortable enough and you've built up tension, go for a kiss. When you are making out start rubbing her body. First her shoulders and arms, then her waist and thigs, then get more intimate and grab her butt and tits. When she is really getting into it start rubbing her pussy over her pants and put her hand on your cock over your pants. She should by highly aroused at this point, thats when you want to take off your shirt. She will either take hers off or you take it off after, while you are making out. Make out some more and then take off her bra. Rub her tits and her nipples, keep it smooth and fluid while you are doing all this. After a few minutes unbuckle her pants or slide your hand into her pants. Grab her panties and pull them up towards her belly button so it gives her pussy a wedgie. The whole point is to tease her pussy and get her dripping wet. Next dip a finger into her pussy to feel how wet she is, she should be soaking. Start playing with her clit until she orgasms. Once she orgasms, sink your finger into her pussy and start rubbing her G spot. Do this until she orgasms again. At this point you both should be in your underwear or fully nude. Since she has already came twice you can now fuck her face or go straight into the pussy.

Every time I do this the girl says im the best shes ever had and basically falls in love with me. Girls never come really let alone 3+ times in one session. Use this power with great responsibility anons.

Just be yourself

>> No.22310519

Checked again. I feel you brother I have similar issues. If you get them to orgasm through the clit and G spot before dicking them down their pussy canal will be more open for you and the cervix is actually the next orgasm spot after that. In Tantric practice this is known as the three gates. 1. clit 2. g spot 3. cervix. Hit them in that order and youll be fine.

>> No.22310553

Holy fuck I laughed! Things that never happened

>> No.22310574

I can assure you this is nothing but factual

>> No.22310593

I figured out how to make my dick 12 inches long

by folding it in half.

>> No.22310597

ok but how can I make money off of this?

>> No.22310611

Don't worry about this person, they are such an incel they can't conceive of a non-incel way of life.

>> No.22310618

You could get them to buy you things or give you money for your 'investments'. As long as you fuck them good they will do just about anything. ( I do not condone manipulation of women they deserve our utmost respect)

>> No.22310665

Prove you’re white, pajeet

>> No.22310694

so, basically your advice is normal sex, wow thanks bro, such a secret trick

>> No.22310711

This anon is spot on accurate + lick / nibble their ear and dirty talk in their ear too. Ive had tinder sluts say i have “the perfect dick” Or that theyre addicted to me. No lie

>> No.22310724

Do have any tips for how to stop hurting girls with my giant cock? I’m about 10.5 inches

>> No.22310739

Lolololol sounds like you’ve only had six like 5 times in your life. Dude I just take my dick rip her clothes off then stick my dick in every hole and fuck the shit out of her until I bust. And guess what she says “ I thought you were gonna break me!!”

>> No.22310752

chekd, /leg sexy id

>> No.22310816

Based non incel

I'm of European blood faggot

Most guys having sex these days is cumming in their pants or having sex for a few minutes while the girl lays there. This will set you apart and its way more fun for both.

Yes kissing biting the neck is great, ear lobes, collar bone.

If you are that big anon just stretch them out. Go slow at first and make sure they are super wet, they will feel pain in the beginning but it will turn into pleasure especially if you fuck them regularly.

I used to fuck my ex multiple times every day. She would beg for it lol. You sound like a degenerate.

>> No.22310859

Confirmed pajeet

>> No.22310920

Seethe more

>> No.22310993

Lol these guys know. Once she orgasms she’ll be annoying and won’t leave your side

>> No.22311036

I know must guys don't know how to fuck these days but you can't just come and say this shit and hope everyone praises you for that, as I said before, is just fucking normal sex.

>make her orgasm 2-3 times

is not that hard and obviously not a fucking secret advice to teach, what are you? 17?

sure you're really proud don't you

>> No.22311065
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>not starting off with some drinks
>not moving onward to some innocent weed
>not slipping some molly into her drink
>not giving her coke later
>not popping viagra so you mortal kombat fatality flawless victory her vag

>> No.22311146


im not fat all, actually the opposite, a skinny stick and ugly as sin.

>> No.22311179


Sigh. But anon, I cum fast in a minute w/ my 4.5 incher. My failures have made me nervous and I can't enjoy sex. After bunch of failed relationships (poor at sex and just general indifference to relationships in general) and now being in my early 30's, I realized maybe I am not meant to enjoy sex like everyone does. I want to, but I guess it wasn't meant for me.

That's good you're enjoying yourself anon. Cherish it. You're on a board of seething frustrated men. It's not fun feeling like a failure with women. Not fun at all.

>> No.22311183

>hope everyone praises you for that
I bet you aint even semen retention

I like the cut of your gib

>> No.22311221

is this normal today to just have sex but no love(which is a meme) or intentions for more(relationship, family, kids) why even bother you dumb nigger animals fucking waste of time and waste of skins

>> No.22311222

If you're hitting her cervix she's probably not turned on enough
Try more foreplay first
When she gets aroused, the cervix lifts up and out of the way and the whole vagina "tents" aka expands
Once the vagina expands, you'll notice that there are "pockets" above and below the cervix. These are called the anterior and posterior fornix
Either one is where you're supposed to be aiming
For most women, one of them is more pleasurable than the other. Often one of them is slightly painful
You can almost never go wrong with the posterior fornix
EG put your cock in, get her to put her legs up, and fuck straight down, like at the ground
Try not to go in and out too much at first, just go deep and kind of hold it there at first, then fuck but try to stay mostly deep the whole time, just an inch in and out, like you're fucking that little pocket
This should feel amazing for her

t. slightly larger than you

>> No.22311227
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i hope so anon

>> No.22311237
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>take her to a sex store get ties, body wand and butt plug end of thread

>> No.22311243

Sounds to me like you are breathing shallowly while having sex and/or you have prostate problems. Deep slow breathing helps with not ejaculating quickly (I dont ejaculate at all while having sex but I do orgasm).

You are a product of sex anon. You are meant to reproduce. It's as natural as the air you breathe. Don't let your mind jade you from your past failures, those are learning experiences. Like they say, girls just want to have fun. Have good vibes and be a masculine and confident man, do what I said above, and you too can grab them by the pussy.

>> No.22311270

One last tip I'll give you anons.

While you are in the middle of sex, or any point where you need to catch your breathe, slow down. Pull 80% of your dick out of her pussy and slowly rub the 20% in and out of her pussy while you make out with her, kiss her neck etc. Do this for a few minutes REALLY slowly. Then, suprise her by sinking your dick all the way in the back of her pussy then slam fuck the shit out of her. Guaranteed to have her eyes roll in the back of her head and toes curling.


>> No.22311277

>makes women orgasm
>I'm of European blood faggot
Yup that's how we know this is a larp

>> No.22311284


>> No.22311463
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>brain on porn mode
jews did very well brainwashing the retarded masses

>> No.22311535

nah im fine
no desire to become a babysitter for a mentally retarded adult aka woman

>> No.22312619

Who cares about such vain things when this community of PNK holders is literally amazing

>> No.22312737
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Imagine actually trying to pleasure the hole you are fucking.

>> No.22312922

how rub? clockwise or counter?

>> No.22313085

How'd you get to the point of non-ejaculation? Tried to follow up the tantric method of 'sending the energy of the orgasm up the spine', couldn't quite work it out, what do you do?

>> No.22313169

Read Mantak Chia Taoist Secrets of Love and Multi Orgasmic Man. Its all about your breathing and bloodflow. If you feel the ejaculation at the base of your spine you're already losing chi. You want to breathe the energy up your spine and through your partner, it takes two to tango in this sense. Now I've had to teach the girls about tantra to get them to understand and if they aren't conscious of whats going on youre going to absorb their energy for better or worse. The male transmutes the energy that flows through the female. Hope that makes sense.

>> No.22313185

do what he says when your close to cumming and take real slow controlled deep breaths
can confirm it shuts it down quick