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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22309308 No.22309308 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you rich yet?

>> No.22309338 [DELETED] 

Why aren't you a woman yet?

>> No.22309339

made and then lost 70k over the course of 2018. learned my lessons though. learned so much. back in the game now

>> No.22309353

not smart enough and mental illness

>> No.22309369

I'm a lazy fuck

>> No.22309441


>> No.22309867
File: 147 KB, 1920x1080, 1583997781509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>handsome man

>> No.22309932

ChainLink has not broke 1k yet.

>> No.22309977

who is this bloke?

>> No.22311122

I'm a dumb, lazy, coward

>> No.22312368

sold my PNK too early...

>> No.22312394

Had to cash out some of my stack for tuition before a 40x run. Feels bad man.

>> No.22312414

I cant believe its a man, I feel sick.

>> No.22312518

whoever gets my dick hard is a woman

>> No.22312708

cant stop getting erected in the middle of my actual work

>> No.22312803

Started with nothing, no one helped me, now 120K through my own actions

>> No.22313454

never trust a woman with make up
never forget, then wont happen again
my gf never wears make up and i can actually see facial expressions, unlike the cakes you see among trannies

>> No.22313460

green dress
LOKI coin holder gf?

>> No.22313511

I am tho. I had to work for it, but being rich is in close relation with how much effort you put in your work. so keep going, you'll get there

>> No.22313724

I spent age 15 to 25 doing heroin, then 25 to 31 getting degrees. I'm 32 now on six figures but playing catch-up.

>> No.22314162

Lost my early 20s to the "work hard and the money will come" meme.
Lost my late 20s (and what little savings I had made) to illness.
I'm doing ok now though. Most conservative estimate puts me at retiring at 42 with a decent income. That's all I need.

>> No.22314719

Say it aint so

How did you two manage to bounce back so strongly?

>> No.22315722

I already am.

>> No.22315879
File: 312 KB, 492x495, 1596176991309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a 35 year old neet rich with time

>> No.22315893

Because all you fuckers have weak hands.

>> No.22315972

It took him 7 years to get 6 figures and he's lucky he doesn't have a felony. How is that bouncing back.

>> No.22316051

Success doesn't seem to be linear. The idea that you just steadily grind away and make consistent progress doesn't seem to hold. Basically I did a lot of research into what the best paying jobs would be that I could get into, made a plan, executed and then made adjustments against changes.
For me that meant going into data science, but this was when it was still a largely unknown thing. I would strongly recommend against it now, it's massively oversaturated. There are likely other things bubbling away under the radar just now - by the time it hits mainstream attention it's too late.

>> No.22316071

You're retarded trying to pick wagie job bubbles, Jesus Christ.

>> No.22316077

>1 post by this ID

>> No.22316090

>35 year old
>with time
Nice one boomer

>> No.22316653

Jack off anyway, don't be a little BITCH.

>> No.22316700

going from being a junkie to doing well sounds like bouncing back m8

fair enough, seems like just about everything is saturated these days

>> No.22317483

We are millennials you coomer simp.

>> No.22317931

a man needs a sauce, fren.

i never really tried to become a richfag desu. my new priority is getting a driver's license for motorbikes, a pole fishing permit and finding a new flat. will start working out and eating more healthy too. the pandemic showed me how comfy my home office job is. i currently don't need much more to make a living. i hope the world will be more peaceful after the election and a people calm their tits and start enjoying their lices again.

>> No.22317956

I am loved by my friends and family

>> No.22317963

i used the reverse image search and don't want a source. why the hell do you sick fucks use traps as op image? use real women please fuckkn fags

>> No.22317968
File: 39 KB, 381x353, 1576999630918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are millennials you coomer simp.

>> No.22318043

Because I listened to /biz/

>> No.22318972
File: 39 KB, 860x513, 1591410861989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my parents shat me out in a disgusting ethnic ghetto hellhole and decided being NEET muzzie fucking faggots their whole lives was surely better for their children than working and setting a good example and making something to pass onto them. So I live mentally and physically ill since childhood and cannot work, therefore I just watch other people make money with money I Can never earn. Fuck my parents.

>> No.22319290

You're responsible. Not your parents or any circumstances. If you focus on money and put in the effort you can get it. Mental illness excuse doesn't hold up.

>> No.22319315

I just started this 6 months ago and LINK has yet to hit triple digits. I will be a millionaire when it does, then I’m cashing out and becoming a hermit.

>> No.22319571

lmao nigger i guarantee if we swapped places right now you would rope in 3 days

>> No.22319697

my wife just left me and brought all the money with her. I have 1500€ and i'm a NEET.

I have to choose: hang myself or invest in something that will fail and the hang myself

>> No.22320450

what'd you learn?

>> No.22320476

If DIA does what I need it to do, I will make a thread.

>> No.22320503

Lazy and low IQ

>> No.22320527

Look man you have access to the internet and that's the biggest gift of all for a mentally/physicall ill person. I suggest you try to make money online. Blackhatworld could be a good place to start from. Not the best, but great for beginners. Good luck man I hope you are able to turn things around and have a better, more pleasent outlook on life.

>> No.22320556

I think I should message her. I swear a saw her a few months ago but her mask was on so I didn't pause my run. I noticed her stop ahead of me and look back then take her mask off but I was too focused on running to make sure it was her. Digits guide me

>> No.22320615

The high cost of poverty combined with my own youthful naivete.

>> No.22320655

Same here, but worst.