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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 359 KB, 1003x1300, myfirstpnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22303648 No.22303648 [Reply] [Original]

Full disclosure:
> I sold all my OCEAN between 4800 and 5200 sats
> I made 1.2mil profit on the trade
> paid no more than 700 sats originally
> wish I'd put more in but that's still ok

What happened:
> microcap shitcoin really struggling
> taken over by satsgang and donny's marketing firm
> shill campaign which I was part of
> OCEAN team cooperate with plan and buy binance listing
> insider pump
> listed
> shilling goes crazy, greatest fools buy in above 50c

What smart people did:
> took their 5-10x gains and dumped
> will re-assess prospects when hype has died and bubble has retraced
> may or may not buy in again, depending on state of the market at the time

What will happen now:
> a stepped bleed down to next support at 2000 (weak) or 1000 (strong)

Crucial factors:
> If BagHunters drops OCEAN or fails to maintain interest base during its bear period (which will last several months at least) then it's over for OCEAN
> If they can keep interest alive, it will probably have another run

Final outcome:
> something like a 1-2bn cap coin in a bull run.

>> No.22303666

That's just how it is, kids. BagHunters worked magic with this piece of shit and a lot of new guys had their first taste of a bull year here. Nothing goes up forever, try to learn what a reasonable bubble size is. OCEAN finally pumped 6x in sats once it broke 1000 sat resistance. That is a lot (especially since many had been in below 500 sats as well).

Also learn what events to dump on. A major exchange listing is nearly always one such event. If you dump on the first day of a binance listing you will be right 97% of the time, isn't that good enough?

Overall opinion on OCEAN:
> product: dubious, likely to be a meme. This applies to all crypto. All but abandoned until taken over by pump groups and now belongs to them
> team: CEO tweets about token price (bad sign for longevity and legitimacy). Will never be taken seriously.
> marketing/hype: 10/10 DO NOT UNDER ESTIMATE THIS
> exchanges: 10/10

hope this was helpful
tomorrow's educational instalment will include how to tie your shoelaces and wipe your own ass

>> No.22304311

I just added to my position on the dip. How screwed am I?

>> No.22304431

Weak fud, buying more

>> No.22304490

V3, staking, and initial data offerings coming soon. Been holding since ICO and will keep holding thanks

>> No.22304556

If this is a reverse psyop to get me to buy more ocean it's working

The amount of catalysts coming up are insane and I'm going to get rich off of creating IDO's alone nevermind staking on data tokens from the beginning

Best part of ocean is the value it creates, you can use the platform to make money even if you could only afford one ocean token

>> No.22305019
File: 5 KB, 262x115, oceanICO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How screwed am I?

You'll lose another 50% minimum from these levels, sorry.

>Weak fud

This isn't FUD, it's financial advice.

Like when I told you morons to buy earlier in the year. Unlike some, I also tell you when to sell. How kind of me.

>buying more

No you haven't.

>Been holding since ICO

Pic related. Ouch. 30mil was a crazy high fund for that time, was doomed to dump.


ok son let's see how it plays out. It's your money to trade. I just feel morally obliged to advise both ends of my shills.

> find great opportunity
> buy lots
> tell others to buy
> it goes up
> I've made money, wow
> warn them before it dumps
> "u r fudding stfu buying more hodl 4 eva"
> it dumps hard as fuck

I can but try.

>> No.22305144
File: 126 KB, 1200x674, 10 cents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'll play.

See you at 10 cents goys.

>> No.22305227


Dangerously based.

I wish these faggots would stop calling it FUD. We're all here to make money, aren't we?

> tell them to buy at 600 sats


> tell them to sell at 6000 sats


>> No.22305424
File: 344 KB, 2762x1422, pumpdump1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timeline of the Ocean Binance listing pump... and dump

>> No.22305702

Okay, thanks. What are you calls with the entire market being down?

>> No.22305902

Remember retards, just as there are organized pumps, there are organized FUDs. DYOR and don't automatically believe an anon that has "inside info". Anyone can say itoadyaso here

>> No.22305963

Did you just say that Ocean's $133m MC makes it a microcap?

>> No.22306022

>Did you just say that Ocean's $133m MC makes it a microcap?


Next question?

>What are you calls

I believe I made one important call in this thread already.

I'm not here to shill other coins to you parasites. I'll do that in other threads.

>> No.22306128

You said
> microcap shitcoin really struggling
> taken over by satsgang and donny's marketing firm
Which means you said $133m is a microcap, and that a fictional pnd group could somehow pump and dump a coin with $133m mc
You are functionally retarded, and I am about to double my stack

>> No.22306308

OP is trying to FUD before CB listing

>> No.22306338

Actually based. OP's pajeet response algorithm:
>it was all part of the plan
>it was all part of the plan
>market is down, nerves at recent ATH
>begin FUD campaign with unverifiable claims yet try to appear unbiased, reddit space like a retard

>> No.22306344


I'm afraid you misunderstood. The "what happened" section, as the tense implied, was speaking about the past. You realise that we got into OCEAN starting from last fall, right?

It has existed longer than the two weeks you've been aware of it. I invite you to look at the all-time chart on CMC and see for yourself that the market cap has, in fact, not always been this high.

>> No.22306352

What’s the point of FUDDING on this board anyway? Could a dump by a handful of /biz bag holders really affect the price that much?

>> No.22306391

The SEC is aware and monitoring this post.

>> No.22306410

He’s told you to short to 2000 sats.

>> No.22306412

>fictional pnd group

oh lordy you have a lot to learn, sir. But lets start with the reading comprehension. Are you as confused by my claim that I bought at 600 sats, too?

> You said you bought at 600 sats but price is currently 3500 sats so therefore you're lying you stupid retard how is that possible are you thick you think 600 = 3500 you can't even do basic math wtf

>> No.22306439

Anyways OP, show positions if you really have the stones.

>> No.22306447

>What’s the point of FUDDING on this board anyway?

Shilling works big time (because coins are small and move with minimal new money). Fudding doesn't work much because by the time it has 20x like OCEAN did, it takes a lot more to move it.

As a matter of principle, I give sell warnings on any coin I originally was responsible for getting people into. It just seems fair.

>> No.22306467

>show positions

I have no OCEAN position any more - I think that was clear enough.

My other coins aren't any of your business ITT but I post about them as and when.

>> No.22306468

Is OP a part of the quamfyfag brigade?

>> No.22306485

Just one call. Prove yourself. Anyone can FUD in a down market.

>> No.22306506

ocean is one of these coins I feel I should hold long run.

>> No.22306528

>I made 1.2mil profit on the trade
Why you here still? Why you're not on your yacht fucking hot girls instead you hand out with pajeets and poor people lol

>> No.22306536


What are you asking exactly? You want another call? Fucking beggars, think for yourself. You're lucky people like me post on here in the first place.

> tells you about an easy 10x in sats
> tells you when to sell as well
> you ignore it and buy the top instead
> I reiterate warning that OCEAN is going bear mode
> "p-p-prove yourself. You just got lucky, f-f-fudders btfo hehe... 60c again soon, r-r-right guys?"

>> No.22306560

>Why you here still? Why you're not on your yacht fucking hot girls instead you hand out with pajeets and poor people lol

Well I do have a life outside of shitposting but in reality if you are a heavy internet user then you always will be. I love this place, and today i'm doing sweet fuck all except browsing and posting.

>> No.22306591
File: 6 KB, 241x209, mastermind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not begging you emotional faggot. Look at you crying because anons aren't ingesting your bullshit. No one with 1.2MM acts this way retard

>> No.22306620

Are you shorting OCEAN?

>> No.22306624

>Look at you crying

I can barely see my computer screen through the tears. Totally btfo by the hodl crew, yeah.

>> No.22306650

Market history let’s see it.

>> No.22306662

I never said he was lying about when he bought, I said that a fictional pnd group can't pump the price to $133-200m mc. Even a real pnd group couldn't do it.

>> No.22306689

>Are you shorting OCEAN?

No I merely sold it. I only ride projects UP, it's much easier to predict things in that direction. Shorting is full of difficulties, not worth it when there are so many other opportunities out there with near certain returns.

When I found OCEAN I didn't know how long it would take to pump, just that it would. That's all you need.

Shorting takes more balls and less brains than I have.

>> No.22306714

Post the transaction(s) where you made 1.2m

>> No.22306759


You were just confused about me referring to OCEAN as a "microcap" and I clarified that was referring to it as we found it, not as it is today. I.e. late last year.
It's fine.

Satsgang is not fictional, by the way.

And neither is baghunters and donny's marketing efforts. And then once binance got hold of it (long before the listing) it was just full steam ahead.

>> No.22306791

kinda gay to hang out with pajeets and poor people instead of having hot XXX all day and night on your yacht but whatever floats your boat

>> No.22306824

k, keep us posted

>> No.22306828

Wait, you're 100% sure that OCEAN is going to dump to 600 sats, but you won't short it because there might be other opportunities out there.

Ask for a loan and short OCEAN x20.

I thought you were here to make money?

I don't hold OCEAN, but I don't trust people who don't put their money where they put their mouth.

>> No.22306874

>Market history let’s see it.
>Post the transaction(s) where you made 1.2m

> demands I dox myself
> I refuse

> HAHA btfo u r fake ocean hasn't even dumped, number only go up, we will all be millionaires!
> uh... except you, I mean. You are larping. But everyone else will be rich!

listen, sunshine. OCEAN was 5c until something like May this year. It hit, what, 60c recently?

Why is it that permabulls simultaneously can't believe anyone actually makes money in this market? Something's wrong there.

You were told enough times.

>> No.22306907

>you're 100% sure that OCEAN is going to dump to 600 sats

Seeing as I never said that, or anything even close to it, the answer is No.

>I don't trust people who don't put their money where they put their mouth.

I already sold my OCEAN, thanks. I don't do shorting. I know what works for me and I don't do shorting or leverage. I appreciate the great trading tip, though, brother.

>> No.22306923

OP's mouth is wrapped firmly around his own cock. It is no coincidence that he started spamming biz with fud immediately after the binance pump, when it was set to dip, which also conveniently coincided with the market crash.

>dox yourself
How? It's just the blockchain, we aren't asking for bank accounts.

>> No.22306983
File: 258 KB, 823x1414, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


CoinBase are a fully regulated US exchange. They would be wary of listing a project whose founder regularly tweets about the price of their token.

As a reminder, Ocean offer a Utility token, and not a Security token. Utility tokens are not designed to be financial investments like Security tokens are, and neither should they be promoted as such.

By tweeting content which refers to the price of the Utility token, the founder is at risk of breaking various securities laws - not just in the US, but across the globe. He is walking a thin line by engaging in such activities. I'm not a lawyer, but even I know a CEO should not be publicly promoting token valuations or implying they are financial investments.

Name one CEO/founder who regularly tweets about the price of their(utility)token? Protip: You can't.

>> No.22306992

>It is no coincidence that he started spamming biz with fud immediately after the binance pump, when it was set to dip,

Ah, someone who agrees with me. Good to see another successful trader here, finally.

Yes, indeed, my "fud" (a calm and sensible sell warning) came immediately after the binance pump, when it was set to "dip". I trust you listened to my warning? It's pretty simple stuff, isn't it.

Buy low, sell high. If you're a nice guy, tell the retards on /biz when those points are. Get torn to pieces at each end by brainless pajeets who refuse to believe you. Calmly continue to help them anyway, thread after thread. It's a bit like working in a mental institution.

>> No.22307074


This is probably OCEAN's biggest failings for me. It's a pretty good project as far as crypto goes but may have strayed too far in the pnd/moonboy/pajeet-project direction. The CEO and team are not professionals and have no real gravitas in the business world, OCEAN was dead in the water (no pun intended) until the marketers and exchanges got a hold of it.

Yes, they have the meme partnerships with BMW and daimler, etc etc etc. Who doesn't, these days? Every project has a few household names attached.

As you say, he's walking a fine line. Might end up getting the balance about right... might not. All depends how regulation comes and what it looks like. Better to play it cautious, I'd say, rather than go for the quick pnd right away.

>> No.22307096

No, you are a pretentious fuck who is pretending to be more important than you actually are. You helped shill Ocean because that is half of what swing traders do, they shill when it is going up, fud when it is going down. Exchange listing pumps, followed by a small dump is extremely common, you don't need to be an expert to know it.

What other coins have partnerships with BMW and Daimler?

>> No.22307185
File: 9 KB, 208x243, genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donates 100k to COVID
>Reimburses/airdrops 300k tokens stuck on Uniswap
>Highly educated team

>> No.22307189

>you don't need to be an expert to know it.

Then why are you still poor?

>> No.22307207

>Reimburses/airdrops 300k tokens stuck on Uniswap

Pretty generous move, for sure. But they kind of had to do it, would be disastrous if they didn't.

>> No.22307216

Ocean is already on coinbase custody m8, retweeting something related to their project isn't a crime.

>> No.22307273

>Then why are you still poor?
I'm not. I'm just not rich.

>> No.22307374

>Ocean is already on coinbase custody m8

Yes and we all know how they got there, don't we? Hint: it had more to do with another baghunter coin than with ocean itself. Money talks.

Those who know what I mean, will... know what I mean.

OCEAN will be extremely lucky to hit the normie side of coinbase any time soon. Custody and a mention in the blog post long with 20 other whocoins was as far as the original deal went.

>> No.22307415

These past 3 days I've seen at least 1 thread fudding Ocean everyday and the narrative changes from butthurt quant bois to OP being a faggot, yet images posted are identical.

What kind of lazy fud is this? Come on you cunts make some more material.

>> No.22307562

Regulation isn't going anywhere and scutiny on how companies operate will only increase. We have already seen the likes of Telegram be forced to return money raised from their ICO. Projects such as Enigma, Paragon and Airfox have also been slapped with heavy fines for promoting unregistered securities





Money is a powerful drug, and greed is a strong emotion, so it's no surprise Bruce and the team are getting a bit overzealous, but it would be a mistake for him to continue tweeting about price.

Partnerships have become a bit of a meme these days, they had more relevance and impact in 2017. Like you say, many projects are working with big companies now, and it's no longer about who has partnered with the biggest meme brand.

>> No.22307566

Hey OP, you seem like a smart guy. I know I should be lurking more instead of asking you to spoonfeed me but what kind of studying material do you recommend to a begginer?

>> No.22307629
File: 998 KB, 3500x1476, pumpdump3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me a little time to compile the tweets and stick it on a chart. So I will repost it again in case people didn't see it the other day.

It looks a little messy, but if you look at the time line of events that happened, it looks suspect in my opinion.

The "donation". The sudden surge of AMA activity. The tweets. It's all there.

>> No.22307697

As mentioned previously, in previous threads that you made the AMAs were oriented to inform people about TOKEN SWAPS.

>> No.22307785

In your opinion, yes.

Did you notice the types of Telegram he visited? Apart from the Ocean channel, they were mostly channels full of speculators. Strange. As I said yesterday, why waste time conducting AMAs for a simple token swap. A short article would have been sufficient. But Bruce decided to go a full promotional shill tour (which coincided with the price run up).

>> No.22307955


Funny that the token swap was timed to match the binance listing as well, huh. Pure coincidence that these things lined up so nicely and allowed for so much promotional activity and attention.

>> No.22308020

Are you retarded? Just because someone does an AMA doesn't directly translate to a price increase. There are too many factors to consider. It's completely arbitrary to state that and to ignore the actual project and all the information surrounding it , and the vast OCEAN of people invested into it.

>> No.22308046


AMA with "gains associates", lmfao. I don't even remember that one.


>> No.22308073

>Just because someone does an AMA doesn't directly translate to a price increase. There are too many factors to consider. It's completely arbitrary to state that and to ignore the actual project and all the information surrounding it , and the vast OCEAN of people invested into it.

buy now, sirs

>> No.22308124

Devs promoting their token is now considered something to be concerned about. I have seen some retarded fud before, but this is a whole new low

>> No.22308253

Nice job

Any coins you'd suggest? Please.. just one :/ im looking at strong, vra, loki, lcx, qnt

>> No.22308292
File: 59 KB, 474x711, OCEANS ELEVEN copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone does an AMA
He conducted loads of AMA's. More than what has been posted on the pic/chart. Check his twitter feed yourself. You might notice, he was not very active before then, but suddenly goes on a worldwide tour to shill the project.

I mean, one of the Telegram channels was called "Hillrise Capital" and the other "Gains Associates" Lol.

>There are too many factors to consider.
It's completely arbitrary to state that and to ignore the actual project and all the information surrounding it , and the vast OCEAN of people invested into it.

At the end of the day, anon. You just need to look at the chart. It pumped hard. It's dumping. It's likely going to take time to recover. Check other charts that went on a similar parabolic run and see how they ended up. Whether Bruce was involved with questionable activites, or whatever factors helped pump the price is up for debate.

But the bottom line is: what goes up must come down. I will rebuy at around 10/11 cents. 10 is a nicer round number, but I had to say 11 cents to make pic related more amusing.

Good luck, anon.

>> No.22308330

if you're not a fudder, this is the most tinfoil shit i've ever seen
>news alters price of coin
>aaaaaaaaa it's a conspiracy

>> No.22308529

>this is the most tinfoil shit i've ever seen

It's a chart, anon. Have you ever seen a chart before?

>what goes up must come down

We can only try to help these poor brainlets, anon. There's only so much we can do.

You sound like someone I'd like to talk to more about crypto - want to leave a burner email or something?

>> No.22308550

You seem to be knowing the insider world. What is the next coin to accumulate?

>> No.22308606

Not buying because I got burnt on matrix AI, and there's no reason the same doesn't happen now.
Who is baghunters and donny?

>> No.22308822

>There's only so much we can do
You can fuck off for one

>> No.22308905

>You sound like someone I'd like to talk to more about crypto - want to leave a burner email or something?
If you are who I think you are, then we may have crossed paths before on Biz several times over the last few years. Lol. I feel I may be making a deal with the devil here, but here I just made one:


Good night.

>> No.22308949

Are you going to tongue each others anuses?

>> No.22309166

a chart very clearly impacted by news, then the entire crypto market dumping.
I don't even hold any OCEAN, i just think you two anons are giant flogs