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22302328 No.22302328 [Reply] [Original]

>been in crypto since 2015
>never had a 100x
should i quit crypto?

>> No.22302441

why? an x1.3 outpaces everything anyone who doesn't invest does with their savings

>> No.22302647

Been in since 2017. Best I've done is 3x.

>> No.22302672

>join biz in june
>buy STA that goes on to do 20x

>> No.22302696

my only 10x was buying zcl before bitcoin private

>> No.22302725

>been her maybe over a month
>8x on food shittokens alone
too easy

>> No.22302743

what ever happened to bcp?

>> No.22302761

How? I have been here since last year and bought Link at $1 and PNK at $0.02

>> No.22302791

Best I've done is a 2.5x because I get fucking wrecked every time I hodl.

>> No.22302810

Did none of you buy ethereum or Chainlink? I used to lurk here in 2016-2017 and that was everything that was being shilled.

>> No.22302866

I made a blockchain.com account in 2013 and I'm not rich because I've had to learn how to invest and use cryptocurrency very slowly. Maybe I'm a brainlet.

>> No.22303367

hodl isn't a meme if you don't hodl garbage

>> No.22303407


>have been on biz since 2017
>only lost money because i constantly get fucked

>> No.22303434


and yeah "crypto" is definately a meme. fuck this.

stonks only know one way - up . meme coins crash every 2 days

>> No.22303568

Same, i have only more than 100x 3 times but only paper, xrp, ethereum, and link...but again, like xrp i held from launch with a buy in price of .015 cents through 3.85 my single worst mistake now turning 300 dollars into 120k dollars...

>> No.22303987


>> No.22304409

Best I could muster was 5k -> 30k -> 2k
I guess we're just the unlucky ones while everyone else makes tons of money, even the retarded newfags. I keep hearing people turning 5-10k into 100-200k, but I have yet to see an opportunity where that was possible. Normally just too late to the party. Anything I buy new/low just plummets or I catch the falling knife which stays planted into the ground.

>> No.22305333
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This is me investing.

>> No.22305369

How to 2x at least right now? I'm not asking for more, just a 2x

>> No.22305389

For the record I bought XRP at 0.28 and it keeps going down kek. That's why I'm asking for advice.

>> No.22305420

I’ve had multiple 10x and 20x, 100x is pretty hard to do in any space.

>> No.22305538

How to 10x?

>> No.22305551

I bought neo at 15 USD,
I participed bounty0x ico

I bought xvg in Nov 2017.
I participated in Travala ico.

Put 5k now only have 30k

If i had sold everything instead of holding, i could have been a multimillionnaire.
Greed, no real strategy or understanding of what was going on.

Tragic. I missed the chance of a millenium for making my family wealthy as fuck

>> No.22305972

fuck verge

>> No.22306558

2x here. Life is hard. Never had a lucky break. Everything I've accumulated was through slow grind. How to change this?

>> No.22306722

>How to 2x at least right now? I'm not asking for more, just a 2x
>For the record I bought XRP at 0.28 and it keeps going down kek. That's why I'm asking for advice.
you can start by selling XRP and buying literally anything else

>> No.22306769

>buying literally anything else
ok not "literally" anything else but pick your coins better. xrp is a garbage normiecoin that wont go above $0.4 ever again

>> No.22306876

Kek if you buy anything that's more than 0.5mil m cap you're ngmi faggots

>> No.22306889

its pretty easy to make 20x during bull times.
but only 5% of people is smart enough to cash out or go into btc when bull cycle ends...

>> No.22306922

ive 5x'd my total input but never made crazy returns. i probably just dont go in on enough uniswap shitcoins. im just glad im not in the red though.

>> No.22306946

I bought some shitcoin before the recent crash and have seen initial investment go down 33%. I'm not selling though. even when i bought it it was undervalued and i'm giving myself until February to hodl. 33% isn't crazy in crypto anyway, i guess.

but yeah, you just have to hodl something and make sure you get in early. i like to think i'm early on this but i'll see you in 5-6 months to tell you if umpteenth times returns are a meme.

honestly i think patience is key. i see a lot of coins get shilled here but they are usually when they first break out, which is the worst time to buy. add it to your watch list, and watch the price for several weeks. along with research that should give you enough indication of whether it's worth investing in and wait for the slow decline to the bottom. that's where the 10x-50x are, you just have to be patient

>> No.22306979

nigger I just came here in 2017 and made x100 in link at 20$ (didn't sell but still).

>> No.22307457

Best I had was a couple 2x on quick trades. Started fucking with only $50 because I didn’t want to touch what I had in other coins. Just wanted to see what I could do and ended up doubled it a few times never putting more than $100 on a single coin and got to $500.

Came close to cashing out at a 10x on one but price dumped too fast for me to jump on it. Wish I was screwing around with more but it was literally gambling on absolute shitcoins and scams. Orbi, Steel, and Dext were a few slightly reputable coins. I jumped on DistX and Falconswap at launch at good prices and decided to just hang onto them til their products release. If they’re delayed I’m gonna jump ship and keep fucking with the shittiest of the shit.

>> No.22307589

made 12x with aleph since june...

>> No.22307631

get into ico's or just buy something at the ground floor, like yfi. i'm not a particularly great trader but i did 40x with yfi and 12x with om. i'm a complete moron actually, you can do it

>> No.22307752

How? I've 10xed twice this year

>> No.22307957

>Greed, no real strategy or understanding of what was going on.
I know the feeling anon, you are not alone

>> No.22308061

Gotta have a target and stick to it. Really, put in stop losses around 500k-1M and take most of it off the table past 2M. ‘Muh 1M isn’f enough’ you’re a mongloid if you think that isn’t life changing money.

>> No.22308751

I've never made more than a 5x, and I got into crypto around 2014 after first hearing about bitcoin and how it mooned
Not long after that, I first started to hear about Ethereum on other crypto forums that I frequented, because I hadn't heard about /biz/ yet (not sure if /biz/ was even around during that period)
Back then I was too dumb to even consider cryptos that appeared to be innovative with a real use case/impressive tech behind it, so I ignored ETH until it mooned, while buying shit like Primecoin and Litecoin
I've missed out on other 100x tokens since then due to being retarded:
>XRP, in part because I fell for the "centralized scam" fud surrounding it. The funny thing is, I STILL tried to buy a suicide stack of it in its dirt-cheap early days, but got spooked when they started asking for my personal details. Back then a lot of people were trying to stay as anonymous as possible with crypto, and anything asking for personal details seemed scammy
>XMR. This one REALLY hurts because back then I actually realized the potential value of a privacy coin. Guess what stopped me from getting dirt-cheap XMR? The fact that they initially didn't have a GUI wallet for my OS, so I couldn't download a wallet to hold XMR (also I didn't use exchanges back then)
>LINK. I actually got scared away not only by the LINK fud on /biz/, but also the fact that it was shilled TOO heavy on /biz/. Even though I saw posts discussing the technical aspects of Chainlink and its long-term potential, I still thought LINK was a /biz/ in-joke to try to sucker in newfags into buying a doomed token, so I stayed away. Another hard lesson for me to trust /biz/ more, along with doing my own research
In order to make it crypto, you have to either be REALLY good at daytrading, or be able to spot high-potential moon tokens in their cheap early periods, then accumulate and hold for YEARS. I tried daytrading and was god-awful at it, so I had to learn to spot low-marketcap future moons

>> No.22308779

Now, I'm a lot better at looking for the signs of a future moon. One of those signs is looking for which tokens that /biz/ talks about more than most of the others. And those tokens won't necessarily be mentioned as much as Chainlink was, but they will have at least one thread or a couple of mentions on /biz/ either once a day, or at the least once every other day (the archive site warosu.org is REALLY helpful with finding this out)
Then you have to see if the token has a low enough marketcap/total supply and see if the price appears to have bottomed out. Then you have to research its tech/long term potential, usually you'll see this through paragraphs-long posts by more big-brained anons shilling the token. And most importantly you have to read up on any detailed fud that /biz/ drops on it; ignore short drive-by fud like "it's a chink scam". Any fud that's at least 3 sentences long on here is worth researching to see if it's valid; also pay attention to anons who respond to the fud. Do they refute the fud with facts, or do they only reply with dismissive things like "you had 2 years to accumulate" and "still not selling, faggot"? If it's the latter, then the fud is likely legit and if the concern brought about by the fud is a big enough one, then it's likely a crypto to skip
After heavy research, I currently have three cryptos which are low-marketcap/haven't mooned, but are also innovative projects that have been frequently discussed on /biz/ and also have a reasonable amount of fud against them - but none of which are major issues that bring the token's future price potential into question. I firmly believe these are future moons (don't ask me which ones they are)
For the first time in all my years of being in crypto, I actually feel like I'm holding tokens that will 100x at minimum, and I only have to be patient for a few years at most to see it, if not next year

>> No.22308919

what was the total you were holding out for? I don't understand holding past 1-3 million aka retire extremely early money

>> No.22309383

XVG was $0.006 in Nov 2017 and went to 0.24 a month later, before the crash
And you still had a few months after the crash where you could have sold for a 10x
Damn...did you really think it was going to stay above a 10x?

>> No.22309451

Buddy of mine got 10x on RSR. He bought at .003 and it went to .03
I bought at .007 and it went to .03
RSR is king of HODL

>> No.22309462

Same anon. Read some of Nassim Taleb (I’ll probably get shit on for that) but most people on biz put themselves in positions to implode. Good defense leads to great offense

>> No.22309526

This guy gets it. That's a well thought out strategy, and you're gonna make it. I know you said that you won't, but I really wish you'd say what those 3 are.

>> No.22309669

I had had a fuck ton of verge when it was dogecoin dark but I hated the first rebrand and sold everything and quit crypto right before the huge bullrun. I'm cringing just thinking about it.

>> No.22309700

How to pick cool coins? Sorry for being a bother anon

>> No.22309849

I got in at around 0.005-0.008 so even with this massive dump I'm still at least 2x. I still believe rsr is going to $1 next bullrun

>> No.22310261

Why wouldn't you want the collective hive mind of biz analysing your investments?

>> No.22310311

all or nothing thinking is a recipe for ngmi material. good luck

>> No.22311293


DYOR, but Defiat (DFT) Is going to easily 10x EOY.

>> No.22311314

>For the record I bought XRP at 0.28
Seriously, sell for something with more short-term gain potential

>> No.22311624

i put 2k int STA at 20c and lost half my money. thinking of just selling t b h

>> No.22311748

So buy Stakenet and Lition?

>> No.22311766

i've had a few 20-50x but im still poor

>> No.22311799

based. their recent ama showed that they know their shit. and they aren't afraid to flaunt their deep SV connections.

>> No.22312151

Anyone who is being honest with themselves has sold and knows its a dead project. Coping bagholders who spam threads think that their dying coin is somehow going to make them rich because LE STA THANOS GOING TO SNAP AND MOON IT HOLD BROS

>> No.22312194

100x is very rare anon

>> No.22312334

next time invest more than $17 maybe

>> No.22312502

I’m aiming for $20MM as my absolute highest cash-everything-out point. At that point, not only am I retired, but there’s wealth on hand for my family’s next generations to use to grow even further.
That said, I do plan on profit taking when roughly 5-10% of my stack hits certain marks along the way (50k, 100k, 250k, 500k, 1MM).
This is just a larger scale version of what I did in 2017 which was to cash out at 500k total stack, and to cash our 1k, 5k, 10k when each of them were 10% of my stack (so 1k at 10,000, 5k at 50,000 etc.) it worked well enough. I never hit 500k but I did turn $1500 into about $15,000 after having taken out 6k in profits and finally admitting defeat with my stack in 2018 and pulling out the rest. Put that into LINK, which I sold entirely right past $60k total, then put that into XSN.
The point of this blogpost is to say there’s nothing wrong with setting sights higher than just $1-2MM, but if you aren’t taking some profits along the way you’re playing a very nerve-wracking game.

>> No.22312553

A few weeks ago I had Phoenix for a week and the value of what I had went down slightly over that week. At the time I was one of 93 wallets in the pool. I wasn't getting rewarded anything and the value of the token went down. When I told /biz/ what happened, STAggots attacked me like cult members. Then I sold my Phoenix, Delta, and STA before I lost any more money and haven't bought any since.

>> No.22312790

DFT is easily gonna 10-100x over the next few weeks and months

-Code being audited by Hacken as we speak
- Current marketcap of $4.2m
- 375,000 circ supply
- Will soon be able to stake ANY ERC-20
- After staking and audit is complete, farming is coming


>> No.22312844

you will not make it

>> No.22312923

inverse yourself

>> No.22312954

Damn anon

>> No.22312971

But you need to wait for minimum 6 months with strong iron hands

>> No.22312984

Me too basically
Really hoping for NEC to go wild

>> No.22313373

What are you in right now? I just bough 25k RSR today

>> No.22313389

Did you not buy any ETH or XRP?

>> No.22313415

>I’m aiming for $20M
Lower that to $1M and you still have a chance or history will repeat itself.

>> No.22313502
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Why didnt you buy LINK?
It was obvious and you were here for the threads
I mean it pulled a 100x so far

>> No.22313711

Capped and added to the “I doubted Xsn” collection for the 2022 Mars party

>> No.22314096

capped and added to my poorfag collection

>> No.22314249
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Survivorship bias

There are hundreds of thousands of losers paying for the few 100x lottery winners.

I just treat crypto like a lottery, buying a few tickets every month. It's addictive & I know I will get justed 95/100 times,.

Best I did so far was 10x a few times, with XRP back in 17 along with shitcoins like ECA and COLX.

Then I held that garbage until I was underwater like a standard /biz alum.

I kiss every dollar I put into crypto goodbye, so the losses don't really affect me, just quarters in the slot machine.

>> No.22315017

I got 10x on ubt, lend and rsr this year but im still nowhere near the larpers who made 300k from $500

>> No.22315043

Turned 3K into 35K with BAND

>> No.22315869
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UBXT IEO coming soon. any thoughts?

>> No.22315928

altcoins still paid out in bitcoin

>> No.22315975

If you're not in the know how, you're never gonna make it. If youre looking for 100x look no further than PND groups. They generate the highest amounts of microcaps in the space and the only true potential for 100x is in the microcaps.

>> No.22315984

HYPRR is perphaps next 100 x or more

social media platform just launched, you can check out it here:


the best crypto related social media platform, and its going to listed KuCoin

now its name is Udoo token, but its coming Hype token by token swap later and this Hype token use Hyprr own created blockchain, so its not going to be erc-20 token anymore

>> No.22316018

>the best crypto related social media platform
The best failure is still a failure. Social media is locked up by the big players, and even crypto devs all use Twitter.

>> No.22316060

when people gamble in the short term and make profits its whether they get out with however much they made, whether they are smart enough, or if they are dumb enough to think their gambling equates to strategy in the long term. its a () honestly dont know what word to call it here, basically take a smart person, he makes a gamble, he thinks he is smart but he is also dumb at the same time, because what that person will do is he will further gamble in the future and lose it all, but a dumb person will manage to get out with all their gambleings and cant even get caught in the trap because he is so oblivious.

basically you take a scenario where something is in a bubble, take an objectively smart person, and an objectively oblivious person, if both make a 10x then the oblivious person cashes out and buys whatever dumb things he wants like cars and everything else. the smart person will have no reason to purchase anything other than mistaking his intellect for "investing" when it was gambling, its almost like he rewarded himself and foolishly thinks he was smart for what he did.

i just want to get back on track here and say gamblers do not make money in the longer run no matter how much you, i'm talking you being jealous, no matter how much you suck up and think he is better off. when in reality he will do the same exact thing in the future gambling. the mature thing is how to match stock market gains which are ~15% annual return and you can reach warren buffets age by being smart about it and actually learning, as knowledge is the key factor to long term gains, no matter what it is you do, whether investing in learning or the markets , you should not worry no matter how much you cry about the gamblers boasting, for he has nothing to teach his kids

>> No.22316083

That's sad. Get out of crypto asap anon

>> No.22316105

You have to be investing in nothing but shit coins anon

>> No.22316118

How are you in the red? BAKA. You must have a bag of shitcoins

>> No.22316148

Just because you're dogshit at investing and rationalize it as people gambling, doesn't make it true.

>> No.22316179

i had 55k link at 0.12 c
Yes i sold like a useless human being i am

>> No.22316187

Are y’all serious I’ve been here since April and I’ve 3xd

>> No.22316231

NGMI with 25k RSR anon

>> No.22316233

youre projecting your insecurities to a post where i didnt insult anyone. delete your post. i do not have to prove anything to you or my own situation when i know from experience both our arguments are proven with your own vested time, i do not infact have to be with you when you will be proven by your own investments and whether they will bode well for you. so you are either arguing or trading, which is it?

>> No.22316242


>> No.22316312

As we go into Defi hype bubble? With CVP and ALBT on the Horizon

You should quit OP, you've got no idea what the fuck you're doing

>> No.22316409

What’s the suicide stack for RSR anon?

>> No.22316489

Actually a quality thread desu
>see what /biz/ is shilling
well /biz/ now shills EVERYTHING, every crypto community treats us as best and cheapest advertising platform so any fucking project can be found on warosu with various threads. All crypto project are shilled even before presale. What you have to see whether it's only low IQ niggers spamming new paradigm shit and copypasted technobabble or are there genuine anons with genuine responses. Even if they're FUDing, if they are doing it creatively and smart it's fine.
If only posting on coin is price prediction and uncreative brand-put-one-pepe memes with a lot of buzzwords I avoid it.

As of the whole crypto philosophy and whether it "should work". Even though im software engineer I have a little idea whether it should work or not. I believe there are layers in this fight. On higher plane of autism mathematicians and PhD shit on each other about architecture and math. The resolution of "high level" disputes will settle once and for all long term goals, philosophies and flows of MATURE crypto ecosystem, and whether or not it feasible at all.
On middle ground programmers yell at literal webdev monkeys about architectural flaws and incorrect conversions of math, possible vectors of attack and whether they can sustain "trustless environment" mathematicians crave for using a computer. Resolution of this disputes will give us working implementations. It's almost a working product but it requires network of people...
And here we are, at the bottom of this shithole. That's where we all live. Our disputes are eternal and are not meant to get resolved, but some of us would found intermediate layer between software and pajeets. Adopters of a product. The ones who take a bet on right philosophy and right tech is going to make it. You have to be lucky or have 4-digit IQ to do so.

>> No.22316517

Made 14 k in a day on eth on that run up to 400 then lost it all on options.

>> No.22316612

There are many altcoins that can go 100x or 10x in no time..like Bitcoin did and ETH did many can...you can see that now Chainlink is that coin(possible) and also i would like to add FSN Fusion coin.. Very underrated coin no one is teling you about and it can spike from 50 cents now to 5-10$ in few months only.

>> No.22316630

The problem is that you're going on long incoherent spiels you smooth brain.
It's clear you've got room temperature digit IQ but think otherwise.

>> No.22317022

fair enough

>> No.22317113

Luck is definitely a factor, but some coins are more of 50/50, while others are obvious scams.
DYOR is unironically the way to making it, if you put some money in 3 low caps that arent buzzwords defi "gems", chances are youll do a x10 on at least one of them.

>> No.22317849

It's rare but imo it's easier to do in crypto than probably anywhere else
You just have to be early enough for a token, have enough patience to hold it for a long while, and to be able to do actual research to know which tokens to pick