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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 459 KB, 960x541, https___blogs-images.forbes.com_thomasbrewster_files_2016_05_Screen-Shot-2016-05-02-at-10.20.41-1200x676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22296078 No.22296078 [Reply] [Original]

Why was this board posting craig wright memes non stop a year or two ago? What was the agenda?

>> No.22296149


>> No.22296260

The defi hype on eth took over everything in crypto

>> No.22296406

To redpill oldfags. Currently there is no point at shilling BSV in here, as everyone who was smart enough went balls deep into BSV, and found alternative places to /biz/, as it's currently infested with Pajeets, redditors, and newfags. Each of them want to outsmart one another in their DeFi scams.

>> No.22296884

DeFi is the future.
Old POW/tech coins no longer hold much appeal

>> No.22297141

Even if DeFi would be future, the platforms it's being built on doesn't scale. DeFi adds another problem for mainstream platforms, which is security issues. Constantly there are hacks being conducted. Fees at uniswap went as high as $300 recently. The last problem is, that it's way harder to invest into DeFi, than into regular cryptocurrencies. Only people who've been in this space for some time will get into DeFi. Barely any normies will ever touch top 10 cryptos, and from those who will, even less will get into DeFi.

>> No.22297173

The agenda was to shitpost and praise blockchain vishnu

>> No.22297204

>this board
you mean paid pajeets

>> No.22297208

To get you to buy BSV unironically and pump their bags before they roped for falling for a scam so obvious.

>> No.22297378

Answer: Chainlink

>> No.22297392

Also Arbitrum

>> No.22297442

Meme the world you want to see.

>> No.22297465

Its literally just ponzis on ponzis on ponzis.

>> No.22297530

I don't see BSV being a scam in any way. Those who bought at $50, can sell it today for $160, and few days ago they could sell for $240, and could sell above $400 in january. Making BSV into a P&D would be stupid, as it's marketcap is too high to pump it significantly. It's way more efficient to run P&D on DeFi scams.
I was all in LINK, but sold it all at $4 for BSV. Now that I look at oracle solutions with a cold eye I can clearly see, that there are way better solutions to decentralized oracles than LINK, like BAND.
LINK was recently attacked
Haven't done research on that one. I don't know how long it would take them, or anyone else to scale ETH. Vitalik says, that ETH 2.0 will take from 5 to 10 years to fully implement. If I would look at any scaling solutions other than BSV, it probably would be Polkadot. Also if we're talking about scaling check out this post

>> No.22297708

>muh oracles

Literally not required. Token or otherwise. You can publish data directly to BSV and sell that data for BSV. There is no reason to use a third party in this case. Chainlink unironically decreases data integrity.

>> No.22297722

Half shill campaign, half funny posts/pissing off maxis

>> No.22297767

This as well. There is no need for oracles, if everything is going to happen on one chain. Altough if BAND would dump to $3, I would grab some just for pure speculation to get more BSV in the process. But I wouldn't touch LINK even if it'd cost less than $1.

>> No.22297778

no agenda just fun to trigger btc maxis

>> No.22297797
File: 169 KB, 750x1334, 6C8E62DE-43F9-4BFA-A176-90B955CD01E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>max coping for my low IQ which proves I’m a drooling retard

>> No.22297817
File: 23 KB, 371x403, creg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok sirts here is the crypto brown pill. there is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything
Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol.
Back to hasish power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new ashit (designed by his vishnu actually), and is poo'ing BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking all the poo over to BSV leaving the segshit chain erectly frozen.

>> No.22298520

Literally a paid shill campaign to unload this terrible shitcoin onto noobs.

>> No.22298643

Got to be the dumbest scam in history. It's far easier and more profitable to just make token scams on mETH.

>> No.22299409
File: 364 KB, 984x1532, 0915C406-0338-43BA-A265-0B6ACDB7C887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we accumulated 2 years ago,
then shilled a bit a year ago, out of pure friendship with our fellow /biz/lets, knowing that only the smartest few will get in anyway.

Now we have all moved to twetch and powping, rarely even on 4chan. And we know the pump is inevitable with btc and eth crumbling due to fees.

Look at coinmarketcap, we have already decoupled. We have already made it, we have scalability and usable apps, we dont need to shill, we just sit back and relax

>> No.22300294


>> No.22300575
File: 143 KB, 1024x857, 1581439672574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We have already gotten the smartest anons over, now the rest of the 4chan brainlets will drown in a sea of their own piss and shit.

BSV has already won on tech. Market will catch up soon enough.

>> No.22300603
File: 77 KB, 1242x769, where-is-bsv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you decoupled alright
nice dead cat you have there faglord
enjoy it!

>> No.22300860

nice imagery

>> No.22301914

>25,100% APY.jpg
decentralized ponzis are the future. we no longer care about low fee p2p electronic cash.

>> No.22301991

Kek, it's sad that there are even people getting into these literal Bitconnect with extra steps ponzis. Because seriously, you have to have a high enough iq to use dexs and understand mETH tokens, but low enough iq to not realize you're getting "hey, hey, hey"'d.

>> No.22302294

Because he's the single most meme-able person in the entire world.

Highly recommend read:


>> No.22302371


>> No.22302446

Nah, it's on Alphaville, which is free. Scroll down to bottom and click 'read now', I think even just hitting refresh will do it.

I also recommend Alphaville in general.

>> No.22302511


Also worth reading up on the 'bonded courier' saga.

Creg is endlessly entertaining

>> No.22303077

It wasnt a year ago, it was like 6 mon ago, for a few weeks this was a bsv shill board, then it pumped from 2 digits to treefiddy then the posts stopped.