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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2229005 No.2229005 [Reply] [Original]

Is this nigga gonna crash?

>> No.2229022
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Long term you should buy as much as possible asap.

Short term buy the dip sell the tip.

>> No.2229027

Will be tons of fluctuations and will eventually cap a little under $400.

>> No.2229039
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>He didn't buy it when it was a few months ago $20
>He didn't buy it at $40 a couple months ago
>He didn't buy it at $80 about a month ago
>He didn't buy it at $130 a couple days ago

What makes you think you're going to buy it when it crashes now? Once a no coiner always a no coiner.

>> No.2229040

DESU every time i think its going too, and it should, It doesn't.

>> No.2229061

but i have 35 eth...

>> No.2229081
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Uh oh, look out guys, we got a high roller over here!

>> No.2229443

back this up with logic

>> No.2229463

either the china pump comes in over night or it doesnt come and people start panic selling

>> No.2229501

people need to fuck off with panic selling. seriously. grow a set and have faith, but no! they only care about themselves. This is the problem with our society; if no one was an ass we could accomplish a great many things.

I screwed up and bought a week ago at ~190, but at least it is climbing back up

>> No.2229514

You're in it for the hold
You didn't screw up

>> No.2229673

Poor FOMOs. Just fucking buy already and quit shilling. Then everyone on this board and hope and work together. Just fucking hold too and don't get weak hands. Just take your fucking Sbarro check and buy ETH you Cucky little whores

>> No.2229686


>> No.2229692

Into the moon, mang.

>> No.2229765

Yes its crashing and buy redd you cuck

>> No.2229813

>114 eth bought at 160 isn't going to change my life even if it moons

Well it's not a terrible long term investment anyway.

>> No.2229842

18k into 228k not life changing? Just give it a few years, bud.

>> No.2229858
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>> No.2229888


>> No.2229889

Truu, 1/4 mil sounds great, 200k after taxes

>> No.2229893

Holy shit. You faggots actually made money. Wow

>> No.2229900

Get into the game now son, I was a nocoiner a week ago

>> No.2229903

If someone had $5k (which is a realistic amount) they now would have $110,000


>> No.2229911

yes it might crash from 1000 to 800

>> No.2229935

c h i n k e d

just wait for the chinkening. it's going to be a bloodbath

>> No.2229998

what makes you so sure?

>> No.2230023

when selling restrictions are lifted, more than one chink are going to cash out

>> No.2230037

Do you think ETH is at an ATH?

I don't.

If you're not actively trading this shit, just buy as much as you can now and look back at the price in 2018. There could be a dip coming soon though.

>> No.2230038

theres no logic behind crypto

>> No.2230042

It's 1:02am EST. I don't understand time zones. What time would it be a good idea to cash out before chinamen?

>> No.2230047

Anytime in the next 16 hours

>> No.2230057

but what will they be selling? Chinks dont trade ETH. They trade ETC. And that Huobi exchange only makes up like 3% of the Chinese crypto market.

I do think there will be a huge dip but not caused by the chinks. Caused by the current hype and people's FOMO. People wont want to pay such exorbitant prices, the FOMO will run out, and the panic selling will begin and we will have the exact same panic that crashed BTC a few days ago.

An ATH you mean forever? Definitely not, I firmly believe ETH is going to 1000 in a few years. But yes I am actively trading. I sold about half my coins and have orders lined up in the mid 100s to rebuy. Kept the other half to allow them to continue mooning.

Can you tell me exactly what time Huobi is doing the ETH start? Preferably in EST please. I tried googling it, couldnt find an exact answer

>> No.2230063

Of fucking course I sold at 190 earlier today. It was only one but still I could have had almost 30 more dollars

>> No.2230069

i sold 30 coins yesterday in the 160s senpai. Currently missing about 1200 bucks in profits. Feels bad man

>> No.2230077

It's 1:06pm in chinaland according to google. Another thread said may 31st for that so basically sell before noon for us here on Beast Coast.

>> No.2230099

I bought $48 at 196 a few hours back and made $2.50 so far. Yeeeeee!

>> No.2230103


Huobi is entirely irrelevant in this, their entire 24hr volume is only 18million. For perspective, Polo does over 500 million in 24hrs.

Huobi accounts for about 3% of the trading volume in china and is barely a scratch on the volume of Polo. You really think ETH going up for trade is going to create any significant demand.

This is pure speculative hype bubble. It's going to come down with fucking force.

>> No.2230124

give me a fucking source

>> No.2230139
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Going to dump 2k into ETH. Should I wait for the dip or go now?

Im gonna wait for the next dip then HODL forever.

>> No.2230141

I know anon, I'm agreeing with you. There will be a drop and i explained how I dont think it's the chinks, I think it's because of the hype, and when the hype dies down, the price crashes with it

>> No.2230156


Look at the stupidity in these threads and the troll box, everyone is
Huobi Huobi Huobi, China China China! Cheer leading shit.But no one who's hyping this up actually has any clue what Huobi is, it's all buzzwords.

Huboi is a 13th ranked exchange it's below Bittrex. It has a daily volume of 40 million compared to Polo which does 400 million.

>> No.2230163

Wait anon. 12 hours from now this board will be filled with wojaks crying from greedy kids that sat on the pump too long. That's when you strike.

>> No.2230165

Its the source of china halting all exchanging of crypto to actual funds. So chinks are just ready to pounce at the chance of liquidating their crypto to usable funds. Look up a fucking source yourself, everyones just waiting with baited breathe at this point when their going to lift the restrictions.

>> No.2230227

Its gonna keep going to about 240 tomorrow then a small correction. Chinks will help drive it up maybe then probably down to 190-200

>> No.2230253

You aren't listening to a single thing being said. Huobi and china is a non-factor in driving ETH. It's a tiny, low volume exchange.

This price pump is driven purely by speculation on the back of misinformation out of Polo and Korea. Just like how people thought segwit being activated on Litecoin mattered. It's just hype

>> No.2230261

>Huobi and china is a non-factor in driving ETH. It's a tiny, low volume exchange.

Its what on the margin that matters.

>> No.2230268


so these chinese chinks are down for ETH? or no?

>> No.2230291

they're down for pumping it up then blowing it all when PBoC releases funds in June

>> No.2230478

everything is building off of ETH atm

why wouldnt it go up in value?

>> No.2230487

Why was it selling for $160 two days ago? Why doesn't everything last forever?

>> No.2230530

>mfw I was waiting for bitcoin and eth to crash more before dropping money on it

>> No.2230586
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Someone is buying up thousands of ETH on Quadriga, one of the Canadian exchanges...