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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22289661 No.22289661 [Reply] [Original]

Big crash party tomorrow!

BTC -60%
ETH -70%
XRP -50%
ALGO - 60%
BAT -70%
ZRX -70%
LINK -65%
RLC -90%
YFV -70%
YFI -50%
BAL -60%
UBT -75%
xDAI -65%
DOT - 55%
SUSHI -90%

1st Dec 2020: End of the blood fest

best time to buy until 1st Dec.

>> No.22289679

Don't let me down. I've been looking for a good entry to Crypto, and I missed the March crash.

>> No.22289683

price reveal party

>> No.22289693

Would put crypto at like sub 200m market cap, top kek I'm ready

>> No.22289697

My birthday is December 1st. Is this a sign?

>> No.22289706

Why dont short

>> No.22289719

We just had a crash in many pairs. You missed the low in 2018 and somehow missed again in March?

>> No.22289723

>ZRX -70%
over my cold dead penis

>> No.22289733

Why everyone predicting a crash? Is there any reasoning behind this? I aint from 'merica.

>> No.22289743

saved majority of my NEETbux for a crash like this

>> No.22289746

Because its easier for a NEET to sit around and hope than actually take action in his life.

>> No.22289755


2018 I was juggling two mcwagie jobs, and in March I used most of my extra income to finally get some guns and ammo.

>> No.22289775

there is no reason and no crash
just retards

>> No.22289792

What do you do will all your crypto on this case? Put it all into USDT?

>> No.22289796

nope. just a weekend meme based on a 3% drop in the stock market. asian and european markets are doing fine today. these bears are brainlets on the wrong side of the trade

>> No.22289800

if trips golden bull starts tomorrow

>> No.22289816

Close but nah.

>> No.22289827


>> No.22289842

You forgot STA -100%

>> No.22289863
File: 85 KB, 860x499, frenhug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we tried anon. Let no one say we didn't try.

>> No.22289979

I hope it crashes, I need to fill my bags.

>> No.22289992

Don’t worry these fags will miss it again.
In march I remember asking if I should buy and literally every reply said it’s gonna go to three digits.
Glad I didn’t listen.

>> No.22290019

Yeah if you post something like this all I'm doing is maybe buying more. Kill yourself you fucking faggot, I wish I could knock your fucking little jew face out. You probably have no skin in the game either you just like trying to scare the newbies. Fucking pussy.

>> No.22290055

unironically have my buy orders for XRP ranging from -25% to -50%

>> No.22290104

god i hope so

>> No.22290121
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it's over for you. Not everyone will make it! Sorry bro. Thanks for your money!

>> No.22290189

Because this crash happens every bear/bull cycle

>> No.22290270

I'm cashing out now, for the time being. Almost certain we're going to keep crashing
If we go back up I'm going to kms myself

>> No.22290295


>> No.22290370

We're still in an uptrend retard. The real crash is the bottom of the downtrend. Long term this is a correction.

>> No.22290523
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imagine trying to time the market. If you were confident in what you're doing you would DCA on the way down.
>the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent

Fuck your shitcoins.
Fuck your TA and tea leaves.
Fuck your speculation.