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22286442 No.22286442 [Reply] [Original]

How safe is Metamask? Could it just steal all my crypto? How do I know its not a malicious plugin?

>> No.22286455

Meta mask in itself is not a malicious program, but malicious programs can hijack your metamask

>> No.22286489

I once sent some of my eth to a new metamask wallet I created and it showed up there and I freaked out and uninstalled it. Just stick with exchanges, much safer. I mean would you sleep on your own money? Exactly, that's why we have banks.

>> No.22286537


The point of crypto is to be your own bank. What the fuck kind of retarded boomer logic is this.

>> No.22286542

You sent money to the place you sent it to successfully and were freaked out?

>> No.22286551

glad im not the only one who read that and said ??

>> No.22286562

i think you might be retarded anon

>> No.22286715

I think he was joking and trying to make the point that its safer than trusting a CEX with your funds. I guess my thing is I am fucking schizo as fuck with stuff like this and am constantly worried if I use metamask I am going to get some version of it that comes loaded with software to steal my crypto. Something happened like this with XMR software not too long ago:

Why couldn't something like this happen with Metamask? Basically someone manages to manipulate the file and then we all download it, put it on our PC's and get our crypto stolen.

>> No.22286732

Just use metamask as an interface for an hw wallet

>> No.22286855

Create a paper wallet and use Metamask to interact with it. Download it directly from metamask.io and you won’t have anything to worry about.

>> No.22286912

RELAX no one wants your 0.0000004 link . You'll be fine.

>> No.22286950


Yeah that little fox watching my every move, I dont trust him

>> No.22286963
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>I once sent some of my eth to a new metamask wallet I created and it showed up there and I freaked out and uninstalled it.

>> No.22287043

>The amount of tards that got baited by this.
Keep up the good work anon.

>> No.22287058

top kek lad

>> No.22287080

>Download it directly from metamask.io and you won’t have anything to worry about.
Why can't that have a malicious file inserted? The monero websites binaries had malicious files uploaded at one point and stole people's funds who downloaded them.

>> No.22287194


>> No.22287269

4d bait

>> No.22287305

good b8 but you have to be wise and experienced to catch it, overall 9/10. best i’ve seen in a while. I was sitting in the toilet just now and my scrotum dipped into poopoo water because I have a droopy ballsack

>> No.22287336

Sometimes my peepee touches the toilet bowl on small toilets and I get turned on because it seems big at the moment and I gently rub my erect peepee against the inside because something about it makes me feel like a real man

>> No.22287343

this seems foolproof right?

>> No.22287345

>uniswap DX 0,00001$
>other exchanges DX 0,0019$

>> No.22287724


>> No.22287860

Kek, good one anon

>> No.22288234


>> No.22288340

>everyone confused
>>nice bait post
>Remaining responses are variations of kek
Ok retard post much

>> No.22288400

The problem with metamask is that it is only for the Ethereum network, which is made by pedos for pedos. Do not use it!

>> No.22288406

I once started my new car I bought and it went vroom and I freaked out and sold it. Just stick with horses, much safer.

>> No.22288627

People buy this shit like crazy: https://uniswap.info/pair/0xec5e2ad1be849ba3c4105a250bc1a0433311fe60

>> No.22288654
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I don't trust this shit either. It just looks like some shady stuff that is always watching me. And it's always installed on my browser. Fuck this.

>> No.22288793

I think we still need a harder crash on Tuesday to clean the crypto sphere from people like you.

>> No.22288900
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>why would the ethereum foundation develop an app for people to have control over their own wallets
>maybe they want to steal my 2 eth even though they own tens of millions and any damage to their reputation would seriously hurt the value of their bags

>> No.22288906
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Someone explain to me why anyone would need metamask placed in between sending and receiving wallets?

>> No.22288917

If you can afford to invest in crypto, then you can afford a Trezor. Get one.

>> No.22288925
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Fuck off DXtoee

>> No.22288976
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>> No.22289044
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>You sent money to the place you sent it to successfully and were freaked out?
>glad im not the only one who read that and said ??
>i think you might be retarded anon

>> No.22289124

there is literally no way to know. someone already took over the metamask chrome plugin by submitting their own malicious version to the chrome web store a few months back. Same with ledger, keepkey etc. As crypto gains more adoption and even higher value there will be more people trying to scam others in this way.

You could always just use Brave browser though anon. It has a crypto wallet with metamask-like web3 compatibility built into the browser itself. No need to worry about the extension you just installed being legit when the extension is built into the fucking browser.

>> No.22289148
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hey. no swearing

>> No.22289229

sorry coach! sometimes i get carried away.

>> No.22289650

Can a third party log into my metamask on a different computer if they know my password, or do they need my seed phrase to do that?

>> No.22289709

I'm asking if it would be possible for a malicious actor to tamper with the file so it can steal crypto. This was done with the official Monero binaries not too long ago.

>> No.22289735

Try it

>> No.22289812

obviously storing your wallet local in metamask is very unsafe
only use with hardware wallet

>> No.22289823

nice bait fag. nyknym

>> No.22289834

you can be victim of a man in the middle attack albeit unlikely

>> No.22289854
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Checked and humourpilled

>> No.22289955

Use metamask with Ledger.

>> No.22290482

Isn't exodus better for pairing with HW's?

>> No.22290533

I don't even know how it works. I'm trying to protect myself. I'm just saying stuff like that happened to XMR and I'm wondering what does metamask do different where that can't happen.

>> No.22290557

Just compare the hash of the downloaded file with the one provided on github.

You can Google how to do this its not that hard you run a few commands from the terminal.

>> No.22291048

Maybe if you want to hide the fact that you're trading crypto to avoid taxes making it look like there's only been 2 or 3 transactions in total.
Also keep in mind that if you have your crypto on an exchange you're not actually in control of it

>> No.22291090

Always wear protection.
Could be she's off her pills

>> No.22291192

how safe metamask + myetherwallet?

>> No.22291263
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It is "safe" for short term storage. You could consider it a hot wallet. You need to get a ledger for your long term holds. Or a trezor, either one works, just dont have a large amount of crypto sitting in metamask.

>> No.22291269


metamask > exchanges

>> No.22291285

What's the main risk with metamask? Someone gaining remote access to the pc? Or getting keylogged?

>> No.22291289

>Why can't that have a malicious file inserted?
It can. But for that to happen you would need to be the target of someone actively going after you. This is why you need a cold storage wallet.
If you are being targetted the point of someone wanting to stay a MitM attack you are likely the target of hacks on your computer and have a keylogger installed.

>> No.22291304

they would need need to have a RAT (remote admin tool) installed on yr computer to do that

>> No.22291321

Yes those are the main issues with a hot wallet on your pc. Getting keylogged is a big issue, but it depends on where you store you keys. Some brainlets store their seed in a text file. If someone gets those keys and restores it's game over.

>> No.22291333

u watching tranny porns, some eastern european pajeets backdoor u. They key logged ur info. Moral to story is use a different computer to watch tranny porns.

>> No.22291418

Ill explain for brainlets


Whats this means is Metamask has gone from open sourced auditable code to proprietary code no one can looks at except the code devs. They said its to prevent large orgs from using it without payment, but the whole thing seems fishy to me. Id say its still safe if yr not a retard, but dont keep more than 1000$ on there or you might be a target. Hardware and paper wallets. Even exchanges are pretty safe if you use basic opsec, 2fa, pin on yr phone, dont tell people about yr crypto. No way Coinbase and Binance are exit scamming they make that money in fees, plus theyd get sued. Major exchanges are insured as well.

>> No.22291571

As safe as the rest of your browser.
I personally use Brave for all my crypto shit since I can farm BAT at the same time and I do nothing but crypto on that web browser (also disabling scripts is a good idea).

>> No.22291622
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