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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22274483 No.22274483 [Reply] [Original]

>made 400k in crypto
>mfw boomer dad tells me to cash it all out, pay 33% CGT and put it all into real estate
>mfw i wanted to physically assault that nigger boomer right there and there

>> No.22274624

you probably used daddys money in the first place. He probably regrets cumming in your mom 16 years ago when he made you.

>> No.22274650
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If thats your first reaction OP, you got mental problems and should focus on being a better person. We want have that sort of behavior on the yacht. Check yourself.

>> No.22274678


>> No.22274697

Take time off this site it's clearly affecting your mental health.

>> No.22274715

>Not securing rent cashflow to reinvest in crypto

>> No.22274717

Just hold bro you only need another 3x to join the millionaire's club.

>> No.22274757

400k in Real estate is definitely more valuable than 400k in crypto.

The 33% tax is insane though.

>> No.22274779

Your dad sounds like a logical guy.

You sound like an 18 year old loser NEET.

>> No.22274797

i use ur mums pussy u little cunt

crypto is way easier. I do this shit 1 hr a day and make 2-3k everyday

>> No.22274820

you sound like u like getting ur asshole inseminated u little cock drinking faggot

>> No.22274847

You actually should do what daddy tells you. Unrealized gains are not money. They are just numbers on your screen.

>> No.22274879

if thats his thoughts then his fathers thoughts are probably just as bad

>> No.22274931

Nigga you gay

>> No.22274934

show your portfolio then you faggot, show us your 2-3k gains a day. You won't do it.

>> No.22274945

He’s unironically right.

>> No.22274948

i have 120k realized. The rest is in crypto because i can only launder so much

>> No.22274962

>sell crypto
>pay capital gains tax
>buy real estate
>pay transfer tax
>hodl real estate
>pay property tax
>sell real estate
>pay transfer tax
>pay capital gains tax

>> No.22274969

I make the daily rugs with high liquidity and you niggers keep buying them. I dont have a portfolio its all on eth

says the anal creampie whore

>> No.22275010

Show us your bank statements you fucking LARPer

>> No.22275014

If you have a decent job and are able to pay cash for a nice house you have no mortgage and are probably better off than 95% of the population

>> No.22275047

yes kill that fucking idiot boomer they dont understand and never will fuck boomers stay strong anon 400k will give you lot of money this bull run if played right

>> No.22275057

Larping faggot

>> No.22275066


>> No.22275091
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It's all so tiresome. Even if I make it it's barely even worth it.

>> No.22275108

Why because I called out OP on his larping faggotry?

>> No.22275170

>please post proof of your money laundering and rug schemes sirs thank you

AHAHAHAHHAHAHAH you retarded nigger

>> No.22275249

And people say xrp schizos are the cancer on /biz/

>> No.22275405

>sell crypto
>pay capital gains tax
Only if you made oney
>buy real estate
>pay transfer tax
minuscule fee
>hodl real estate
>pay property tax
Depends, some places have no or extremely small % property tax, but its you fault if you buy real estate in a town that decided for itself to have really high end schools, parts, roads, etc. That is a personal choice
>>sell real estate
>>pay transfer tax
another minuscule fee
>>pay capital gains tax
only on gains after $250,000

>> No.22275424

Sorry faggots OP is right and you're all kikes

>> No.22275433

lol and you are a retard for admitting that you were a willing participant in fraud. hope you're using a VPN because if not you'll be getting a knock soon ;)

>> No.22275492
File: 1.93 MB, 1494x840, 1598451319161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of seething in this thread, Jesus christ.

Makes me want the bogs to crash this market with no survivors.

>> No.22275517

oh yeah faggot? guess what? Im the developer of sushi. Good luck catching me nigger. Im not even in the country anymore hahahahahahahhaa

PPS: Thanks for the ETH

>> No.22275532

OP is not running a scheme, he's a larper who works at KFC

>> No.22275587

nice larp, now go flip my big mac

>> No.22275600

I never have to work again. I will pay thai ladyboys to eat my shit off the floor. Hows your life nigger?

>> No.22276261

You should never follow the advice of someone who is not in a better position and you don't wish to become.
Only listen to the advice of successful people if you wish to be successful.
If he wants you to invest like that he better show you the millions he made of it and can make in the future.
However you should learn to control your anger, being too emotional makes you a perfect target for narcissistic persons and manipulators.
Your father can tell you his opinion, but you can also ignore it as easily.
You may have to spend some time soul searching and meditating to not let your emotions control you and focus on your goal instead.