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22272738 No.22272738 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to be a better person once you make it or are you going to stay a misogynistic and racist person?

>> No.22272767
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you dont even have to ask to know

>> No.22272772

I’ve never considered myself a racist person
I only come to this place because being politically correct is not funny, and not indicative of an environment that churns out positive results
BLM is making me racist though

>> No.22272793

what the point of being rich if you aint gonna wipe your ass with a gold bar just because you can?

>> No.22272803

I'm going to be additionally sexist and only racist towards whites

>> No.22272918

I only became racist because of black people's endless complaining. America is the easiest place in the world to be black and they are still not satisfied.
>affirmative action in universities
>affirmative action in jobs
>every other commercial has a black person
>majority of the population is afraid to mistreat them in any way due to being perceived as racist.
>many companies now have required anti-racism courses which instruct everyone that it's not black people's fault they are at the bottom of society in every country they occupy.

What the fuck more do they want? Now their riots are tearing the country apart because white people are horrified that .001% of police encounters don't go well for blacks.

>> No.22272956

You're a racist. End of story.


America is a racist shithole. You don't see through it because you're white. Its like saying South Africa isn't racist.

>> No.22272972

yeah im gonna stay based yeah.

>> No.22272983

>majority of the population is afraid to mistreat them in any way due to being perceived as racist.
Why are people apprehensive towards mistreating others based on race, and not just because mistreating others is wrong?

>> No.22273124

knowing what the black population is like is not racist. I don't just hate black people because of their race. I've only ever been jumped once, and it was by blacks. I have seen a lot of dumb people, but black people have been by far always the dumbest

>> No.22273132


Also you fucking faggots pointing fingers at people saying they are racist. We're all racist, every single one of us. Let me ask you this, do you feel more comfortable with people of your race? Welcome to the racist club faggot.

>> No.22273140

>be racist
>get jumped
>act surprised

>> No.22273146

Speaking from experience I’m much more racist and about equally misogynistic now that I’ve made it

>> No.22273151

Question. Majority of BLM protesters are white. So you hate white people?

>> No.22273171

Made it already. Still being true to myself. I do help people that want to better themselves though, but the gibme culture excluded.

>> No.22273182
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>> No.22273202


>be rioting nigger chimp
>get shot
>act surprised

>> No.22273210

He probably hates some white people and most black people. What would you have guessed if you were actually trying and not putting up strawmen?

>> No.22273331

I will continue to hate niggers and women. You can't fucking stop me faggot

>> No.22273349

Strawman? He says BLM is making him racist. BLM is majority white people. So it doesn't make sense. Are you racist against black or white people.

>> No.22273369

I’m a better person because I became racist.

>> No.22273371

South Africa is racist
against whites

here's your (you) now leave

>> No.22273384

excruciatingly based

>> No.22273764

blacks are where they because of lack of character and the destruction of the family caused by a victimhood mentality.

Those claiming racism should remember that the most successful groups of people in the U.S are not white protestants but asians and jews (and also certain black ethnic groups interestingly enough). Didnt know systemic white privilege was fond of those groups.

>> No.22273850

I'm not racist at all. I've beaten up both black and white dumb niggers

>> No.22274296

Why are you posting pictures of Jewish businessmen?

>> No.22274423

Are you going to stay misandrist and white-hating?

Kill yourself racist. Racist piece of shit
