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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22270441 No.22270441 [Reply] [Original]

I was promised(guaranteed) a dip to $9600. I moved $20k USD to coinbase and set my buy order at this price with the entire amount. The buy order never activated.

Before you ask about the picture: yes, it is real and it is a sad story.

>> No.22271094

omg is she dead

>> No.22271101

too soon

>> No.22271160

Way too soon

>> No.22271165

bro I think she's dead

>> No.22271178

Dude, have some fucking decency, remove this picture.

>> No.22271191

So you're complaining that the market didn't tank enough and you didn't make money? Even though you haven't actually lost anything yet?

>> No.22271204


You've been on this site too long

>> No.22271239

will she be ok?

>> No.22271240

it will dip to 9600, but 2 things here.
calling the exact moment is hard and nearly impossible, there is no guarantee that 9600 is the bottom

>> No.22271930

damn /biz/ has a high concentration of oldfags/long time lurkers
thats why I love this place

>> No.22271991

too soon

>> No.22272029

Has anyone got the picture of the actual girl? I tried to google it but nothing comes up

And yes I’ve been here too long

>> No.22272075

himb a good boy

>> No.22272176

fuken based bois, i did not know that so many bizlets go back that long

>> No.22272185

Well, just strike your $9,600 call.
Or by guaranteed, do you mean you trusted the price prediction of some anonymous autist on a Mongolian Basket Weaving forum.

>> No.22272214
File: 15 KB, 243x224, 1586250476266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing anything posted on /biz/

>> No.22272226
File: 120 KB, 500x506, 1585360832860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doest realize "you cant leave" isnt a meme.

>> No.22272253

>being here 5 years makes you an oldfag
God damn the state of this website

>> No.22272348

Can someone give me a rundown of the pic?
Sad to say, I'm a newfag.
But I'm curious as hell now

>> No.22272547

That's older than 5 years, anon. Not saying it makes you an oldfag though

>> No.22272841

lurk moar
post less

>> No.22272843

lurk moar

>> No.22273033

bruh I've been here since 2005

>> No.22273937

Tell me. pls

>> No.22273995


It is literally the name of the dog. We are answering your question.

>> No.22274219

Thanks, I was able to find the original story with some digging.

>> No.22275083

You didn't deserve to know when you're asking to be spoonfed