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22266775 No.22266775 [Reply] [Original]

okay frens i need financial advice.

like a week ago i bought the tipy top of the related cryptocurrency. the loss would feed a village in east- india but i can afford it yet.
now, should i pull out my money and let it work for me somewhere else, or do i wait till it reaches my +- 0 balance, and then get the fuck out.

thanks alot im looking forward to your adive

>> No.22266850
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>> No.22266874

Same situation with me, except I bought the top of the Swipe pump.

I'm gonna hold until I break even. Selling now would be selling the absolute bottom and realizing my loss.

You could try gambling on some other coin if you have reason to believe it'll pump and make your money back faster though.

>> No.22266902

i mean the relaunch sucked. the gas prices are high so nobody is using their margin exchange. but there is still stuff coming. so i think you could get away for hodling a little bit longer? if the TVL takes off maybe we could see 80 cents to 1 usd again. thats my target. for the next 2 weeks.

>> No.22266966
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>> No.22266992

this is a man

>> No.22267050

Personally I wouldn't jump ship yet. The problem with waiting until you recoup your initial is that after the 300% gain that would take why would it stop there? What attracted you to bzrx in the first place?

>> No.22267143
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i was daytrading the binance listing and hit the highs and lows prette well (obv. its easy when graph is going upwards only). at some point some whales rugpulled me and i was too greedy to get out with low profit.

>> No.22267205

I've got a similar personality type, hence why I don't trade. I personally think the project will recover and you could se some healthy profit over the next couple of months. I'm interested to see how the staking rewards go, I've got 50k staked atm and the reported returns are not good however according to the team telegram they aren't being displayed correctly. I also think the tvl is lower than expected during to the dip in the staked asset prices so if the base assets recover then the tvl should grow rapidly.

>> No.22267264

based anon. good advice desu.
i bought at $1, but still holding, because if i don't sell, it's not a loss (yet)

>> No.22267421
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you are bizerker, never sell

>> No.22267711

I don't rate this type of thinking if I'm honest. These are investments they aren't things to build an identity round. This is the thinking that leads people to become psychologically attached to their stacks and removes their ability to exercise sound judgement. Taking profits along the way is healthy and removes a lot of the stress involved in crypto investing.

>> No.22268019

I agree, this isn’t a meme coin like Statera - this will actually get somewhere

>> No.22268579

kek I am unironically a bizerker now
will tell my frens about this
btw check out NEC or you might NEC

>> No.22268624

It's going places, it's just going through a rough patch. Horrible timing with the bad launch, high gas prices, and market crash; so it basically made a tidal wave of dumping. It will recover, it just might take a few weeks at max

>> No.22268776
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>> No.22268972

There's nothing wrong with building hype or making memes though, chainlink memes helped spread awareness but yes it did also get people too attached that they didn't sell at 20

>> No.22269187

yep ,eventually the plankton eating fish get engulfed by the whale

>> No.22269200

Olivia is kind of cute

>> No.22269227

You have to separate whats good for the project and whats good for the financial future of the individual holder. I'ts become apparent to me that some people are completely meme-able so to speak and i find it incumbent upon myself as a slightly older, well adjusted anon to speak on behalf of these people on occasion. I have no problem with memes per se but hodling is a psychological torture for some and is an obviously foolish investment strategy.

>> No.22269263

This sounds like me.
Can you explain what you mean by his personality type? Why is that a reason for you not to trade?

>> No.22269454

Yeah some people do get way too attached and don't put their own financial future ahead of the memes. For some projects, I can understand. Chainlink for example will experience in the future some industry adoption, so it'll move higher in price obviously. Short term, they should of sold at 20 and rebought but people are gonna hold even if it drops to 5; but it will rebound higher in the future. It's just a matter of when that'll be. This on the other hand, I can see it recovering this month within a couple weeks and start it's growth pattern again. It's a hard balance being overly ambitious and building a cult around a project, and putting actual obtainable wealth ahead of desired outcomes that might be utopian (Ex, link 1k eoy)

>> No.22269462

I get over excited, not in a manic way but when things are going in my favour i take more risks than i should, for want of a better expression i get pound signs in my eyes. When things don't go my way I take it to heart more than i should etc. Some people are hyper rational, I'm not, I have emotional tendencies and make rash decisions under financial pressure so I avoid putting myself in those situations where possible. The fool thinks of himself as wise man, the wise man knows himself to be a fool. I'm not clever enough to time the market, few are but I am clever enough to know not to put myself in situations where i'm likely to make poor decisions.

>> No.22269757

That sounds reasonable. Best of luck to you anon.
I'm making the transition from holder to active trader and my issue is mainly that I focus on the decisions that didn't work out.
I'll see a coin at 30% profit and it'll go up another 200% which then makes me not sell some other coin when in profit and watch it dump out of the money again.
But I feel like I'm learning from my mistakes.

>> No.22269808

I wish you well anon. Just always remember the day your mood become tied to your assests performance on any given day is the the day you've become emotionally invested in it and at that point you can no longer trust your decision making.
Be well.

>> No.22269959

10mln tvl already, madness

>> No.22270031

Yeah this project has a lot of growth potential, especially for old finance normie types

>> No.22270499

This, don't realize losses as you can always hold. The market will turn and this along with it.

>> No.22270504

I've felt pretty emotionally stable this past week despite seeing a lot of red and being down a few monthly salaries.

>> No.22270530

>i mean the relaunch sucked.
Kys what more do you want from them you entitled faggot? The platform DID launch, the tools are live, staking is live, and I’m earning rewards. You can’t use ETH’s congestion issues causing a 48-hr delay as an excuse to shit on the project overall. Are you going to act like a teenage girl and hold a grudge about this?

>> No.22270579

penuts....looks at harvest.finance. 40 mill tvl but still at 10 mill mcap. this bzrx shit is overvalued

>> No.22270679

That's encouraging

>> No.22271007
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>> No.22271009

I would just hold,this project is something you can just hold long term without worrying too much if you dont need the money right now. There is lots of new updates coming out short to mid term and this could easily blow up to hundreds of millions in market cap.