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22265231 No.22265231[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i fucking love eating like a fat disgusting pig. just had a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch, quarter box of cheezits, sleeve of oreos, half a can of pringles and im almost done with a bag of goldfish. i fucking love this shit, currently have a frozen pizza in the oven. i love when i start ripping ass and belching, whilst still cramming trans fats down my greasey oily piehole. might get some dr pepper to wash down the rest of my snackies for the night. oh, did i mention im just sitting here collecting divvies? probably more than you will ever make in your life? lmao loser, i sit here stuffing my fat face while you have a panic attack every morning at market open. LOL!

>> No.22265263

based, you should slorp it up like a pig too, great experience would recommend

>> No.22265308

You can paper over the depression four some time by insane amounts of food, but at some point it will catch up to you.

Then you are far, lonely and depressed

>> No.22265325

is your digestion ok? what's it like when you go poopy?

>> No.22265328

sounds like your average American breakfast

>> No.22265333

i sure am far, FARther ahead than you will ever be in your shitty little lanky existence. LMAO!

go eat your salad skinny cucklord

>> No.22265358

Reminds me of that disgusting mukbang youtuber who went from a vegan twink to a vile gluttonous faggot. Truly corrupted.

>> No.22265372

link pls

>> No.22265388

give me the link skeleton

>> No.22265413
File: 8 KB, 205x246, 174C2870-201B-45B8-BDFB-0E9F3829DC04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I actually stop doing this? I am sick of being a fat fuck, but every time I try to fix my habits, I fail. Being a fatfuck has unironically ruined my life

>> No.22265428

being fat is BASED!

>> No.22265438
File: 28 KB, 400x400, images (1uu).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gon die early anon.
Joe Bogan says so.

>> No.22265534

Emotional eaters are the worst degenerates I can think of, perhaps coomers are more degenerate

>> No.22265684

Change your diet slowly. Think of your eating as an addiction (because that's what it is). Most fat people don't have the willpower to go cold turkey.
Instead, start counting ALL your calories. Then try SLOWLY reduce your calorie intake over time little bit, e.g. reduce it by 5%-10% every 4 weeks. You can still eat 90-95% of all the crap you usually eat.
It's obviously not as effective as doing some strict meme diet but you're a lot less likely to fail this way. Give it a try.

>> No.22265880


Obvious troll but eating garbage makes you feel like garbage, I don't understand how anyone could eat that shit

>> No.22265901


>> No.22265905

Learn2fast nigger

And beat the shit out of anybody in your immediate life who opposes this

>> No.22265913

Drink reverse osmosis water all day

>> No.22265930
File: 64 KB, 789x750, IMG-8af5dc471f1d0f5868b097db9e05a54f-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP make no mistake, you will have an heart attack. And if you are thinking "So what, I will die anyway" you are in a trouble. First you will feel shooting pain trough your left arm and left side of neck. Next your jaw will lock up and you will have trouble moving, then breathing. After that the fun starts as your every organ goes into panic mode as they fight for oxygen and nutrition battle royal style. At that point as you are begging God to take you away, please take a moment to think if this overeating on shit was worth it.

>> No.22265958


>> No.22265966

>fully grown adult pretends like he doesn't know how weight is lost
just stop eating fatass lmao

>> No.22265991

>Implying I haven’t done a 15 day water fast
>Implying I didn’t water fast mon-Friday for 2 months
Still gained it back. Same with keto before that. I think I have lost and gained 50-60 pounds like 4-5 times in the past 4 years.

>> No.22266006

See >>22265991
Of course I know how to lose weight, I used to be a wrestler ffs. The problem is keeping it off.

>> No.22266034

Just be fat then. Looks like you don’t want to be slim. Embrace it

>> No.22266101

But I am trying anon.

>> No.22266124

I can relate, but the difference is I'm not buying any of that stuff and practiced delayed gratification

>> No.22266153

I've been on a downward spiral of alcoholism before, but this shit is just alien to me. How do you even progress to this point?

>> No.22266176

> goes on insane meme diets that he obviously can't keep up long term
> is surprised when he gains weight back after finishing his insane diet and go straight back to his old diet
Of course you're going back to your old weight if you go back to your old diet. You should find a diet that is realistic long term.
Follow my advice >>22265684 . It works, is easy to do and most importantly you most likely won't fail.
So you used to do a lot more exercise and you probably had a higher basal metabolic rate because you were younger. Of course it was easier for you to stay thin.

>> No.22266186

You can't fast and eat the same way. I did a water fast for a week with a 2 day dry thrown in and I gained it all back after a few days. Came off the fast by binging on Arby's. Only fast if your shit is fixed. Just start small. Cut out sugary drinks with your meals. Cut back on dessert. Throw in some cardio a few days a week. Most fatties can't just dive right into hardcore diet plans and intense cardio every day. They're going to burn out and fail. Move at a comfortable pace. It'll take a lot longer but you're less likely to fuck up in the long run.

>> No.22266226

Fuck fat people!

>> No.22266260

>every organ goes into panic mode as they fight for oxygen and nutrition battle royal style
holy shit what a based way to go

>> No.22266431

Keep trying anon. you have to. for the sake of your health. i believe in you

>> No.22266436

protip: once you've fasted the weight off don't eat the things that made you fat before

>> No.22266457

based as fuck I also like to eat like a giant baby with money. you basically just described my everyday routine

>> No.22266490

money doesn’t save you being a fatfuck

>> No.22266802

By apocalypse stored food, lentils, rice, curry powder etc. and just eat that. Ive started living off my stored food to save money and have been losing weight. basically vegetarian by accident.

>> No.22266914

Try carnivore for a bit of time and read
Weston a Pierce
and watch
Ok dont go ful sv3rige of course.

>> No.22266948

this i mean westonaprice.org

>> No.22266983

Gym you fat sack of dogshit, look into ephedrine, low dose Clenbuterol, fuck even dexamphetamines to curb your apetite in the early stages of fat loss as your stomach itself shrinks and your body adapts to less food, lots of water, don’t keep shit food In the house and if you do buy small packs of it, make it harder to eat shit food. I used to be 260 lbs, now a healthy 180

>> No.22266989

Go on the stiegler diet, Also that way you have more money to invest lol

>> No.22267036

no OP take my advice. I tried eating more protein meat diet and am losing weight better not eating meat at all. You have to cut out all sugar too and booze, if you want a fun drink have sparkling water or a herbal tea. Its this or be fat, up to you.

Earlier had lentils, rice, veg, curry powder, chilli, cocunut oil simmer in pan for hour or so, super tasty, probably wont eat again today. Make one pan of something like that, rice n beans etc and eat that and dont snack, have some fruit occasionally as well. you wanna lose weight, its basically become vegan Im afraid.

>> No.22267052

go hungry
drink water
boom, no longer hungry
rinse and repeat

>> No.22267075
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I had a bacon double cheese xl four coke zeros. My own house, a dog, 158k in btc, 40k in tether, 280k in cd project red since 2016, work from home 40 an hour. Plus I look good.

>> No.22267077


>> No.22267107

hope at least one of you fatcunts listens, the shits life changing. Hard until you get into the rhythm but if you want it enough it’s possible, I went from 260 and wearing 44” jeans and 12 months later was comfy wearing 36” jeans at 200 lbs, wasn’t lean but life was completely fuckin different, it’s now a decade since then and I’m 185 and lean

>> No.22267120

Post belly

>> No.22267161

you need the right mindset first off, read Nietzsche and aim to become an ubermensch
drink water, do light excersise like 20 pushups, squats and jumpinjacks a day, elimnate junk food eat eggs and meat instead, maybe an apple or other fruit

>> No.22267163

Spices are what you need
Sprinkle your pizza with pepper, chilli powder, turmeric, garam masala, etc
Do it lightly at first
Then build up the ones that are most effective
Before you know it, you'll be able to burn a hole in a barn door from 30 yaards with one of your massive farts
Also, don't forget, spray some oil on your meals too, this will enable extra greasy farts
Not so much paaarrrhp but more likely paararhhsstftffupfupfup
So many possibilities, it's all in the balance of spices and fat
Also, I'm very sad to say, you'll have to eat "healthy" food too, I know this is likely a problem for you, but have no fear!
LOTS of full on salad action, oh my, your farts will be spicy without spices, just imagine how rampagingly NASTY spicy salad farts will be
Now you have practically got an orchestral range of gaseous emission
It's going to be beautiful, fren
It's a shame you can't use that gas for ethereum though! Because nobody could fucking fart enough to make that piece of shit go faster, ho ho!

>> No.22267174

Sludge I imagine

>> No.22267181

Half Satan, but Full Fat!
You're living the dream right there

>> No.22267209

No breakfast cereals, no fast food
Make actual meals and don't eat processed shit

>> No.22267246


>> No.22267255
