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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 28 KB, 1200x658, renvm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22264979 No.22264979 [Reply] [Original]

Just lost over 50% on my ren tokens.... But guess what, I sold all my other tokens to double down and buy more REN this cheap.

Ren is the next chainlink.

>> No.22264997

At least someone gets it.

>> No.22265015


>> No.22265052



a 446m mcap coin is hyped that they can get their own darknode and be able to be on any chain

link rocketed partly coz the coins that partnered with them gained "respect"

if u don't see this u are autistic, and not in a good way

>> No.22265070



also take a look, that's all from me in this thread, gl lads

>> No.22265343

if other anons looked at this they'd realise that
a) Almost the same number of BTC have been locked in as before the massive dump.

b) there is 165 mil locked into a protocol with a market cap of 238 mm. It is literally impossible for it to go any lower.

>> No.22265427


>Hey guys I just lost half my money so I put even more money down, I just can't lose.

Maybe you should just stop huh?

>> No.22265697

He will be very happy with that decision in a month. REN dropped hard in this dump and the current price is a bargain.
Don't you get the implications of how REN (the network, not the token) performed during this dump, and what increased fees + cheaper REN means for REN's price/earnings ratio?

>> No.22265835

can anyone explain why ren is needed and what it does?

>> No.22266064
File: 63 KB, 1396x377, rendarknode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 dark node will generate $80,000 dollars a year by 2022. 1 dark node is enough to make it. buy now while prices are cheap anon

>> No.22266120

another "works between any blockchain" idea with defi tag slapped on to it

>> No.22266160

REN is a trustless and decentralized way to move assets from one chain to another. e.g. moving BTC to the ETH chain to use it in yield farming.
Darknodes are like bridges between chains. Darknode operators earn fees when value moves across the bridge. There can only ever be a maximum of 10k darknodes in operation (assuming 100% of REN is staked, which will not happen).
Enough spoonfeeding. Research it or kick yourself in six months.

>> No.22266204

Not new enough. Boring.

>> No.22266273

I don't have $25k for a fucking darknode
Fuck me

>> No.22266303

>2 Trillion dollar market in 2019
Huh? The whole Crypto space is only valued at 200 billion

>> No.22266333

Remember this moment next year. It will hurt you to think back on it, but the pain is education and will perhaps help you avoid making such monumental errors in judgement in future.
Most people don't. But you can buy the token and sell it to people richer than you once the inevitable supply side squeeze is in full swing.

>> No.22266430
File: 2.53 MB, 500x500, the_end_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As long as the market triples every year you'll make a profit bro

>> No.22266943


1. It's the cleanest, simplest, 'cross-chain' protocol. It will survive even if ethereum grinds to a halt. In fact, if there's ever a big migration to another chain, it'll be a lucrative part of the infrastructure that supports that migration.

2. I like what they've done with WBTC.cafe. Ren makes money from permissionless transfers - throughput - not TVL. So they can mediate transfer of wrapped tokens then encourage the user to switch tokens and leave someone else to provide equity. I wonder if there'll be 'flash transfers' at some point in the future, where you can do a cheaper Ren-transfer if you return coins to the source-chain within a transaction or two. This would be good for integrations with AMMs, for example.

3. They started with the idea of building a decentralised dark pool exchange and have now built the ideal infrastructure to build one on top of.

4. Integration with a privacy chain would immediately bring privacy to bitcoin.

5. Integration with the lightning network could immediately improve LN functionality (ie. RenLN could trustlessly generate LN addresses that could receive bitcoin before they send bitcoin).

6. Ren is in an ideal position to allow frictionless cross-chain transfer of its own token (ie. to not charge for the transfer of Ren between different chains). Therefore, RenRen could become a store of value to people who regularly exchange value between chains.

>> No.22267094

got 7.82 REN will I make it?

>> No.22267141

I like Ren, only thing preventing me too buy is that it's made by chinks.

>> No.22267907

>Sees thread
>decides to invest $1 in Ren
>Increase by 0.001
>Finally gonna make it