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22260348 No.22260348 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22260362

Still woozy from buying in at $38

>> No.22260388

Maybe...but the question right now - is anything a good buy?

>> No.22260456
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Idk but I am farming 46 a day so there's that

>> No.22260467

I bought at 70 unironically

>> No.22260481

I DCA'd a little below the current price. I'm actually still up. The TVL is still insane on this and it is the best YFI fork hands down. It really should be 10x from where it is. If you are too scared to by YFV though I recommend checking out NEC

>> No.22260482

What pool and how much?

>> No.22260496

Farming with what and how much you got in?

>> No.22260514

Are you still holding?

>> No.22260525


LINK like 7K. I'm so tempted to double that but its probably risky but Idk the project seems legit. The two medium articles that came out today gave me a rock solid erection that I considered going full retard on the farming. What do you think?

>> No.22260569

I don’t know. Some anon said it could be 15K and another said it would be lucky to be low triple digits

>> No.22260572

7k link or 7k usd?

>> No.22260604


>> No.22260627

Ive never farmed and I dont know if its still worth it atm seeing the APY drop (for me). I'm waiting to stake my YFV after they pass the no min. Amount vote. I'm personally worried about getting fucked by IL somehow since the markets are super unstable atm

>> No.22260637

Imagine still buying yf clones

>> No.22260650

is this thread all soulless shills or are you guys actually still in this shit?

>> No.22260653

7K LINK 70 YFV roughly

>> No.22260693

>im so tempted to double

hes not gunna make it.

>> No.22260694

Hello sir this is andy tyler from calcutta how can i help u

>> No.22260728

Yup still in it, albeit I got in at a decent price. I’d rather it take me to 0 than to sell at a loss

>> No.22260739

Honestly if you're still in, what else is there to do besides shill/be optimistic?

>> No.22260753


APR did get hit a bit but I'm making like $1000 or more a day so its legit. I'm not selling them I'm banking for a market correction and to stake in their new protocols coming out by the end of the month.

2 new medium articles today. Everyone read this shit. Uniswap/Balancer hybrid that uses YFV and pays the stakers back fees in YFV that it market buys PLUS they will use the staked value as collateral to yield farm other protocols. The team is actually legit as fuck but the community around this project is cancer. They just cry about token burning and are retarded.

Seriously everyone should read the articles from yesterday Sept 5th and starting edging


>> No.22260813

This is the only yf clone that matters, it’s why the volume is still very high and went from 13k to over 14k holders since yesterday.

Think of it being on sale, might be the only time you can get it this cheap ever again.

>> No.22260893

volume is mostly wash trading from coinbene

>> No.22260923

Old fud

Coinbene is not listed anymore

>> No.22260993


Right and not all the volume on Coinbene was fake and its still listed so if even 10% was real the volume is like 4x the current MCAP which is insane

>> No.22261020

Buy at $7-10.

>> No.22261059


What part of any of that is an argument faggot? Do you know how liquidity pools even work? I keep the exposure on LINK and double my pool total. I already made like 100K USD selling the top with some of my holdings I've been buying back

>> No.22261306

Why do we have a 0 trust score on Unicrypt?

>> No.22261375


Someone just posted that in the telegram and no one cares. Lol YFV is like 2 weeks old its a new project

>> No.22261380

Yes it is a scam

>> No.22261396

So what?

Tonnes of brand new projects have a 100 score on Unicrypt. Have the devs even locked liq?

>> No.22261417

>I'm making like $1000 or more a day
>I'm not selling them

you arent getting $1000 a day then

>> No.22261460

Alone for asking this question shows everyone that you haven't done any research about YFV and you are just spreading FUD

>> No.22261496

Dude of course I didn't do any research I'm a fucking degen.

Right now I'm a top 50 holder and I dont even know if the liquidity is fucking locked.

>> No.22261604

everything begining with y is a scam

>> No.22261657


I am though. When we have a natural retrace after this monster market correction it will be even sexier than it is now.

>> No.22261660


In the last 24h:

1240 Link holders joined the pool


608 Link holders exited the pool

>> No.22261677


Fair Farming

Also you should be aware that YFV creators will only start farming at the same time as the rest of the community. No project will be successful if the developers do not devote sufficient time and energy into the project. A farming subsidy is important to the development and longevity of the project in both development and marketing. Hence, there is a dedicated farm subsidy pool of 7% that will be used for development and marketing purposes. This pool is vested over 50 weeks (approximately 1 year). We believe this is fair and good for the long term growth of YFV.

>> No.22261691

TY Anon I can sleep tonight

>> No.22261720

he literally copied and pasted that from a medium post kek

>> No.22261773


And? He asked and I answered retard

>> No.22261812



>> No.22261908

this is how i know you're a bagholder when you respond to every single post in the thread trying to dispel FUD

>> No.22261914

Literally just bought more. Honestly dont care anymore if I never get it back or it goes to zero. This clown Market

>> No.22261960

this and yfbeta are good, ignore zoomers

>> No.22261996


Im not though never bought just farmed. Lol Just that 2% needed to farm but I sold enough to pay for that already and banking the rest

Stay mad. Why FUD its the only legit YF clone project with actual innovations outside of YFI

>> No.22262024

YFV is still cheap and there will be a lot coming out in the following weeks.

>> No.22262259

This is how i know you're trying to accoomulate. You're in a scamcoin thread fudding.

>> No.22262496

Stupid newfag here,

If 20k on YFV or a Yearn vault can reliably earn minimum wage per year, and I have decent credit, is there anything stopping me from taking out a loan from the bank and calling this my job? Aside from the obvious crypto pitfalls, it seems like DeFi is going to be around at least long enough to pay back 20k to the bank at these rates.

I know a lot of you guys wipe your ass with that kind of margin and probably swing bigger than that every day, but being a poorfag and seeing how easy this could be makes me hesitant.

>> No.22262506

Getting close to 24 yfv a day. Couldn’t resist selling today with tokens on sale. Even at these prices $500 a day is hard to beat. Hopefully the market as a whole recovers soon.

>> No.22262557

I wish I could execute every faggot that asks if it's a good idea to take out a loan to buy crypto.

>> No.22262698


I expect a further correction. We haven't reached the level of maximum pain.

But if you wanna take the risk then DCA in small amounts into the market now but expect a further crash around the US elections.

Why? Because during that time no one knows what the current US government or the next one will really do.

After the elections you DCA into the market in larger steps.

>> No.22262963

You know, I just really thought about the question I asked, and you're absolutely right. I apologize.

>> No.22263042

How many Linkies are you down?

>> No.22263210

literally the best Y coins

>> No.22263565

it always was, what are you waiting for

>> No.22263821
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So the smart contract's been audited, so there's no risk a rug pull. But your coins are still at risk if they're being leveraged, correct? Is there a chance that you wake up and you've lost your whole stack?

>> No.22264465


The audit does not spare you from the high risks in LP farming or that the pool is getting hacked.

In the long run you wanna hope to get some insurance products for YFV.

Against a hack you wanna have a smart contract insurance but this requires KYC in case of Nexus Mutual. https://nexusmutual.io/ It is not expensive but these cucks, the Nexus holder don't pay immediately and price oracle manipulation is not included it only covers smart contract failures. Good luck to prove that if the YFV devs do not admit it themself. Their decision system works like PNK courts. Anyway... right now there is no specific YFV insurance available but since everything is related to Balancer you should think about an insurance for balancer.

If you want to insure your money against strong price action downward then you should consider to buy a Put Option on your asset in this case YFV. At current date something like that does not exist but they guys who will be first to offer that are here: https://opyn.co/#/buy

Never forget LP farming = high risk

if one of the paired assets goes to 0 then you will lose everything.

>> No.22264523

bought a shit load at $16
sold the top but only 15%, enough to cover my initial
now I'm just riding it out, $500 end of month

>> No.22264782

Garbage clone. Look at that price dump

>> No.22265182

With the current price? Only an autist wouldn't buy, tremendous upside when bull market returns, which in crypto days is probably today or tmrrw. Cya feggits

>> No.22265954

look at the whole market dummy, most coins went down -40%/-60%. When did price action ever indicated whether a project was good?

>> No.22266105

which one are you staking and how many? just wanna get a clue

>> No.22266212

i got 100 staking, poorfag stack
but slow money better than no money bitch ass nigga

>> No.22266309

Link pool?

>> No.22266468

that would be farming. i am currently farming in the BAT pool with 7k BAT. makes me only a YFV a day
The YFV staking, where you lock only YFVs, makes me around 5 vUSD and an unknown amount of vETH a day. Hope the next steps in this regard will make vUSD/vETH worth holding / trading.

>> No.22266652

Shit sorry, I'm retarded. Missed that you had said staking rather than farming. Yeah, I'm gonna stake what I have if they remove the stake limit cos I'm also a poorfag

>> No.22266759

we'll make it desu

>> No.22267146

im honestly really poor and can only afford a small stack of YFV. is this still worth it for me to just hold?
i understand YFV OGs are pretty based and every thread ends in just a couple of YFV bros chilling out.
can't afford the 90+ stack sadly

>> No.22267184

All YE coins r getting back, best time to buy,

>> No.22267440

It is now 50% up. You had your chances!

>> No.22267480

Correction: it is now 60%

it pumps like on steroids! Get ready for a mega rally!

>> No.22267539

There is a vote on at the moment to abolish the staking limit. It's looking pretty likely to pass. So there's hope for you there bro

>> No.22267608

Lmao we're moving alright, choo choo

>> No.22268366

Anon in another thread said vUSD should be worth 6-9$ once it's actually usable, does this seem right? Have the YFV team said anything in this regard? Because what I've found said it is meant to be a coin that resets itselt to match the USD a la Ampleforth

>> No.22268511

I was averaging $2 per vUSD the other night on uniswap

>> No.22269054

anon, could you share the contract address for vUSD?

>> No.22269141

It’s on my pc but I’m hungover on couch... go to etherscan, find your wallet, if you have vUSD it will be in your balances. Find token contract thru there. Copy/paste into uniswap and voila

>> No.22269162

thanks anon!.. I'm hungover sitting on the couch myself

>> No.22269174

$110 eod

>> No.22269222

Ive tried to understand the elasticity function of the vUSD can anyone Eli5 it for me?

>> No.22269225

cool, thanks

>> No.22269247

It should work pretty similar to AMPL, here's a vid explaining that


>> No.22269319

cheers bro

>> No.22269929


Maybe 10 or so. I was up 20 the other day Farming has been more profitable and the YFV token appears to have long term potential now if the team follows through on their last announcements

>> No.22270342

Fucking Matt ruined my life.

vUSD: 0x1B8E12F839BD4e73A47adDF76cF7F0097d74c14C
vETH: 0x76A034e76Aa835363056dd418611E4f81870f16e

>> No.22270382
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TVL approaching ATH

>> No.22270387

still a hundred million away bro, what was the lowest during this dip? 250 mil?

>> No.22270562

Using about 3600 link.

>> No.22270822

I bought some more anon. Team is solid and has good ideas. If bitcoin doesn't shit the bed this will moon.

>> No.22271616
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I'm shooting to farm 1000 at least by the end of September. How many is a suicide, make-it, and fuck you stacks respectively

I think something like 500, 2000, and 5000

>> No.22271622

We gonna make it. This thread is still up lol

>> No.22271646
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I bought at the top, I bought at $48, now I'm going to buy more, I have high hopes for YFV.

>> No.22272169
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>> No.22272387

i really need this to be $200.

>> No.22272555

how does $300 sound? before New Year's

>> No.22272582
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>> No.22272591

well they need to better get that coin burn going on quick, and fix some things about the project.
also, checked.

>> No.22272740

Same here, with Binance listing this flies over 100$

>> No.22272787

I doubt that after Sushi that binance will list any Y forks anymore.

>> No.22272817


They don't though. Go read the 2 newest medium articles. The token is about to get so much passive value from staking people won't sell. Its going to get locked up hard

>> No.22272837


Nah He just picked the scamiest ones to list so people would get burnt because the DEXes are taking too much of his trading volume. CZ is doesn't like DEFI.

>> No.22272838

I'm a poorfag barely farming anything, but it's still better than what I'd be getting from the bank.

YFV is more legit than Sushi isn't it?

>> No.22272872

well i seriously hope they allow poorfags like myself who only have 50 YFV to stake, otherwise i will be upset.

>> No.22272885

dump it, bump it lol

>> No.22273068

Dont worry, i voted for you poorfags. Also the procentage looked like you get to stake!

>> No.22273082


It looks like it will get reduced but its hard to say by how much. Last I looked it was like a 30% reduction from 90YFV via the voting data

>> No.22273714
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>> No.22273880

I bought back in after seeing the new governance pools. Feeling pretty bullish on YFVs passive income potential going forward even if Bitcoin keeps shitting the bed.

>> No.22274004


Its legit going to be ridiculous. The staked YFV is going to be used as collateral to yield farm other protocols( probably stablecoins) which the profits will be used to buy YFV and distribute to the stakes PLUS Value Liquid the balancer/uniswap hybrid platform will also give fees in the form of market bought YFV to the stakers as well. Its going to snowball quickly. People are going to lock it up fast.

>> No.22274098

New minimum stake is ~63 YFV.

>> No.22274190

You’re not even that far down. Another 25% move and you’ll be about even

>> No.22274209

nobody on this board can actually explain to me how it works or if I can lose ETH in it so no. If I stake 10 eth and I lose my ETH why would I buy it?

>> No.22274345

How would you lose your ETH? If you farm you’re at the risk of impermanent loss or the pool getting hacked, that’s universal for any balancer pool though. The ratio is 98/2 between ETH and YSV so even if YFV went to zero you would lose a little ETH value.

>> No.22274351

Maybe you should DYOR you ever thought about that. If you don't understand impermanent loss and liquidity pooling then start there. All smart contract protocols have risk but the YFV team has shown themselves to be transparent for the most part, fair, and professional in their approach.

>> No.22274371

but is the 40% APY in ETH or USD? I believe it's in USD. If that is the case and ETH moons, u guys are fucked with peasant 40% gain.

>> No.22274407


You really don't understand how this works. READ the medium articles. You are still exposed to the underlying of the pool you enter I.E. ETH or whatever

>> No.22274421

There are entire youtube tutorials that can show you how to do this, they even describe the risk of loss.

Is right though, the best understanding you'll have of the risk is by figuring out what you're doing yourself.

>> No.22274494

My nigga I been farming from $60-70 dollar YFV. Impermanent loss brought me as far as 120 link lost but now sitting at 70. Meanwhile my farm was churning 50 YFV out a day, which I’ve used to play Shitgem roulette and multiply. When all is said and done I will double the amount of Link I already had.

>> No.22274553


Ironically I keep earning LINK from IL lmao. I started farming later than you. Are you selling all you farm or stacking to stake in the upcoming protocols? I'm stacking like a mother fucker now after the last two medium articles. I need like 1000 by the end of the month as a goal. I want to put more in the pool but I'm scared as I already have a 1/3rd of my holdings in it.

>> No.22274573


This is the last YF project that will actually have long term potential from what I can tell

>> No.22274633

YFBeta as well thank me later.
Personally I have used some like I said, but I also staked for voting rights so I’ve already got a good bit put away. From here out I wanna let it stack a bit before harvesting more, I can take profits form YFBeta to play with now (already 10x on it) and farming and burning should start on that this week so I imagine it keeps going

>> No.22274755

If it hasn't been audited I'm not touching it. Its not a perfect guarantee but I like the direction of YFV even if its a little less profitable to farm than the newest projects

>> No.22274834

YFBeta was audited on livestream last night I believe it’s on YouTube now.
but yeah YFV feels pretty safe, I mean I’m trusting it/balancer with a good bit of liquidity provided

>> No.22274893

Agreed it’s risk vs reward but YFV has proven to be doing something unique and the devs seem to have their shit together. I can see this being one of a few governance tokens that make it.

>> No.22275077

>Shitgem roulette and multiply.
I wanna play shitgem roulette so bad.

>> No.22275119

>just bought $100 of a shit gem because gas was only $4

Bro just do it, it's most of the fun of crypto right now imo and I'm actually up more on shitgems then top 100 shits that just took a big fat 50% off

>> No.22275144

Should I be in the staking pool V2? Rewards are not that lucrative, but better than nothing. what am i missing here?

>> No.22275186

I'm having trouble right now. Coinbase suspended me for a payment error that they've already emailed me to say they resolved. I want to stake some FTM and get a piece of RSR at this price.

>> No.22275274
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Farming 100-90 yfv a day with 15k link as liquidity. How fucked am I?

>> No.22275342


You should farm a pool like KNC/BAT/BAL/LINK and then stake the YFV when the new Gov protocol is released in a week or so

>> No.22275365

Sounds like a Chad to me. I'm doing have that and considering going full retard. Do you have more LINK than that?

>> No.22275391


>> No.22275434

Yeah have about 34k more. Don’t wanna go full retard and lose it all.

>> No.22275456

I was hoping I wasn’t the only old head with a fat stack farming with this much

>> No.22275457


Hmm I'm also doing about 1/3rd. Damn I really wanted to hit 90-100 a day though

>> No.22275483

I am, but what should I do with my yfv in the meantime?

>> No.22275490


I had to check if it's real or you're just shitting on us. I've lost a bit from other shitcoins so thanks for shilling this, hopefully I can get some back from yfbeta, even just 50% would be nice

>> No.22275493


Fuck we are all going to make it. Lol what is the make it stack of YFV?

>> No.22275538


I have a lot unclaimed because its not worth spending the gas yet to claim them and add to the Gov pool. Just wait a week and then the staking will get much better. I mean you can stake now but its mediocre at best. Its about to get 100x better

>> No.22275646
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To the moon

>> No.22275654

Make it probably 1000.

>> No.22275689

Yea I was thinking 1000-2000 was about right

>> No.22275715

I hit 90 but it is about 1/3 of my total portfolio in pool.
Get enough to vote and stake it, stack some, shitcem roulette w some, eventually buy more link to replace your IL
conservative: $100 per YFV feels safe
Moonboi: $500 could happen
Cryptobigbrain: $1000 is on the table long term

>> No.22275854

>conservative: $100 per YFV feels safe
>Moonboi: $500 could happen
>Cryptobigbrain: $1000 is on the table long term

This was literally my thoughts exactly.

>Get enough to vote and stake it, stack some, shitcem roulette w some, eventually buy more link to replace your IL

I sold a little to reinvest back into LINK to compound the pool and I spent so much on gas it pissed me off so I just said fuck it and decided to bank especially after recent news

>> No.22276210
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Things are looking healthy

>> No.22276408

Bro, I'm so glad I hot got of YFV. Praise Jesus.

This shitcoin is just engineered to fuck the small holder. If you are holding less than 90 YFV, you are just meat for them to eat. Look at the tokenomics Anon, and get out fast.

I've been at crypto for a couple of years, and I've never seen such an immoral setup as YFV.

Get out NOW Anon, and forget about It.

>> No.22276429

They removed the 90 limit completely. should be in effect shortly

>> No.22276500

Im up like 50% on this today

>> No.22276528

Staking vote is getting lowered to 63ish YFV. That's about $1800 right now, that's reasonable, no? Defi has not been kind to small players in general given the ridiculous gas fees.

The tokeonomics have been really bad thus far though. Apart from the huge market dump, whales were just accumulating 100 daily via farming and just dumping them immediately. Before the market crash when the price plummeted the locked value went from ~450m to 350m in one day. It got down a lot lower the other day but that makes sense in a crash. The initial plunge was whales moving to higher APR coins to repeat the cycle. I think it will improve from here with the vault. Whales and average holders will vote to increase the value of YFV moving forward. Will it be good for small holders? who knows

>> No.22276547
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Silence yourself peasant!

>> No.22276622

Been looking all over for a source on 63yfv and havent found it.

>> No.22276664

YFV stakers are pretty comfortable at any price, as long as new YFV is created for them to dump on the small fish.

This is the first example of evil tokenomics we have ever seen in this space.

YFV devs remain anonymous. YFV shillers are plain evil.

Get out while you can, Anon. Get out and never look back. You chose the wrong one. Just deal with It and never look back.

You are meat for them to eat.

>> No.22276697

another dump...

>> No.22276752

Up 45% on the day

>> No.22276759

huh, I'm actually incorrect. There was originally a proposal to lower, which would have brought it to about 63

go on the voting page, go to VIP, and click on closed VIP 1-1 vote. Vote passed to remove staking minimum entirely

>first example of evil tokenomics
excuse me sir, wtf am I reading? Are rugpulls not "evil"?

>> No.22276774

it's at 24hr high, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.22276912

No minimum staking and several key releases in the coming weeks this will get to its ATH again

>> No.22277221

All those changes are happening because the totally predictible tokemics inflation were driving YFV price to zero in a couple of days.

Voting results show that YFV whales are confortable at any price, as long as new YFV is being created out of thin air for them to dump on the small fish.

There are plenty of legitimate Y clones out there - YFB, YFP, YELD, Yshit, whatever. YFV is just the biggest scheme. Look at the price charts, Anon. Just look at them.

Get out, Anon. Get out of this YFV shit. You are just meat. God bless.

>> No.22277236
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Are you blind or retarded?

>> No.22277255

"Created out of think air" - You know it has a maximum supply right?

>> No.22277270

>There are plenty of legitimate Y clones out there - YFB, YFP, YELD, Yshit, whatever. YFV is just the biggest scheme. Look at the price charts, Anon. Just look at them.
>Get out, Anon. Get out of this YFV shit. You are just meat. God bless.

You are such a faggot. The price chart doesn't mean anything. We just suffered a market wide crash. Meanwhile the team is operating exactly the way you would want. Its the only viable clone with innovations that even YFI doesn't have yet.

>> No.22277273
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>> No.22277309


>> No.22277447

Just today when asked why would he list Sushi without even knowing who the team was, the CEO of Binance replied that they've seen traffic moving to other platforms because of they want to buy DEFIs, and implied that they'll keep on listing them.
The whole serie of tweets was deleted shortly afterwards, but I saw it with my own eyes.
I'm pretty confident they'll keep listing defi scams, and I don't think YFV is a scam, the whole thing works, scams are not meant to work...

>> No.22277551

Yes, thanks for replying.

Among the 200+ MCap coins, YFV tanked the hardest.

It was literally -50% a day for three days straight.

Look at the charts, Anon.

Then, and only then, some small changes were made. It was slowly and surely going to zero.

Not good for the farmers.

Stand up, Anon. Look at the charts.

Like I said in this thread, If you wanna risk It, there is YFB, YFP, YELD, YBurger, YShit.

Look at charts, Anon. Just do It

Stop being meat. God bless.

>> No.22277681

15k link doesn't get u 100-90 yfv a day lmao

>> No.22277714

>"look at the charts"
>"look at the charts"
>"just look at the charts"

just shut the fuck up, faggot

>> No.22277739
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You are really bad at FUD. These are the kind of posts that get people to buy more

>> No.22277760

Yes it does

>> No.22277769

>>22277551 what kind of retard tea reading is this? because this project bleed more than most others, it is a scam?

have you considered that just maybe, the reason we bleed so much much was because we were at ATH the day before the recent crash?

>> No.22277811
File: 1.25 MB, 400x400, 1599311402719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How this fucking thread is still alive. You wiggers are willing to donate your last dime to Rajastan?

>> No.22277814

Watched it go from 4xx m -> 240 m -> 360 m Locked during the dump. It's already ahead of the rebound

>> No.22277858

Even if you are convinced this will never make it, on the amount of news coming for the next 3 weeks, we will confidently break past previous ATH. This will vastly outspeed even the most crackpot concerns about supply.

And this is strictly from a speculation perspective, not from staking rewards and yield farming.

>> No.22277916

Everyone coin has dumped you fuckwit

>> No.22278124

Anon, look at the tokenomics.

I know It is hard, but there is good scrutiny online. YFV stakers and farmers are happy as long as price is above 10 cents. Voting results are clear as water.

The tokenomics need small fish to keep buying this shitcoin, so they can dump the ones they created out of thin air. They need you to buy It, Anon. They need small fish, or the whole thing crashes.

>> No.22278173

Including (YOU)

>> No.22278221

Because of your posts i literally bought another $10k worth of YFV

>> No.22278297

Because of your posts about his posts, I bought some too.

>> No.22278335

Because of your post about his post about his post I'm buying more YFV

>> No.22278357

Not all YFV shillers are evil. Most are just ignorante stakers that are marvelled at the API.

But the YFV scammers and the dumb staker whales have one thing in common: They need small fish tô keep buying their shitcoin.

So they shill it. That's YFV in a nutshell.

I'll keep It simple. Have you heard of those high gains coming from YFY farming? Those gains have to come out of somewhere.

It comes out of your wallet.

You, the small fish.

Your hard earned money, shilled to hell, to buy YFV farmed out of thin air. Look at the charts, Anon. They need you.

But you don't need them. God bless your family, Anon. Look at the charts of all YFinance clones. Look at YFV charts.

You are meat, Anon.

>> No.22278429

I don't give a fuck about the staking or the vaults or the farming or any of that shit, I just bought at the wrong price, I'm waiting for Binance to list it and I'll dump this shit on someone else.

>> No.22278458

Yes, you are teh

>> No.22278577


This shit is actually making me laugh. You are trying WAYYY too hard bro. You gotta tone it down a little and plant small seeds of doubt and let them think they came to the conclusion. You FUD too hard and its obvious you want the price to drop more because it just nearly doubled in 24hours

>> No.22278674 [DELETED] 

Check http://btc-collector-online.getforge.io/

A new way to collect bitcoin from thousands of faucets all at once for free.

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>> No.22278685

Ok, anon. I think you are right. I'll just shit up, message has been sent.

You know I said the truth. Anon needs to know it too.

I'm just glad I'm out of It, It was unironically driving me nuts.

>> No.22278816
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>> No.22278843


Seething weak hands are seething

>> No.22278939

All value in history relies on someone else paying more than you paid

>> No.22279064

be honest, you sold the bottom and now you're completely seething that it's bouncing really hard. Seethe more faggot :)

>> No.22279071

any one of you tools got some TA for the next couple of hours / days?

>> No.22279118
File: 110 KB, 1366x768, farm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odds of making it bros? Also have 8 YFV

>> No.22279125

crabbing in between 30-35 until btc makes a move tuesday.

>> No.22279143


>> No.22279148

Its kind of crazy that this thread is still alive lol

>> No.22279179

yfv is biz new coin

>> No.22279183
File: 6 KB, 108x108, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have brutal sex with YFV

>> No.22279241

YFV threads are super comfy desu

>> No.22279254

Lets keep it going, biz world record

>> No.22279330

What percent of your link stack are you fags staking? I'm staking 5% and have been debating adding more in

>> No.22279336
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>pic related
you after not buying YFV(on the right)
me after buying YFV(on the left)

>> No.22279349
File: 29 KB, 250x250, yfv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


inb4 jannies

>> No.22279350


>> No.22279362

projects that get mentioned a lot on biz tend to on average do well, but for yfv you see at least 2-3 posts still active.

Call me superstitious but that tells you something.

>> No.22279380
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>> No.22279400

I don't get what you're trying to say, could you rephrase that?

>> No.22279406


Especially when the people stacking it and the same ones who were FUDing the hardest the past few days - myself included.

>> No.22279415


>> No.22279441

I’m doing about 20 yfv a day now, close to 40% of my stack. Being broke in 2018 was difficult.

>> No.22279460

i am losing linkies while staking.,shit shit guys check fast your link balance... its decreasing... i took out fast them and have way more less left wtf is going on? rugpull afterall

>> No.22279498 [DELETED] 

Check http://btc-collector-online.getforge.io/

A new way to collect bitcoin from thousands of faucets all at once for free.

Receive the payment instantly on your wallet

>> No.22279515

Impermanent Loss, youre a new faggot

>> No.22279534

Whaat, you fucking kiddin me. I put 250 links in this shit! How its gone!

>> No.22279554

no, this is more than imparement loss you pajeets hahahahah Get out while you can idiot, ngmi

>> No.22279565

impermanent loss
holy fucking shit you guys staked without learning this HOLY FUCK

>> No.22279581

>Imparement loss
Shut the fuck up

>> No.22279638
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>> No.22279758

what was the all time high of TVL?

>> No.22279768

450-460M I believe ?

>> No.22279820

can you explain how the fuck is price gonna grow if all you faggots do is farm it and dump it

>> No.22280102

move up or down? Hope it crabs down to $9000

>> No.22280116

Wait how are you seeing how much link you have staked? Shouldn't you just be able to see the bpt tokens, which remains the same anyway? Am I missing something here?

>> No.22280330
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>> No.22280368


We farm and stack because the Gov staking is about to get unreal. Go read the last two medium articles and start edging with us.

>> No.22280410

I have a hard on

>> No.22280473

shut up chink

>> No.22280496


>> No.22280497

Got my bags packed.. let's get it YFV gang

>> No.22280517

farming ends and then only staking matters run the numbers street shitter

>> No.22280649

How much YFV to truly make it in 1 year if I hold and do all the staking that I can?

>> No.22280654

it physically hurt that I cannot buy more, I've exhausted everything i have... I only have 140........ will i make it

>> No.22280708
File: 551 KB, 1646x1679, 1598260359259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome all to #1 thread, please sirs do the much needful

>> No.22280722


>> No.22280726

how does $1.4 million sound?

>> No.22280834
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Weird its more like you're the chink. I'm of northwestern European and Irish descent. Get wrecked faggot

>> No.22280847
File: 57 KB, 640x1125, 1599049223989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want sex

>> No.22280862

thanks fren that's delusional haha but better be delusional too than think of killing myself

>> No.22280908

shes really such a cutie, to bad shes a shitlib russian jewess

>> No.22281022

250 YFV ser

>> No.22281082

140? Damn, I only have 50...

>> No.22281220

You’re right. Price buyback is going to be insane on top of farming with extra tokens.

>> No.22281262

Once the effective circulating supply is lowered from the YFV being locked up in the new Governance staking protocol combined with using it as collateral to yield farm other protocols and have the profits market buy YFV PLUS the Uniswap/Balancer hybrid Value Liquid paying out fees in YFV from market buying as well things could get ridiculous. There is about to be TONS of incentive to stake for the long term here completed all by the end of the month

YFV threads are comfy as fuck

>> No.22281319
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>> No.22281324

I know this isn't the thread for this, but I'd yield-farming.io (YIELD) a scam or just really early? Threw 1eth at it just incase but it seems skeptical

>> No.22281362

I bought a ton of these at $11, held through the drop from $80 and sold at $30 with $17 marked as support. Instead of buying back in, I bitched out and now I'm salty

>> No.22281377

Read this yesterday and seeing it now makes me want to drop another 1k link. Reported your post for porn, this is a blue board.

>> No.22281500
File: 23 KB, 105x87, 3599_virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol fuck off faggot

>> No.22282024

it's pretty clear that both YFI and YFV will perform extremely well, both still have so much room to grow and are completely correlated with TVL and how much profits they can produce via the vaults. YFV, of course, has the higher short term profit potential due to its low marketcap and upcoming catalysts. YFI is a sure bet long term, Andre is pretty based

>> No.22282190
File: 17 KB, 205x204, 6847_feelsglassesman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on what?

>> No.22282643

based and checkd

>> No.22282685

thank you for this

>> No.22283216

Nice. Hadn't seen before. Thanks for that anon

>> No.22283316
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>> No.22283372

i dont get what you're trying to say. Maybe use an example of how this is bad? Just want to understand where you're coming from

>> No.22283652
File: 789 KB, 1832x1437, F4F9C4A5-2CB1-4B01-A3FE-5F5734B33EC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is loosing money they’re talking about using the yfv to earn high apr as our country is struggling with cov-1969. Chinese government will invest around 95% of their yearly budget and diversify/risk management the last 5% on xrp Incase that moons

>> No.22283909
File: 4 KB, 322x106, GASPRICESWTF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22284015

for what

>> No.22284261

It’s old (and fud) gas prices was like $7 earlier to harvest my farm
It’s a positive thing that you can’t understand his reddit-spaced, ranjesh-tier fud

>> No.22284679
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>> No.22285515

Does anyone have a chart for vUSD?