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22247869 No.22247869 [Reply] [Original]

How do you become mentally strong to gain iron hands and hodl during these bearish markets?

>> No.22247922

Become my tranime gf.

>> No.22248030
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Because if I sell it will go back up.
Because every trade I make means I have to pay taxes.
So I just hold. It'll go back up. It always does.

>> No.22248043
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It's actually pretty easy for me. I'm far more scared of missing the moon mission than getting dumped on so I never sell.

>> No.22248075

Buy More

>> No.22248140

How? I already bought Crypto last week with money I could spare only to watch this week spiral into hell. I'm willing to buy more if it's like this all the way into November.

>> No.22248263

Just don't sell.

>> No.22248299


>> No.22248354
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Just don’t sell

>> No.22248430

This. I would far rather be dumped on than watch it moon from the sidelines. I have my golden ticket and no dump will change that

>> No.22248450

By experiencing the pain and gaining a tolerance. Soon you will become a soulless husk that doesn’t feel a thing.

T. Lost 40k in a few days

>> No.22248485

Buy a coin that’s comfy as fuck and bullish and not dumping like Strong - Strongblock.io join the telegram and read about it. You will buy and then problem solved

>> No.22248494

Every market (i.e not just crypto) is tanking right now. If you’re too much of a pussy to hold through a collective crashing of the markets, and if you’re too uninformed to understand what that means for your holdings going forward, then just sell and go back to wageslaving

>> No.22248557
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>not taking profits and holding while whales and sergei sell is proof of strength

Well the first step is to become an actual cuck once you are ok with watching another man fuck your woman you will be ok with another guy fucking your money by dumping on you

>> No.22248579

Buy crypto with money that you will never miss, close the terminal and forget about it. Check in after a couple of years.

>> No.22248580

IM NEVER FUCKING SELLING. Just gonna pass my crypto on to my children. That way they can fuck it up and not me.

>> No.22248625

You literally learn how to meditate and eventually you emotions are completely decoupled from price. I recently quadrupled a low bag Ive been eyeing and starting averaging more LINK buys.

I bought a lot in 2017 to 2018 and watched my portfolio do the same it is now. 50% pumps and dumps all the time.

>> No.22248628

so much this. Bull markets make me go wild.
bear markets are super relaxing.
If I see everything moon except my shitcoin I want to kill myself. If everything is bear I'm comfy

>> No.22248634

>How do you become mentally strong
the problem is that you never had conviction in your coin picks in the first place
so you FUD whenever you see a red candle, come here and beg for advice

>> No.22248708
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Just believe in yourself

>> No.22248776

I’ve already let go of my attachment when it comes to link. I’m at peace with whatever happens, I’m not desperate for cash

>> No.22248786

Just don't fucking touch it. Buy if you want, but why the fuck would you sell low even if it's going to go lower? Do you have balls the size of tic tacs?

>> No.22248803

yep this is it
I've been in this game long enough to know that timing markets is for whales.

>> No.22248859


>How do you become mentally strong to gain iron hands and hodl during these bearish markets?
By not being a little faggot. I won't accept losses. I will ride my shitcoins all the way to hell if need be. I'm not letting go of them for a loss.

>> No.22248938

1000 eoy

>> No.22248989
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By remembering that a bear market is the time to buy. Bear markets are a relief.

>> No.22249224

>Because every trade I make means I have to pay taxes.
Wrong you only pay taxes on money you make

>> No.22249333

while true, say you set aside the tax owed and buy back in with the remainder, unless it dumped more than the tax % you will end up with a smaller position than you started with. It would’ve worked out in this case if you sold the 15-20 range, but that’s a lucky gamble

>> No.22249591

>So I just hold. It'll go back up. It always does.
You hold through a golden bull run, and more importantly, the following dump. If you make it that far, congratulations, you're now completely numb to paper gains and losses.

>> No.22249750
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Learn not to be a RETARD and sell IMMEDIATELY when a crypto crash occurs.

Sep 02 13:00 is when you should have USTether'd EVERYTHING.

You could have used your USDT capital to x3 your altcoin portfolio when the market recovers again.

Next time dont be a complete retard.

>> No.22249860

The answer noone here will admit to is to just be well off before investing. It hurts a lot less when your hopes for the future aren't married to the price of shitcoins. More skin in the game means more pain, trust fund babies will NEVER understand these feels. They wouldn't last a week hodling like this.

>> No.22250038

By having such severe mood problems that finding the book I wrote my password in, getting/starting my laptop, and moving stuff around would take too much effort.

>> No.22250128

hurrr durr it's easy just know when the exact top is and sell hurrrrr and derrrrr uhhhh just know when the exact bottom is and buy herrrrrrrr. faggot hurrrrrr durrrrrrr. den get on 4chans and talk shit durrrrr

>> No.22250472

I put in $5k in 2017. it went below $1k, then up to $20k where I pulled out the initial $5k. now everything is profit. that makes it much easier. also, this >>22250038 I use paper wallets and the hassle and lack of security is a big disincentive to shuffle things around too much

>> No.22250828

stop checking and obsessing over it

let it go

>> No.22251030

Coinbase vault 48hr delay and their alarming fees inhibit impulsive sales.

>> No.22251118

Fuck off Elsa. The emotional journey is half the fun, and you can't enjoy the gains without wallowing in the loses.

>> No.22251474 [DELETED] 

Bug people not welcome
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>> No.22251547



JESUS. I used to think hodlers were 5/10 students who if they just kept on holding BTC or ETH or Chainlink or the next BTC they'd make some nice gains, but that's bullshit.
There is absolutely no fucking reason not to sell the top when you a sudden 400%-800% increase in just 3-7 days. Only exceptionally rare nonshitcoins which everybody wants to buy during a bull market like YFI and ETH in 2017 make sense to keep on growing for MONTHS without a correction.