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File: 9 KB, 201x251, jpow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22243676 No.22243676 [Reply] [Original]

Alright listen up anons.

I know every Pajeet and their goat is shilling crypto here but I found a genuine gem that I want to share with y'all: JPOW token (named after our illustrious money printer in chief). It's actually a fresh take on the usual tendies-style deflationary coin bullshit and thankfully it has nothing to do with the yield farming food ponzis.


Here's how it works.

The currency is inflationary and users vote to set the inflation rate every day (8%, 4%, or 0%). Chads who own the coin can stake their tokens for 24 hours to be able to vote on the inflation rate. After every 24 hour voting period, the total supply of the coin increases by the inflation rate voted on.

The only wrinkle is that new tokens minted as a result of inflation are only distributed to those who staked and voted during that period. So this way all the casual HODLers who don't read the site get inflated away.

Currently something like 9% of the total supply of the coin is staked but if you stake a decent amount of coin it's free money.

Price is also down right now since last night but easy 2x once this thing lists on coingecko and picks up again. Devs also locked liquidity for a year.

TLDR: New uniswap gem that has traded down with cool concept

>> No.22243716

lol as soon as coingecko lists this shit its going to moon, anons do yourself a favor and buy this shit while you still can

>> No.22243728

Jpow is gonna save crypto just like he saved the stock market

>> No.22243805


>> No.22243937

Wish I could keep buying more of this thing

>> No.22244348


What happens if whales vote for 0% inflation

>> No.22244422

Then no new coins are printed but idk why they would want to vote for that this stage in the coin's life

Current vote is !00% for 8% rn

>> No.22244600

100% for 8%

>> No.22244792


Okay im gonna have to double check this

>> No.22244964
File: 41 KB, 896x353, 7S613w5 - Imgur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22244996


I meant whether this is actually profitable

>> No.22245391

Has worked out decently well for me

Think it will work out even better once it gets listed

>> No.22245636
File: 287 KB, 2000x2000, jpowuniswa p.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you stake or just hold?

>> No.22245676


Gonna stake a lot prob worth it imo

>> No.22245732

This samefagging nigger shills this all day. Obvious scam, avoid.