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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22234732 No.22234732 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22234773


>> No.22234804
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>> No.22234920

Bro I’m in the same boat as you and the only thing I can say that I think helps me is that buy something that makes you fee fucking passionate so passionate that it could drop to .1cent and you wouldn’t give a fuck and I know you are probably thinking that’s impossible but that’s the point find that coin/investment that rings to your core the coin that keeps you up at night and we WILL get through this together good luck anon...... good luck

>> No.22234931

can someone give a quick rundown why it’s all crashing down all of a sudden?

>> No.22234951


>> No.22234956

jews passing the collection plate around

>> No.22235172

Calm the fuck down. If this is your first crash, have your freak out and then gain some perspective. We've been through shit like this dozens of times throughout the years, sometimes more depending on the cryptocurrencies you're invested in. This is normal after a massive run up and it'll recover eventually. Could be next week, could be next month, could be six months from now. Just relax. You shouldn't be in crypto for the short term unless you really know what you're doing.

>> No.22235221

Losing $50K a day and don’t feel a thing. 2018 crash forged the strongest hands there are.

>> No.22235397

Lost 40-60% of my portfolio and immediately went into Tether / fiat. Had a literal mental breakdown because I saw it coming but decided to hold anyway. I hold myself to a high standard so doing something that stupid hurt. The best lessons always do.

Do what I'm doing - take a nice long break, good few weeks. Suddenly we'll be in bull again.

>> No.22235434


crypto is a speculation bubble. everything crashes and pumps for no reason.

>> No.22235507

How can i take a break and just stop getting on /biz/, telegram and coingecko? I just want to forget i have anything and come back in a month.

>> No.22235567

wow thats actually solid advice thanks fren

>> No.22235823
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now you're just gonna miss the huge recovery that's starting 12 hours from now

>> No.22235857

Go on everywhere like your normal routine and make pretend trades in your head, after about a week of having FORCIBLY deleted everything from your phone and blocking relevant domains if you have to.

Once you're back to making pretend profit on the pretend trades, start entering positions. Then, apply the same mindset when the actual money is in.

Would also recommend having a hard set of rules if you don't already. I didn't, I'm putting a set together. Things to 100% do so you don't emotionally trade. I'm not done with the numbers or all the rules, but I've got a couple so far; I'll be printing them and putting them on the wall behind me and following them to a tee:

- If up 30%+ on a position, as soon as a SINGULAR dip in value is spotted on chart / uniswap, remove at least 40% of the position. This means that coins actively mooning coins don't get sold too early, but you also don't get too attached to positions. Grind profit, don't get it all at once.
- If down 20% on a position, bail out. Re-enter later if desired but if it's dipping that hard after your entry - you probably bought the top you fucking idiot.
- If buying new uniswap shits - do not while pumping or after a pump - only on a heavy dip and only if strong fundamentals.
- Buy EVERYTHING that CT shills if close enough to the shill tweet, like 10-15 minutes. Exit ASAP in almost certain profit because that's how CT works, especially with any new uniswap tokens.
- Don't buy only bitcoin has filled the CME gap. If another forms, exit all positions as soon as possible.

>> No.22235874

Enjoy getting shit on by the CME gap you fucking retard, but I do honestly hope that you don't by being smart enough to buy things that don't get owned. Tether it up cunt and let the market play.

>> No.22235922

Yeah seriouisly as long as you ain't investing in shady uniswap scam coins, just stop looking at your wallet/portfolios, go fap, play games, come back in a week or so.

I invested in coins that ain't going to die off without some big news and advanced warnings. I know they'll go back up eventually so I am avoiding obsessing over the current bear market.

The bulls will return, they always do.

>> No.22236073

This. Nothing wrong with being a holder. Accumulate on dips and forget