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22219731 No.22219731 [Reply] [Original]

Share your pain. show solidarity and empathy. tell toxic fucks to fuck off/kill themselves. those are the rules of this thread.

>down 40% in two days

>> No.22219755

You are gay

>> No.22219771

I dont know anyone who's not down at least 15% these last days
Who cares just buy more

>> No.22219798

kys edgelord

>> No.22220429

i somehow cashed out my BZRX and much of my ETH on Tuesday before everything started to crash so I'm up on those. Down on BTC, but that'll come back up. Switched my ADA to XRP, I got out of ADA with a 10% loss (a few hundred?) but I believe XRP will make me a rich man so I am not scared.

Lost $400 in minutes yesterday after I bought a Uniswap P&D that looked promising literally minutes before it dumped. Put 1.1 ETH into it, checked it ~20 minutes later and my metamask had gone from ~500 to ~100.

>> No.22220500

Don't put your faith in man, put your faith in God.

>> No.22220871

I discovered all women were whores long ago but i got deluded and fell for this girl about december of 2018. Throughout the next half year or so the manipulative and psycho cunt dominated my thoughts 24 7 and made me into a shell of what i was before. As june hit, we had just graduated hs and after a huge shitshow she dumped me. We didnt talk for months and i began to recover and realize what a cuck i was. We were heading to different universities and after having spent years repeating the mantra of "ill never continue my high school relationship entering college" i had managed to delude myself into thinking "naw itll be fine." She saved me from that at least. Anycase come november and we're back for thanksgiving and she hits me up and after i thought i had bren getting better i slither back to this slimy broad. I fuck her and we continue talking until throughout december she vanishes and then returns a week later as if nothing happened entering january. I should mention that throughout our psycho relationship she turned all of her friends against me and they all despise the shit out of me, so they very vocally encourage her to go fuck other people. Unsurprising. Anycase after January i drop that shit entirely and 7 months later i feel a lot better. I finally have freed myself from the whore.

>> No.22220928

However i let myself get out of shape and weak and havent been fucking like i used to. I began to improve and got back on tinder again after a few flings with some other women i knew. Now i match with her on tinder after swoping mindlessly and my bloodpressure goes to the roof and my heart pounds like im some fucking ptsd victim. This dumb broad. I'm stuck in my hometown because my uni is online but she shouldnt be here. Lo and behold she transferred to the university here in our hometown (i grew up in in a university town and its fairly prominent, but she was vehemently against attending [so was i] since we had lived here our entire lives) because hers was online and she didnt like it much there anyways. I lose all of my will and go over to fuck her at her apartment. After i arrive at the lobby she stops responding and i wait for like 20 minutes before driving home like the loser i am. I blocked her on everything. God im usually relatively good with women. They never get to me. I understand theyre all stupid fucking whores. But this one bitch who i happened to really like ends up throwing me around and for whatever god forsaken reason im so utterly weak against it. All my friends are long tired of hearing me complain about her. She wrecked my senior year of high school. Back in the december phase she would go around fuckin other dudes as we werent dating only fucking and it was the worst guttural feeling i ever had. Christ bros. How do i stop this. I have her blocked on all mediums but after 8 months of freedom shes reinfested my minds and dreams like some sort of fucking evil succubus. Its just so hard and i feel like such a pussy and this is the exact shit i tell my frkends never to get wrapped up in. Its just so hard

>> No.22220934
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>> No.22220973

Down about 22%. All them leveraged 3x got me good.

>> No.22221182

ADA is my worst investment so far

>> No.22221590
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I got an expensive lesson in how DeFi works. Not scammed by a clone, this ain't my first rodeo. I actually went through a bunch of content & info DYOR'ing. Learned much about the DeFi space at the price of being in the hole quite a bit right now.

My main problem is that I bought...then DYOR'ed. Would caution anons about that FOMO/exhuberance feeling. When you can't take a deep breath, move away from the computer, go do something else, then come back and find a similar outlook on the coin (without brooding on the coin while you were 'taking a break')....don't buy that shit. You are FOMO'ing or assuming there is guaranteed profits.

No profit is guaranteed, no money is printed without someone getting rekt, no leverage is to be taken lightly, you must decouple 'people talking about money concepts' & 'people talking about mooning' because it can be dangerous to not notice the difference. One has to do with finance, the other has to do with greed.

You can truly never DYOR enough.

Pic somewhat related and also a hilarious statement about the DeFi bullrun.