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File: 1.39 MB, 2604x1934, IMG_20170529_000329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2221524 No.2221524 [Reply] [Original]

post em, r8 em, h8 em

>> No.2221531

that's nice that you have the microwave so close OP

>> No.2221535

wheres your vape?

>> No.2221540


>> No.2221541


Is that a van?

>> No.2221544

What microwave

>> No.2221556

that's sad anon. Really fucking sad.

>> No.2221558

where the fuck do you live, a shipping container?

>> No.2221560

Do you live on a space station?

>> No.2221564


There's a seat belt buckle by the monitor. It's gotta be a van

>> No.2221568

comfy bunker

>> No.2221570

Is this a cab? nice-o

>> No.2221575
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>> No.2221576
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inb4 something like pic related happens

>> No.2221581

whats on your laptop?

>> No.2221601

its my lenovo e570 kaby lake arch linux build

>> No.2221602

that pupper sure is checking those graphs closely

id like to imagine hes your alarm clock for when shit goes down

>> No.2221613
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my guard doge

>> No.2221621

Is this on a cruise ship?

>> No.2221624

Is that a pupper or full grown doggo?

>> No.2221628

I think it's an amphibious van down by the river.

>> No.2221637

full grown

>> No.2221640

Van neet theory starting to seem more likely.

Do you solar and use mobile for internet?

How big is your hobo van?

>> No.2221658

It looks like a nice clean setup in a late model vehicle. Nomadic crypto trader life? Tell me more...
Do you have other sources of income or just live off trading? How do you get internet

>> No.2221662

What kind of internet setup do you have in your moneyvan?

>> No.2221710
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What's it like living inside a space station

>> No.2221724

OP, will you please tell us a little about your circumstance? I have always been interested in living in a van. I'm curious about how things like internet and power work.

>> No.2221728
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/biz/ doesn't even know the ultimate "NEET" job

>drive a truck all day long for a company
>live and sleep in company cab
>get paid to listen to audiobooks while driving
>don't pay rent or utilities
>get paid per mile driven

I just got a speeding ticket a few months back and I'm scared I may have fucked myself should I ever try to get a job driving. Otherwise seems like a cozy gig.

>> No.2221754

it's not bad, I reup on supplies every two weeks

my usual is
>1lb buddig black forest ham
>1lb buddig rotisserie chicken
>swiss cheese
>new york cheddar
>chicken in a biscuit crackers + cracker barrel cracker cuts extra sharp white cheddar
>12 pack coca cola
>v8 vegetable drink (original)
>gatorade (fruit punch)
>mint oreos
>carton of marlboro reds
>misc household stuff, paper plates/towels/asswipes etc.

straighttalk unlimited is the cheapest/best value for reliable data coverage that I've found. I buy 10 gigs for $55 and it usually lasts me about two weeks if I scavenge for wifi and limit my video streaming.

I make about $1k/week after tax, in addition to crypto trading. My goal is to save up enough money to buy a townhome and rent it out. I don't really trade crypto, I hold crypto.

>> No.2221771

oooohhhhhhohohohohoh fucking hell I'm in tears 10/10 would read again

>> No.2221776

Sure. This guy >>2221728 gets it. It's not a van, it's a semi-tractor.

>> No.2221787

You've literally just listed a full list of salt and fat. Get yourself a juicer, and a mini fridge, and start juicing fruits and vegetables and have a diet consisting of nothing but liquids, nuts and other micro nutrients like a real astronaut

>> No.2221792

>Get yourself a juicer

Don't do this OP, juicing is fucking pointless. You miss out on all that good fiber your body would be better off having

>> No.2221794
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>> No.2221796

Health > Wealth
You're aware that your body will not be able to sustain all of that for much longer, correct?
I'm just saying.

>> No.2221805
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Not with this baby, put in raw fruits and vegetables and drink it pulp and all

>> No.2221816

I've juiced before and it made me sick as a dog, not to mention how messy it is. It isn't practical for the road.

I take a variety of vitamins and suppliments to help stave off the beetus
>super b complex
>probiotic 10
>st johns wort (helps keep my sanity)
>mens multivitamin

salt and fats aren't really a concern. I'm 30 and I weigh 165lbs and I'm pretty lean with a fast metabolism

if anything, I need to cut out the sugar (soda and gatorade)

the v8 does wonders though... I can tell a huge difference when I've had it versus when I don't. I was never big on vegetables, and in a truck they are even more of a pain in the ass to keep.

>> No.2221821

wtf is any of this

>> No.2221823
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>> No.2221832

>the v8 does wonders though

Have you seen the amount of salt that shit has? It's like you're drinking nothing but marinara sauce from an old spaghetti-oh's can.

>> No.2221837

abject poverty in belarus?

think a speeding ticket will fuck me over in my job search? and should I get a CDL at a private school beforehand or let a company pay for it?

>> No.2221838

Looks like Angela Merkel

>> No.2221866

A speeding ticket shouldn't give you problems. I'm not sure whether I'd tell anyone about it, especially if the company you're looking to work for is out of state.

CDL school if you can afford it. If you can't, just go to a company for it, but beware, those companies suck ass and try to keep you as an indentured servant to pay it off.

What I did:
>couldn't afford private school
>went with one of the company funded programs
>worked for a year making jack shit, trying to pay it off
>said "fuck you" and quit after much aggrevation
>never paying them back, they can kiss my ass

They made us all sign promissory notes prior to our training, which was supposed to mean that they were legit federal student loans, which would have meant I couldn't avoid paying it back... but I knew it was bullshit because I wasn't eligible for any student loans on the count of not fulfilling my previous student loan requirements in community college and losing funding due to attendence and not fulfilling credit requirements. That was why I looked to trucking in the first place.

>> No.2221887

650 mg of sodium per serving

daily intake should be 1500-2300mgs, ideally less than 1500

again, a concern, but not a huge one.

>> No.2221908

1 ticket won't do much to a CDL job app unless they're feeling especially anal that day. Take it easy and don't get more though, ok?

>> No.2221920
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sounds like quite the year, I won't make your mistakes (except maybe the leaving college thing). I figured the DMV would have a record of my traffic violations in any state, so I didn't think I could hide it.

Overall, would you recommend it to a loner who loves to drive? (I've driven cross country 4x already) Thanks again for the tips.

I was going downhill on a highway at 6mph over the limit. I didn't even think I'd get one. I guess it wasn't my day.

>> No.2222254


>sick as a dog

Because your body has to get rid of all the toxic shit that has been building up for years on that terrible diet. You probably have a lot of literal shit backed up in your colon from a lack of fiber from fruits/veggies right off the bat. Your body needs to get rid of stuff frequently or you will be fucking yourself up man.

>> No.2222295
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I'd recommend trying it. It's hard to say if its for you or not, there is only one way to find out.

I can tell you that I'm a loner for sure. I like to be in my own head... I've always felt I didn't have enough time to figure out who I am or what I believe. Trucking has given me that. It has lead me to some revelations morally, politically, and spiritually (in a way). (most of which I wouldn't dare talk about with normies)

Seeing the country is interesting at first, but it loses it's novelty really quick once you realize that most places are the same. People are the same. Roads are the same. Everything is the same.

I like to think I'm doing something important... something that no one my generation is doing. But the reality is I'm just delivering cheez-its to bumfuck, kansas most of the time. And time is just as much of a commodity as it was before. I live my life in 10 hour windows, because that's what the regulations have forced the industry to impose on it's employees. 10 hours driving, 10 hours "resting" (which is when I eat/walk dog/browse internet/take a shit/shower/shave/wash clothes... oh and sleep)

To a normie it's a shitty blue collar job. But to me, a former car salesman, restaurant worker, programmer, etc. it is a godsend.

I used to hate being out. Now, when I come back home, it's not even for me. It's for those I've left behind. That's the real work --catching up to people who miss you. Sacrificing money to meet up for birthdays and concerts and weddings and anniversaries. I get back, and it's all so strange... I learn this happened to this person. And remember Jim and Sally? "Anon, he moved... how do you not know this? It was 4 months ago." etc.

I feel more at home on the road than I do back there.

>> No.2222338

How romantic, this always seemed like such a romantic pursuit to me, but the dangers of being on the road 10 hours a day in a truck that size put me off just as much. I know how similar the interstate system is the whole country across, you can be in bumfuck, Oregon and bumfuck, Georgia with the only discernible difference being gas station names and second-tier fast food names. It's the solitude and constant movement that entices me.

I like your style, you remind me of myself thinking the way you do. My degree is in horticulture, but my starting salary prospects are maybe 50k... and that's doing hard labor outdoors, paying rent, etc. I just don't see it being viable... Besides, I'm an actual schizoid, and this seems like the dream job for any schizoid NEET. That is, if they have competence on the road.

Maybe I'll pass you one day, before computers replace drivers or whatever the growing meme is.

>> No.2222374


It is, but I will warn you... you won't see that aspect for a while once you start training. Training is a gritty process. You'll deal with a lot of undesirable people, and quite frankly the industry is filled with them. There are many things that will turn you off during this process. But if you stick it out and finish what you start, you'll understand exactly why it was worth it when you finally hit the road solo and get all those other people out of your head.

For most people it's very difficult being away from home for an extended period of time. During training, you are not only away from home for several weeks, you are doing it with another human being that you never met before. Two people living together so closely is incredibly stressful, even if they like each other.

>> No.2222417

I guess a loner can get used to anything

>> No.2222726
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>> No.2222752
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doggo 7/10
furfags out -10/10

no bully pl0x

>> No.2222753

I like how only one person posted their battlestation.

>> No.2222754

does your mom care about the curtain setup in the middle of the living room?

>> No.2222818
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>> No.2222857

Pen, notebook, sticky notes, calculator.

You have everything you need to succeed.

>> No.2222905

haha i see it

>> No.2222938
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>> No.2223666
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took a picture of my desktop showing a picture of your desktop showing a picture of my desktop

>> No.2223729
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buy a handheld blender (hand blender, immersion blender) and make smoothies

>> No.2223766

Yeah, until your health starts getting rekt due to being sit ina bad position for hours.
Truck drivers don't live very long.

>> No.2223772

you live in a trailer park? lol also your legs look fat meaning you are prob fat so who cares.

>> No.2224364


People don't understand the limitations of having such a huge vehicle.

Sometimes I have to shit in a plastic grocery bag.

To juice requires that you are constantly buying fresh veggies, almost every other day. I can go to the store maybe like once a week if I'm lucky and plan it right.

Also, if I were to juice on the truck I'd have to have to have cups, water to clean the cups, dish soap, a bowl to do this in, rags to do it with, and a place to store my wet dirty rags that won't stink up the truck, a place to buy veggies, and a place to store them on the truck.

All I'm doing is a bunch of extra work to create a shitty meal that will leave me hungry in two more hours. When you juice, you have to split your meals. I can't just pull over 5 times a day to fuck around with a juice machine. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I know how things work.

Juicing isn't practical in a NORMIE lifestyle. It's unthinkable when you're living on the road in a CMV

>> No.2224392
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OP your van setup is fucking boss

Godspeed, you turbo neet. Fuck the haters

>> No.2224393
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>Not spending all your money to buy more ETH

>> No.2224411

I'm also a truck driver. It's the ultimate red pill job. I took home 6k last month. Essentially working half the month. But long days. It's a perfect job for you faggots.

Audiobooks while driving. Multiple stops per day. Trade while I'm stopped. But also get paid hourly. And boss doesn't care if I take breaks. It's the fucking life I tell ya

>> No.2224439
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Why in the fuck did I just read that?

>> No.2224442
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>> No.2224453
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>> No.2224505

> aerospace engineering student spotted

>> No.2224536

KU blows go K-State!

>> No.2224540

Fresh grad. It gives me plenty of money to blow on shitcoins.

>> No.2224599
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>> No.2224908

How can you not make juice but you have a dog living in there with you?

>> No.2224932



>> No.2224949


get a Juicero, all the juice without the mess.

>> No.2225018

What model van is that? Seems nice for quick camping and stuff